We need a President Trump

This is not something done in haste. This disgust with the Establishment (particularly the Republican Establishment) has been building for many years (even before Obama got elected to his first term and going back to the GWB days). What has happened is that Trump has given a strong voice to the concerns many Republicans have had and which the Republican Establishment has nearly completely ignored. The Democratic Establishment has basically refused to acknowledge it at all.
What qaz said. Essentially, what he's done is say all the crazy stuff that past candidates said that was popular with a certain sect of voters in order to win the nomination by riding that sect of voters.

He can't actually DO any of it, but who cares! Trump Trump Trump!

It's the exact same thing that Bernie is doing. Neither one of them can actually execute half of what they think they can.

So "what's the big deal about the wall?" It's a total waste of money. It doesn't solve anything (because yes, we ARE worried about our northern border security as well... there's evidence of its use by some not-so-good people, but we kinda ignore it because Canadians aren't perceived as a threat to the country even though they're here taking jobs and speaking foreign languages too!), and all it does is alienate the lower half of this hemisphere in a time when we should be trying to work with those folks who don't look like you and me.
Reading the gr8 quote in your reply a few times and I don't get where you see a racist bent, because he says nothing about race.

He's referring to my statement that the reason many Trump voters want a wall is to keep the browns out. I stand by it. It may not be driven by "racism", but it IS driven by a desire to stay "American" which predominantly means to preserve the culture which revolves largely around what European descendants like and want. I seriously doubt Trumpkins would be upset if a bunch of Mexicans rolled into Atlanta and made it the mariachi capital of the world instead of a hotbed of rap.

I don't think SDBoiler is an "anti-brownie" racist. Not sure about this other newer guy. He's really combative and unable to write a post without swearing or calling someone an idiot, but he gets all mad when someone thinks something might be driven by a desire for racial/cultural preservation.

As I said a few times, if we're concerned about border security, we should be concerned with border security and build the wall to the north as well. There is evidence that border is as much a sieve for bad folks as the southern one. Winter is Coming and all that.

In 2011, we deported 47,000 undocumented immigrants along the northern border. Just sayin'.
If for no other reason than to unite this country again after Obama.

Well, one conversation this country needs to have is leftist protestors getting violent at rallies. Protest all one wants it is the right of the individual. That said, getting way out of line. For some reason, do not see many independents or Republicans/conservatives showing up at Clinton or Sanders rallies and acting like idiots.
Yes, Hillary is doing so well that she keeps losing to Bernie Sanders. You just assume that the people who have come out to vote for Bernie will automatically vote for Clinton. Every day I see more and more Bernie supporters on TV saying that they do not like Hillary Clinton and will likely not vote for her, if they vote at all. Certainly, it is not wise to assume that these people will swing to Trump, but if millions of Bernie people sit out, Hillary's in deeper trouble than she already is.

Recent polls show Trump anywhere from being in the lead (2 points) to being down 3 points. The one where he's in the lead was taken with people who only have landlines, so it probably doesn't represent the general electorate too well.

There are droves of "Reagan democrats" and people who haven't voted for years that are gravitating to Trump. There is evidence that people are dropping Democrat registrations and becoming Independent or Republican, especially in places like Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

You keep bringing up Romney, but he had almost zero traction on the East Coast and in California. Trump may not win these states but he's going to get one hell of a lot more votes in these states than Romney did.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but this is the year of the Anti-Establishment Candidate. Hillary is the epitome of the Establishment. She has an incredible amount of baggage and Trump is going to club her over the head with it every chance he gets.

Hillary for Prison 2016!!!

This election more than others it seems like there is a lot of data out that more people are switching political parties. And right now, more are switching from Democrat to Republican. In addition to that, there seems to be a lot of information out that states supporters of Rubio/Cruz/Kasich etc would not vote for Trump. There is also a lot of information that says the same thing of Bernie supporters not voting for Clinton. One thing that Trump does have going for him right now is that preliminary data shows that he has reached new Republican voters and has reached Republican voters that have stayed home the last few elections.

We will see how it all shakes out. Trump seems to have the more loyal base as of right now. If Bernie wins or runs as an independent I think that changes. His supporters are the most steadfast IMO.

I liked Kasich but with him out am pretty much all in on Gary Johnson. With the uneasiness or maybe just flat out dislike of Trump and Clinton I think there is a chance for Libertarian party to make some real noise this election.
lol what Trump says no, really, I'll do all those things the others said they would do, like deport everyone, build a giant wall, etc etc...KNOWING full well (or maybe not, maybe he truly believes his own schtick) that he won't remotely deliver on what he promises EITHER.

If by some miracle Trump got elected, he'd do about 2 percent of all the wild ass stuff he's promised, and those folks would then be disgusted even more. Of course, there aren't enough of those folks to get him elected the first time so it's a moot point.

Pretty much known off the record that Trump told the NYT that he is not going to build a wall. However, I do think he will take the border issue more seriously than the past few Presidents. I think he was/is trying to win a Republican primary. Pretty similar to Clinton and how she has moved farther to the left to compete with Sanders. I do not think she means the far leftist rhetoric she says-she is likely to be more like her husband.
Because the wall would be pointless and wouldn't stop anything, for one thing, but more to the point it's his direct assault at a country to whom we should be tied very closely and not adversarial. This fear that Mexico is somehow gaining economic power that Trump seems to be leveraging against his constituents is irrational to the point of idiocy. Yep, they need us more that we need them, but when you start treating your friends like shit, see how that works out...

Why not build a wall with Canada? Oh, right, white skin.

Not sure what happened man but you never posted bs like this before. Used to be more thought out.

A wall and proper security, along with a better judicial system to deal with illegals/asylum seekers on the southern border would go a long way to improving the overall situation.

Right now, the system in place is not fair
-to people who came here and have been here a few years(albeit illegally) that live under threat of family being split up and under the threat of deportation.
-Not fair to the American taxpayer who ends up paying to support those on welfare, medical issues, schooling etc.
-Illegals take a lot of jobs and the rhetoric is it is jobs people do not want-but then why every time is there a bust at places like Wabash National and Meat Processing facilities, and hundreds of illegals are sent home, there is a line a half mile long for job applications by actual US citizens?
-They send a lot of the money made back to CA/Mexico

The last two points are helping crush American budgets. And I am sure you have read what has happened to some US Veterans that happened to take a wrong turn at the border crossing. Relationships work both ways.

Was not aware with all of these issues from Canada(dws). Another point I do not get with people's disdain for how Trump wants to handle illegals. He lists the total number of estimated illegals at 10-12 million. Roughly 70% of that number is from MExico and Central America. The other part is largely from Russia, Eastern European, and Asian countries If he had said he was just sending the 6 million CA/Mexicans back I could get the angst and racism/bigotry claims. But he has always mentioned the full total number-at least of what I have heard.

Oh and another thing, I do not have an issue with people wanting to come here, to work, and be in a safer place that they feel has better opportunities. I really think the people that have an issue with that is under 5% But this, yes, I have an issue with_

America needs to get in time with other countries that have some pretty stringent immigration policies. Produce, work, stay out of trouble or get out.
This election more than others it seems like there is a lot of data out that more people are switching political parties. And right now, more are switching from Democrat to Republican. In addition to that, there seems to be a lot of information out that states supporters of Rubio/Cruz/Kasich etc would not vote for Trump. There is also a lot of information that says the same thing of Bernie supporters not voting for Clinton. One thing that Trump does have going for him right now is that preliminary data shows that he has reached new Republican voters and has reached Republican voters that have stayed home the last few elections.

We will see how it all shakes out. Trump seems to have the more loyal base as of right now. If Bernie wins or runs as an independent I think that changes. His supporters are the most steadfast IMO.

I liked Kasich but with him out am pretty much all in on Gary Johnson. With the uneasiness or maybe just flat out dislike of Trump and Clinton I think there is a chance for Libertarian party to make some real noise this election.
Gary Johnson doesn't have "a snowball's chance in hell". He'll end up with 2 - 4% of the vote MAX.
Gary Johnson doesn't have "a snowball's chance in hell". He'll end up with 2 - 4% of the vote MAX.

I do not disagree. I would like to see Libertarians get around 10% of vote and maybe win a House or Senate seat. Anyway, just not voting for Clinton and do not see myself voting for Trump. I think he has some good ideas, I would rather have him or his people work a trade deal than some career politician, I think he will be decisive. That said, I think he will also be a lot like Obama and I do not think the country really needs anymore division or rhetoric in the near future.
Not sure what happened man but you never posted bs like this before. Used to be more thought out.

A wall and proper security, along with a better judicial system to deal with illegals/asylum seekers on the southern border would go a long way to improving the overall situation.

Right now, the system in place is not fair
-to people who came here and have been here a few years(albeit illegally) that live under threat of family being split up and under the threat of deportation.
-Not fair to the American taxpayer who ends up paying to support those on welfare, medical issues, schooling etc.
-Illegals take a lot of jobs and the rhetoric is it is jobs people do not want-but then why every time is there a bust at places like Wabash National and Meat Processing facilities, and hundreds of illegals are sent home, there is a line a half mile long for job applications by actual US citizens?
-They send a lot of the money made back to CA/Mexico

The last two points are helping crush American budgets. And I am sure you have read what has happened to some US Veterans that happened to take a wrong turn at the border crossing. Relationships work both ways.

Was not aware with all of these issues from Canada(dws). Another point I do not get with people's disdain for how Trump wants to handle illegals. He lists the total number of estimated illegals at 10-12 million. Roughly 70% of that number is from MExico and Central America. The other part is largely from Russia, Eastern European, and Asian countries If he had said he was just sending the 6 million CA/Mexicans back I could get the angst and racism/bigotry claims. But he has always mentioned the full total number-at least of what I have heard.

Oh and another thing, I do not have an issue with people wanting to come here, to work, and be in a safer place that they feel has better opportunities. I really think the people that have an issue with that is under 5% But this, yes, I have an issue with_

America needs to get in time with other countries that have some pretty stringent immigration policies. Produce, work, stay out of trouble or get out.
Pretty sure I've spelled this out in later posts. Pretty obviously, the "white skin" comment was meant to incense a certain poster who deserves to be incensed.

I'm all for immigration policies.

I'm not for a "wall" because it's stupid, expensive, and wouldn't solve anything.
well post pics of your guitar setup and lets talk about that.

Oh, I'd have no problem with genuine guitar discussion.

My comments have much more to do with the fact that so many people have left the board. I was hoping election season would bring some people back.

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