walked around Stockholm and Uppsala Sweden and....


Jun 19, 2001
did not come across any no go zones. In fact, for the most part the place looked considerably less diverse than Cincinnati or any other US city of similar size. I did have some reindeer stew and a moose burger, and both were outstanding. I also noticed that Swedes are not only considerably taller on average than Americans, hardly any are overweight let alone obese.

On the other hand, a 25% VAT (12.5% for food) made things a bit expensive. $10 beers got old real quick.

But no no go zones.
well of course you didn't

you wouldn't be here if you had!

Don't go Noodle! Don't go!!
Re: well of course you didn't

Noods, please respond. Did you visit any of the No Go Zones on the Stockholm map that I provided?

It works like this: If you go to Orlando and visit Sea World but not DisneyWorld and then come home and say "I didn't see Mickey Mouse in Orlando", that doesn't mean that he isn't there.
"...hardly any are overweight let alone obese."

"$10 beers..."

Coincidence? :D

The difference in height is probably due to our diversity and the lack thereof of theirs. Remember, we're the mutts :D.
yes totally diverse

over 90 percent of the population is either native Swede or from an EU country.

Even being ultra conservative and assuming every single immigrant from Africa and the ME is Muslim, that would be maybe 3-4 percent of the population (which also means the non-white percentage of the population, at most, is clearly under 10 percent).

So now we know what buygreekbonds thinks equals diversity (with a pretty clearly negative viewpoint)...less than 10 percent of the population.
Why is Sweden the rape capital of the West?

All holy and sacred Diversity. All holy and sacred Multiculturalism.

In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the
former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years
later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries. According to a survey from 2010,
Sweden, with 53.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants, is surpassed only by
tiny Lesotho in Southern Africa, with 91.6 rapes per 100,000

But you'll never hear the left complaining about that "war on women". Why? Because they don't care about protecting women. Instead they care about their war on the West. Diversity and Multiculturalism provide them with plenty of foot soldiers.

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West
you are bad at math

so, we have more blacks, more hispanics, more Muslims, more of every type of ethnicity in the world. We have more Muslims in the US than Sweden has non-Swedes TOTAL.

Sweden is over 90 percent white/Swede/European. The remaining 9 percent comes from outside the EU.

Your logic argues that by letting in a small amount of non-whites/Swedes, it's caused them to be the "rape capital of the West."

So by that logic, why aren't we, the most multicultural, least white Western nation, the "rape capital of the West?"
Re: you are bad at logic

So, you're denying that immigration policy, aka Diversity and Multiculturalism, has played a role in the increase in violent crime, including rape, in Sweden? Yes, you are. Then explain the increase violent crime rate that just happened to coincide with a change in immigration policy.

You mentioned blacks and hispanics living in the US. Well, yes, they do have higher violent crime rates than whites. But you'll dismiss that as being caused by "socioeconomic factors" or other such marxoid nonsense. You'd also oppose any immigration policy that restricted their admission, based on crime rates, as "racist". Of course that's in part why the term "racist" was invented.

One reason we're not the rape capital of the West is because of our "racist" criminal justice system. You know, the one that disproportionately convicts blacks and hispanics. The same criminal justice system that you and your fellow lefties denounce and would like to replace with probably something like Sweden's. Another reason is gun ownership. Legal gun owners prevent crime. But you and your fellow lefties would like to take their guns away which would lead to an increase in crime. Another reason is the welfare state. Sweden's is more generous and it breeds more criminals. But you and your fellow lefties would like us to have a more generous welfare state like Sweden's.

There are many reasons beyond immigration why a nation's violent crime rate may go up. But immigration certainly can be one of the reasons. Do non-Swedes, aka Diversity and Multiculturalism, disproportionately commit violent crime in Sweden? Absolutely. Is immigration policy to blame? Absolutely. But because there isn't a perfect correlation with that and violent crime you claim that means there is no correlation. Crappy logic ya got there.

This post was edited on 3/1 2:09 PM by GMM

get someone to explain it to you.

Perfect correlation? LMAO.
Avoid the issue?


Tell us if allowing the third world, especially Muslims, to emigrate to Sweden has been good or bad for Sweden.

This post was edited on 3/1 4:45 PM by GMM
Re: well of course you didn't

Originally posted by buygreekbonds:
Noods, please respond. Did you visit any of the No Go Zones on the Stockholm map that I provided?

It works like this: If you go to Orlando and visit Sea World but not DisneyWorld and then come home and say "I didn't see Mickey Mouse in Orlando", that doesn't mean that he isn't there.
I'm absolutely sure that, while Noodle was in Stockholm enjoying himself, he made sure to pull out the copy of the "no go zone" map that you provided him in order to make sure he went where your bizarre conspiracy garbage says he shouldn't...

Don't look now, but your tinfoil hat might be coming loose...
Re: well of course you didn't

Pastor Joe, maybe you should limit your posts to thumpin' the Good Book. You seem to get lost rather quickly in the secular world.

That "No Go Zone" map was made by the Swedish police. Google it for yourself.

I said nothing about any conspiracy. That is the hobgoblin within your head, not mine. It isn't a conspiracy at all, Moslems have made it very clear that we are infidels and that killing us and dying in a holy war, a jihad, is the way to an houri of 77 virgins. And they believe it just as over the top as you believe your Jesus mumbo jumbo, perhaps more so.
Re: well of course you didn't

Originally posted by buygreekbonds:
Pastor Joe, maybe you should limit your posts to thumpin' the Good Book. You seem to get lost rather quickly in the crazy, delusional and completely psychotic world in my head.
Fixed it for you.
you've provided

zero evidence that Muslims are the reason for the increase in the rape rate. None.

You've provided correlation, and I've shown how Muslims being present in greater numbers in another country didn't result in that country being "the rape capital of the west." (The causation part).

Considering they have one of the highest standards of living, plus a host of other reasons to want to live there, I think Sweden has done just fine allowing "the third world" to emigrate there.
Re: you've provided

No, you're in denial because the truth is at odds with your worldview. As the article states:

Twenty-one research reports from the 1960s until today are unanimous in their conclusions: Whether or not they measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:

1960-1970s - 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes1980s - 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes1990s - 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes2000s - 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes
These patterns occur all over Europe where they've imported Muslims or third worlders in large numbers. But you go ahead and stay in denial. It makes it easier for you to believe you care about women's rights and whatnot.
I tried to but....

customs in Sweden confiscated did TSA in Chicago with respect to my bottle of Aquavit (the duty free shop at the Stockholm airport did not put it in the right kind of bag). I did, however, wander quite a bit in Stockholm (and a little bit in Uppsala), and never once felt uncomfortable or unsafe--including a rather long walk to dinner at night.

As for diversity in Sweden, there is VERY little (at least in comparison to the U.S.). Heck, you would see a much more diverse group of people shopping at an IKEA store in the U.S. than you see on the streets of Sweden. In fact, almost all of the overtly non-Swedish people I had contact with were cab drivers--then again, that's not any different than here in the U.S. Blame GPS mapping systems, I suppose. Without it a foreign-born cab driver with limited English proficiency would have a hard time surviving in his job.

And since I do not care to jump into the silly debate going on over Sweden being the rape capital of the World/Europe, crimes committed by immigrants, etc., I will make a couple of points here. First, Sweden is not really the rape capital of the World/Europe. The reason their stats are so high is due largely to the way in which they collect data and what they include within the definition of rape. Sweden even has something which translates as "minor rape," which is what Julian Assange has been accused of. Here in the U.S., a lot of what Sweden defines as rape would not be defined as such in the U.S. Also, I have read that in Sweden each incident is rape by the same accused person against the same victim is counted as a separate act of rape for purposes of reporting data. While here in the U.S. that would often result in multiple counts in an indictment, it typically is not counted as multiple acts of rape when it comes to crime statistics.

As for immigrant crimes in Sweden, it is absolutely true that the crime rate is higher among immigrants. I'll leave it to others to debate the significance of this fact. I will say, however, that I think that one significant factor throughout Europe with respect to immigrants is that European countries generally do a really poor job of assimilating immigrants into their population. In part, I think that's due to cultural differences between Europe and the U.S., including our long-standing tradition of being a melting pot.

All in all, I enjoyed my week in Sweden. The people are nice, everyone speaks fluent English, the food is great, and there is quite a bit to see and do (especially in the summer).
I'm not going to waste time

going over ALL of the ways that this over simplistic analysis is not proof of anything.

2.1 to 19.5 times? No wide delta v there calling anything into question.

Not differentiating between convictions versus being suspected? Yeah, who cares, they probably all did it anyways.

The fact that Sweden actually doesn't have racial/religious categories in their official crime reporting?
Irrelevant, you've got a website!
they do eh?

And yet the Christian rate is still right there, and is predicted to converge with the Muslim rate this year. See link.

So, guess there's plenty of room on the pasture.

Christians breed like?