Voting for beliefs


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
  1. Anyone who votes for someone because of their skin color is an idiot and a racist.
  2. Anyone who votes for someone because of their sex is an idiot.
  3. Anyone who votes for someone because of their ethnicity is an idiot.

  • Vote for the best candidate who's going to do the best job for everyone that lives in this great country.
  • Vote with intelligence, not because someone is a Demo./Lib or a Conservative not because they're promising stuff you know in your heart they can't deliver.
  • Vote for someone that will at least talk about balancing the budget which will be 40 trillion by election day, a debt that will stifle your kids, your grand-kids, and their kids. most of which is owed to the Chinese virus folks.
  1. Anyone who votes for someone because of their skin color is an idiot and a racist.
  2. Anyone who votes for someone because of their sex is an idiot.
  3. Anyone who votes for someone because of their ethnicity is an idiot.

  • Vote for the best candidate who's going to do the best job for everyone that lives in this great country.
  • Vote with intelligence, not because someone is a Demo./Lib or a Conservative not because they're promising stuff you know in your heart they can't deliver.
  • Vote for someone that will at least talk about balancing the budget which will be 40 trillion by election day, a debt that will stifle your kids, your grand-kids, and their kids. most of which is owed to the Chinese virus folks.

If only that would be followed.

So many vacuous independents and Dems can't get to the issues, as they don't understand them.

I know alot of libs as I live near a very liberal city.....actually was told by several of them they were voting for KH because she was either a woman or they liked her racial make up. No policy. Just those two things are all they say. I just smile, as I don't think they realize how empty headed they sound.
Says the guy who thinks that a pregnancy can be ended after delivery is completed.

Sorry I did not type that point eloquently. Sometimes we think meanings are obvious, when to some readers they are not due to the nature of forum discussion as not all points are typed well. So that is a fair point you made.

But I was referring to the article that it appeared, you didn't read at the time, so I will quote it, so you will have better understanding of how extreme liberal Walz & MN Dems are .......

"You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits. Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” "
If only that would be followed.

So many vacuous independents and Dems can't get to the issues, as they don't understand them.

I know alot of libs as I live near a very liberal city.....actually was told by several of them they were voting for KH because she was either a woman or they liked her racial make up. No policy. Just those two things are all they say. I just smile, as I don't think they realize how empty headed they sound.
This is the definition of the low information voter who gets their political views from Hollywood or the liberal media. They're mentally lazy and believe what they're told.
Sorry I did not type that point eloquently. Sometimes we think meanings are obvious, when to some readers they are not due to the nature of forum discussion as not all points are typed well. So that is a fair point you made.

But I was referring to the article that it appeared, you didn't read at the time, so I will quote it, so you will have better understanding of how extreme liberal Walz & MN Dems are .......

"You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits. Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” "
If a baby is born alive and then murdered, it's infanticide and is not legal in any state in the US. But, even if it were, you understand that would not be an "abortion," right? Because abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If the baby is born and then killed, the pregnancy has already ended naturally, and thus, cannot be terminated.
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If a baby is born alive and then murdered, it's infanticide and is not legal in any state in the US. But, even if it were, you understand that would not be an "abortion," right? Because abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If the baby is born and then killed, the pregnancy has already ended naturally, and thus, cannot be terminated.
That you even have to explain something so basic to that poster makes my head hurt.
If a baby is born alive and then murdered, it's infanticide and is not legal in any state in the US. But, even if it were, you understand that would not be an "abortion," right? Because abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If the baby is born and then killed, the pregnancy has already ended naturally, and thus, cannot be terminated.
That you even have to explain something so basic to that poster makes my head hurt.

You folks instead of doling out criticism, should do some research. This explains what can & IS happening to a handful of babies.......

"Minnesota law used to guarantee lifesaving care for infants who survive abortion. In 2023, though, the legislature and Gov. Walz repealed the requirement that “reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice” be taken “to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.” They replaced the requirement for lifesaving measures with a requirement for only “care” (which lawmakers described as mere “comfort care”). Moreover, the new law no longer applies specifically to babies who survive abortion, but rather to ALL babies who are born alive.

Under the new language, then, any viable infant, whether born as a result of abortion or not, could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die. Babies born with disabilities, whose lives are often devalued, could be especially at risk."
You folks instead of doling out criticism, should do some research. This explains what can & IS happening to a handful of babies.......

"Minnesota law used to guarantee lifesaving care for infants who survive abortion. In 2023, though, the legislature and Gov. Walz repealed the requirement that “reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice” be taken “to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.” They replaced the requirement for lifesaving measures with a requirement for only “care” (which lawmakers described as mere “comfort care”). Moreover, the new law no longer applies specifically to babies who survive abortion, but rather to ALL babies who are born alive.

Under the new language, then, any viable infant, whether born as a result of abortion or not, could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die. Babies born with disabilities, whose lives are often devalued, could be especially at risk."
1. This is still not "abortion after birth" which is a concept that is logically impossible.
2. If, say, a 12-year-old has a terminal condition and doctors agree that further treatment is no longer beneficial for the child, can the parents make the decision to refuse treatment and, perhaps, seek hospice care, legally speaking?
3. You've picked a real unbiased source there, haven't you? The last sentence is pure fear-mongering.
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1. This is still not "abortion after birth" which is a concept that is logically impossible.
2. If, say, a 12-year-old has a terminal condition and doctors agree that further treatment is no longer beneficial for the child, can the parents make the decision to refuse treatment and, perhaps, seek hospice care, legally speaking?
3. You've picked a real unbiased source there, haven't you? The last sentence is pure fear-mongering.

The 2nd source above explains it, and proves, NOT what I said, but that the original source was correct.
The 2nd source above explains it, and proves, NOT what I said, but that the original source was correct.
To be fair, you haven't actually provided any sources, you've simply pasted quotes with no attribution. I was able to google the MCCL (an organization that has a clear agenda to portray Minnesota's laws as extreme) quote, but the one in your earlier post doesn't come up. It sounds like something Trump would say -- given the use of the superlative adjective, which he does all the time -- but I'm unable to find it.

And once again, just like in the Ohio voting thread, you are so far unwilling or unable to answer my question regarding parents' legal rights with respect to making medical decisions on behalf of their children, nor have you been willing or able to demonstrate that you actually understand what abortion is. Kinda makes it hard to have an honest conversation.

But, if you can find an example where, after it was born, the parents just decided they didn't want their healthy baby anymore so the doctors killed it for them and that this was legally protected behavior, then maybe you might have something. Although, definitionally, such an event would not be an example of abortion.
But, if you can find an example where, after it was born, the parents just decided they didn't want their healthy baby anymore so the doctors killed it for them and that this was legally protected behavior, then maybe you might have something. Although, definitionally, such an event would not be an example of abortion.

That would be straight murder - a flat out crime anywhere. By definition--not an abortion.
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That would be straight murder - a flat out crime anywhere. By definition--not an abortion.
How long did you stay away this time, HoFanJM? Seems like it was longer that your previous dramatic departure.

I am actually glad you are back as the forum has been much less entertaining since you left - and especially since Bob fled after Biden was revealed in the debate to be the mumbling half-wit most of us on here had said he was.

Btw, have you bumped into Bob recently - maybe at a White Dudes for Kam event or a pro-Hamas rally? If you see him, tell him we (or at least I) want him to come back for his entertainment value.
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How long did you stay away this time, HoFanJM? Seems like it was longer that your previous dramatic departure.

I am actually glad you are back as the forum has been much less entertaining since you left - and especially since Bob fled after Biden was revealed in the debate to be the mumbling half-wit most of us on here had said he was.

Btw, have you bumped into Bob recently - maybe at a White Dudes for Kam event or a pro-Hamas rally? If you see him, tell him we (or at least I) want him to come back for his entertainment value.
Bob has totally gone into hiding. I know none of these new posters are Bob because even if he's trying to be inconspicuous, he wouldn't be able to control himself from mentioning Jan 6th.
You folks instead of doling out criticism, should do some research. This explains what can & IS happening to a handful of babies.......

"Minnesota law used to guarantee lifesaving care for infants who survive abortion. In 2023, though, the legislature and Gov. Walz repealed the requirement that “reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice” be taken “to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.” They replaced the requirement for lifesaving measures with a requirement for only “care” (which lawmakers described as mere “comfort care”). Moreover, the new law no longer applies specifically to babies who survive abortion, but rather to ALL babies who are born alive.

Under the new language, then, any viable infant, whether born as a result of abortion or not, could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die. Babies born with disabilities, whose lives are often devalued, could be especially at risk."
One would think you would have substantial evidence that this stuff was going on. You’re free to keep digging yourself further into this hole, but you could also, I dunno, prove your claims?
If a baby is born alive and then murdered, it's infanticide and is not legal in any state in the US. But, even if it were, you understand that would not be an "abortion," right? Because abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If the baby is born and then killed, the pregnancy has already ended naturally, and thus, cannot be terminated.
What if the "doctor" kills the baby as it's being born as it's leaving the birth canal in that last month by piercing its brain? Is that murder? And you better do a bit of research because many states in the US allow late term "murder", including Minnesota where Walz pushed for it.
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If only that would be followed.

So many vacuous independents and Dems can't get to the issues, as they don't understand them.

I know alot of libs as I live near a very liberal city.....actually was told by several of them they were voting for KH because she was either a woman or they liked her racial make up. No policy. Just those two things are all they say. I just smile, as I don't think they realize how empty headed they sound.
it is amazing...the simplicity that someone thinks there is something magical by picking a certain race or sex. The simpletons are many swayed by words while ignoring actions...
What if the "doctor" kills the baby as it's being born as it's leaving the birth canal in that last month by piercing its brain? Is that murder? And you better do a bit of research because many states in the US allow late term "murder", including Minnesota where Walz pushed for it.
Are you describing so-called "partial-birth abortion" which has been banned nationwide since 2003?
What if the "doctor" kills the baby as it's being born as it's leaving the birth canal in that last month by piercing its brain? Is that murder? And you better do a bit of research because many states in the US allow late term "murder", including Minnesota where Walz pushed for it.

If abortions survive......They don't kill it per say .....just not provide life saving procedures they would others....Only comfort care. Then once dead they sell it for parts.