USC's horse mascot is racist and needs to be put down

After reading this and other short articles on this it appears not to be a left/right issue but more of a black/white issue and as 99% of the people realize is totally ridiculous so since we still embrace our Freedom of Speech, it will pass.
LOL! That's what the Libs do...........start trying to brainwash them at the college level!!
I am a pretty strong liberal and think this is absolutely asinine. Please don't lump all liberals in to that crap. It would be like lumping every single person who voted for Trump in with the simply isn't true.
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Nothing shocks me these days.

As George Orwell wrote in the novel 1984, "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
same here, last week I heard some company in Wisconsin was micro chipping their employees
I am a pretty strong liberal and think this is absolutely asinine. Please don't lump all liberals in to that crap. It would be like lumping every single person who voted for Trump in with the simply isn't true.
You're a lib? Sorry to hear that. It must be tough going through life constantly offended.
You're a conservative? Must be tough going through life being racist.

***Let me make a point that I don't lump all conservatives as being racist. I am proving a point.***

Seems like you were offended by his post. Which kinda proves his point.
Apparently every time the Trojans score a touchdown, a KKK rally breaks out on the field. I really wish these college campuses weren't breeding grounds for teaching our future leaders to search out ways to be offended.
I have relatively strong political views and know how to get to the general board and post them when I feel it appropriate. If you need help in figuring out how to post there just ask. I am sure someone can help you out.
USC should see if espn's Bob (Robert) Lee would ride Traveler at the ND game or the national championship game if they get that far.
You're a lib? Sorry to hear that. It must be tough going through life constantly offended.

There is a very strong difference between old liberal and new liberal. New liberals are constantly offended and insist on censorship through racism/feminism/and about every other ism you can think of. The alt-left doesn't represent liberals and more than the alt-right represents conservatives.

It should also be noted that pointing out facts doesn't mean somebody is offended. Liberals want more government control/influence over daily lives (healthcare, taxes, wealth distribution to the poor, education, etc.) The alt-left uses identity politics and feelings over facts to push their agenda. Old school liberals are different. They can have a debate with a conservative and then shake hands and it's over. New school immediately goes to name calling.

The alt-left and alt-right are everything that is wrong with politics. It's always good to be open minded and in the middle. You can't get caught up in a echo chamber, or things start to get crazy.

you will find that both conservative Purdue graduates and liberal Purdue graduates all want the same thing. A banner. Not only for ourselves, but to shut up all IU fans.

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