I shouldn't get myself sidetracked on this issue, but... I gave your post a like, and I agree (although I might go with 95%+ rather than 99.9%), however, there are more influences to the obesity epidemic than individuals. Big Ag and the food companies (along with their government department puppets) have been contributing to the epidemic for decades in the name of profit, to the detriment of the population. When, all readily available food has been scientifically designed to maximize profit, instead of nutrition, this is the result. The food is filled with cheap-as-dirt unnatural sweetener (HFCS) and pushed out to keep the consumers addicted and coming back for more. Animal products are ruining our health and planet, but reporting on that is considered a crime. Big Ag has the USDA in their pocket, and it not only allows them to get by with their own crimes, but allows them to place their products in our schools, as well as "educate" (read: brainwash) our children into the corporations view of "nutrition" (which is not aligned with unbiased studies). Anyway, I could go on - it makes me sick, but I'm sure we're sidetracked enough...