Trump's Impact on the eventual Republican nominee


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
So I've postulated that Trump will negatively impact the eventual nominee even assuming he doesn't win.

Some on here have disputed that idea...once Trump is out, it won't affect the eventual nominee's chances with Hispanics or other groups.

"Trump’s plan calls for an end to policy that guarantees citizenship for children born in the United States to illegal immigrants. That’s one of several controversial provisions under Trump’s plan, which is particularly galling to New Hampshire GOP insiders — 85 percent of whom said the real estate mogul and current GOP front-runner’s immigration plan was harmful to the party.

Nearly two-thirds of Iowa Republicans said the same.

“He’s solidly put an anchor around the neck of our party, and we’ll sink because of it,” an Iowa Republican said of Trump."

A Granite State Republican said it was “harmful to the party, the brand and the future of our country. What’s disappointing is the speed in which other candidates follow his lead. He’s forced that to be standard operation.”

So that's republican insiders who apparently agree with me.

There's some concern among Democrats about Hillary's email but the majority appear to think as I do as well:

“Not ONE person asked Sec. Clinton about this on her last N.H. trip,” a Granite State Democrat said. “People are paying attention. They just don’t care. The average voter will care if she broke the law, but they don’t care about endless pointless hand-wringing.”
Why would any democrat and for that matter media(pretty far left) ask Clinton about her email? They do not want her to look bad.

Anyway, the IG, FBI, and intelligence community are the re the groups after her. So much for pointless hand-wringing. Look, the FBI is not taking direction from Republicans right now. the FBI also investigates people, not machines.

As for Republicans and the Hispanic vote-polls show it comes down to candidate. Rubio is doing well in GE polls in PA and FL vs Clinton largely due to Hispanics. Bush does pretty well too.