None of which lends any credence to what you said. The US hasn't provided any new money to the IMF nor to support Greece directly, and the total doesn't even approach $100 billion... in fact it's closer to $10 billion. We were giving money to the IMF well before Obama was president, and neither Congress (which actually earmarks the money) nor Obama have authorized any further money to bail out Greece. We're just doing what we always do with the IMF, and the IMF is voting to give money to Greece. So again, the United States has provided precisely ZERO additional taxpayer money in order to bail out Greece than they would be providing the IMF if Greece were not in a debt crisis.
In addition, the statement "least of all the American taxpayers who pay the largest share of IMF expenses" isn't exactly supporting your case. US taxpayers provide 17% of IMF funding, which presently stands at a total of $740 billion. So yes, US taxpayers provide more money than anyone else in the world to the IMF to the tune of roughly $100 billion per year - as they do every year - (because we are the richest nation in the world by GDP, avg income, etc. etc. etc.), but they do not provide a majority of it... not even close.
Now, if you have beef with US participation in the IMF, you should probably take it up with Harry Truman...
So I don't expect that any of this will sink in with you at all, as even when staring in the face of overwhelming facts to the contrary, you always respond with nonsense and name calling, but it's pretty plainly clear that you don't know what you're talking about in this case. Again.
Obama bad!