Trump bans the racist, hate-mongering Critical Race Theory from public K-12 classrooms

Just imagine - no more white shaming of little children, no more teaching kids that racism is baked into American society, no more hateful lies that racism is in the DNA of white people.
Uh oh. You have just started another multi-page topic. Enjoy the ride.

We’ve had this discussion a long time ago. How are you going to ban something that’s not taught in K-12. The real CRT that is taught in colleges and law school may teach about the jacked up stuff white folks have done as far as race in the judicial and civil court systems but that is not white shaming. Teaching kids the sometimes the not so flattering aspects of US history, particular towards people of color is not in of itself CRT. This is just another attempt to ban any talk or books of black history to kids, for example.
How are you going to ban something that’s not taught in K-12.
Please stop parroting that lie, OK?

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Please stop parroting that lie, OK?

You are the one promoting a lie.

CRT is how racism is intermixed in the judicial and court system. Mixed in with systemic racism. Plessy vs Ferguson, Brown vs Board of Education, red lining in urban areas are among the many topics covered in CRT. Again taught in colleges and law schools. A book here and there in the school libraries is not teaching CRT. White folks were implicit in all of that. Therefore you can’t get around it. There were folks lumping books on Rosa Parks in with this CRT and districts tried to ban books about this great woman.
BNI, you said "How are you going to ban something that’s not taught in K-12?"

If it's not being taught in K-12, then you should have no problem whatsoever with Trump banning it in K-12, right?
Since 6 or 8 years ago when the banning of so-called CRT first came to the forefront, school districts were banning anything that had to do with learning black history in schools.

With removing DEI and now banning CRT in K-12, which will actually be banning specific topics of black history, most blacks feel this is overt racism and it is. This is what I’ve been saying all along. The Republican Party since the 60s have a horrible record when it comes to civil rights.