Builder Bob... in your wealth of wisdom, please tell us which American President HAS NOT been a narcissist?
Im not 250 years old. Don't know.
I know there's never been one like trump in my lifetime.
There are varying levels of narcissism.
I've never known one that said loyalty is the most important trait of those who work for you.
I've never known one that NEVER says he did anything wrong and was not responsible for anything that's gone wrong........and who says "I know nothing about it" so many times when it's clear he does.
I've never known one that repeatedly compares himself to previous presidents, also making himself out to be better than them. Retweet pictures of him on Mount Rushmore lol.
He said the only person in history more famous than him was Jesus.
I've never known a president that tells stories about how people were crying when thanking him for all he's done.
Does he ever mention a foreign leader without telling us they have a great relationship?
EVERYTHING having to do with him is the best or the greatest. His need for praise is insatiable.
Smart people don't tell you how smart they are.........or what a big brain they have.
Tough men don't have to tell or prove to you how tough they are.
Most obviously, he is the victim in every scenario. By extension, now that's he president, the US is the world's victim. Every day, all these countries taking advantage of us. Only he can save you from it.