Train Wreck. Clown Show.

Not happening—not working.

Not happening—not working unless Ukraine becomes a colony of Don’s buddy the murderous dictator Putin.
I know it is wishful thinking on your part that all the suffering can continue as long as possible, but I think both are in the process of happening.

No difference for me personally so far. That's how I'm supposed to look at the world right? What's best for me is best for the country?

Trump tells us the richest man in the world is in charge of making cuts in the government. He PROUDLY takes a chainsaw to it, making sure everyone knows it's him. People are fired.......and then rehired all across the government cause he doesn't know wtf he's doing. Now we're told he's not in charge.

I complained a lot during the last admin. Obviously you you labeled me and didn't pay attention.

To your point, how much are YOU bitching about this admin?
I’m not bitching at all thus far. I’m happy they are shutting down the borders, getting fentanyl addressed, deporting criminals, and hopefully sex trafficking gets reduced.

Again I don’t prioritize what’s best for me, but how it’s best for most. I’ve been blessed and had a good life. I wish that for all law abiding people. I have little to no use for criminals.
Our nation is facing fiscal insolvency. Drastic measures are needed to save our democracy.

So firing US military veterans is saving our democracy?
Now that about 100 immigrantion judges have been “DOGE-d” (fired or resigned) the deportation brigade has slowed to a tiny trickle.
There is a seven year backlog on asylum cases for immigration courts. The judges that were fired were kissy-huggy the illegals. They needed to go.
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So firing US military veterans is saving our democracy?
The VA is something of which you know nothing. I retired from the Army with a 40% service-connected disability rating in 2003. Since that time, I have received “healthcare” from the VA system for a variety of issues and here is what I think of the VA medical staff: If I could, without fear of law enforcement on earth and God’s wrath on Judgement Day, I would get an AK-15 and go the VA hospital in Louisville and pop as many skulls as I could. These people are filth. They don’t need to be fired, they need to be executed.
So firing US military veterans is saving our democracy?
You don't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Barreling towards the US going bankrupt while trying to implement programs that would add trillions more in debt is the Democrat solution. "just kinking that can down the road". Let's examine why Ukraine is in the mess its in. Clinton promised them on the US sacred honor and signed treaties that we would defend Ukraine's soverency if they gave up their nukes. Vice President Biden threatened Ukraine with sanctions and withheld aid if they did not fire the prosecutor going after Hunter for his bribery of Ukraine officials. President Obama when Russia through proxies invaded Ukraine acted decisively, with a strong letter to Putin and piddly sanctions allowing nearly one third of Ukraine to be taken by Russia using the excuse that is wasn't an external power invading, it was a rebellion. Every knew it was bullshit and Obama was just too chicken shit to live up to our obligations to defend Ukraine. When Russia actually sent their own troops in, Biden issued another strong letter, more sanctions, and spent billions in aid, but nothing in actually moving in troops to defend Ukraine as we promised. So yes, Trump is an idiot and Ukraine is in trouble, but its not like any Democratic president has ever done much of anything positive for Ukraine beyond empty platitudes, some arms, and a whole shit ton of broken promises. When Russia did fly bys on US warships in the Baltic Obama ordered all ships withdrawn. When Russia tried that during Trump's first presidency, he ordered US warships to arm their weapons and defend the airspace in their immediate vicinity, stopping the fly bys and keeping US warships in the Baltic. China has openly stated they are building a navy to take Taiwan back. When Harris was asked as president she would defend Taiwan, she stated "I don't deal in hypotheticals" While Trump has strengthened US ties with Taiwan and worked towards building up their defenses.

In short both parties are absolute garbage right now. The Dems won't honor any promises we have made to allies if it means deploying troops and the Repubs have a massive blind spot now to Russia with Trump in the oval office. When Romney was running for president he warned Russia was the greatest threat to the western world, and the Dems and their proxies in the press laughed it off and called him ridiculous and delusional. Who looks like the idiot now, Romney or Obama who instead sent billions in aid to Russia that they used to stand up their forces to attack Ukraine. Remember Hillary with the hot tub button as the RESET for US Russia relations assuring everyone that Russia would now be our friends while her foundation collected millions from Russia for her signing off on the sale of most North American Uranium mines to a Russian company.

I knew that one of our allies was going to be left out to dry in this last election, either Taiwan or Ukraine. Dems absolutely would not lift a finger to defend Taiwan, and Trump will sell Ukraine out for Trump getting a new hotel in Moscow. The last 3 US presidential elections have all had awful people from both parties. The Dems have had two lifelong racists and Harris who would not give any positions when asked and was running merely on the fact she was a black woman and should get elected for social justice reasons alone. Trump is an absolute moron who has lost more money that some nations are worth. Everything he ever owned with his name on it was sold in bankruptcy or sold to avoid Trump being homeless for pennies on the dollar. If not for The Apprentice giving Trump millions of dollars, he would have gone bankrupt and lost everything, that is how cash strapped he was.
You don't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Barreling towards the US going bankrupt while trying to implement programs that would add trillions more in debt is the Democrat solution. "just kinking that can down the road". Let's examine why Ukraine is in the mess its in. Clinton promised them on the US sacred honor and signed treaties that we would defend Ukraine's soverency if they gave up their nukes. Vice President Biden threatened Ukraine with sanctions and withheld aid if they did not fire the prosecutor going after Hunter for his bribery of Ukraine officials. President Obama when Russia through proxies invaded Ukraine acted decisively, with a strong letter to Putin and piddly sanctions allowing nearly one third of Ukraine to be taken by Russia using the excuse that is wasn't an external power invading, it was a rebellion. Every knew it was bullshit and Obama was just too chicken shit to live up to our obligations to defend Ukraine. When Russia actually sent their own troops in, Biden issued another strong letter, more sanctions, and spent billions in aid, but nothing in actually moving in troops to defend Ukraine as we promised. So yes, Trump is an idiot and Ukraine is in trouble, but its not like any Democratic president has ever done much of anything positive for Ukraine beyond empty platitudes, some arms, and a whole shit ton of broken promises. When Russia did fly bys on US warships in the Baltic Obama ordered all ships withdrawn. When Russia tried that during Trump's first presidency, he ordered US warships to arm their weapons and defend the airspace in their immediate vicinity, stopping the fly bys and keeping US warships in the Baltic. China has openly stated they are building a navy to take Taiwan back. When Harris was asked as president she would defend Taiwan, she stated "I don't deal in hypotheticals" While Trump has strengthened US ties with Taiwan and worked towards building up their defenses.

In short both parties are absolute garbage right now. The Dems won't honor any promises we have made to allies if it means deploying troops and the Repubs have a massive blind spot now to Russia with Trump in the oval office. When Romney was running for president he warned Russia was the greatest threat to the western world, and the Dems and their proxies in the press laughed it off and called him ridiculous and delusional. Who looks like the idiot now, Romney or Obama who instead sent billions in aid to Russia that they used to stand up their forces to attack Ukraine. Remember Hillary with the hot tub button as the RESET for US Russia relations assuring everyone that Russia would now be our friends while her foundation collected millions from Russia for her signing off on the sale of most North American Uranium mines to a Russian company.

I knew that one of our allies was going to be left out to dry in this last election, either Taiwan or Ukraine. Dems absolutely would not lift a finger to defend Taiwan, and Trump will sell Ukraine out for Trump getting a new hotel in Moscow. The last 3 US presidential elections have all had awful people from both parties. The Dems have had two lifelong racists and Harris who would not give any positions when asked and was running merely on the fact she was a black woman and should get elected for social justice reasons alone. Trump is an absolute moron who has lost more money that some nations are worth. Everything he ever owned with his name on it was sold in bankruptcy or sold to avoid Trump being homeless for pennies on the dollar. If not for The Apprentice giving Trump millions of dollars, he would have gone bankrupt and lost everything, that is how cash strapped he was.
Dude, what does all of that have to do with Chump firing US veterans?
Dude, what does all of that have to do with Chump firing US veterans?
There is so much waste in the federal government, I know I work for it, that any cuts of the excess is going to hurt veterans as you almost have to be a vet to get many/most federal jobs. I am sure most of the vets cut will hate the personal problems it will cause but admit in the grand scheme of things it is necessary to get the government on a better trajectory.