This is something I think most of us knew

I find it interesting that he dropped the 2 worst seasons of the past 8. Not sure why you would do that but it obviously helps us tremendously because we sucked during the Ronnie Johnson era.
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I find it interesting that he dropped the 2 worst seasons of the past 8. Not sure why you would do that but it obviously helps us tremendously because we sucked during the Ronnie Johnson era.
He also included those two years and were still #1 in state
He also included those two years and were still #1 in state

Not sure how but I didn't read it too closely. Notre Dame has had a couple of really good runs the past 2 years and I think they only missed the NCAA tourney once in that time. Oh well I'll take it. Just not sure I agree with the formula they're using. Personally I think the IU media is trying to build a case to get rid of Crean and are looking for everything they can find.
Butler's been pretty good, especially over the past 10 years. They've also beaten Purdue the last four times they've gone head-to-head.
This is a great example of that old axiom:

There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics

This guy obviously manipulated the stats to get what he wanted to see. I mean he does the last ten years, a little before Crean got there. But then eliminates two years, which really helps Purdue (IU's biggest rival to anger IU fans) look better, but at the same time doesn't give Crean time to completely clean up the cesspool left by Sampson. He talked about how unfair it was to hold Crean accountable for the three years after Sampson, but he only removes two years, sparing Purdue the two terrible Ronnie Johnson era teams from being valued into the equation.

I don't know what is happening to me, but once again, I agree with TC4three: this is a statistical manipulation to further the "fire Tom Crean" cause. And if you look at it, it's a pretty obvious manipulation of numbers.

Don't get a big head TC4three, if Purdue doesn't do well in the NCAA, I'm gonna be on here sarcastic and obnoxious as ever screaming for Painter's head again.