I will remind you that any gains economically speaking are largely due to the economic plans and ideas from President Obama. President Trump's first economic year began October 1st, 2017 and I will give credit where it is due from that point on. However, his ideas for healthcare and taxes are incredibly worrisome. His tax plan does little to nothing for anyone in the middle class and below while giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy individuals in our society. I understand that for real growth to occur on a large scale, a frugal government needs to be established and running in the red constantly just isn't a good idea...but I believe a more equitable tax code needs to be established that prevents the wealthiest individuals from stashing hordes of cash away and allows large corporations like Apple, Walmart, and Amazon from paying a fair share in to the economy that helped build their success. The wealthy shouldn't be allowed to use loopholes and other advantageous laws to circumnavigate themselves in to paying a far less equitable tax burden than the middle class.
For example, I am going to owe taxes under Trump's tax plan. As a single father of two children who teaches, what is the expectation for me going forward under the idea that the middle class should bear that burden?
Now, tell me again how this tax plan benefits individuals like myself who are already living paycheck to paycheck while the rich are getting larger tax breaks?
Also, if my assumptions are off base, then I would love to be corrected and learn from some one who is more educated on the principles than I am.