This forum is dead... Which seems to be a metaphor.


Aug 24, 2001
Wherever my wife tells me I should be
The middle east is burning. "ISIS" now has ICBM's, which most of us previously called "jet airplanes", permitting them to deliver God knows what to anywhere on earth, and this dolt calls the ISIS situation ... "manageable".

The economy continues to be in shambles, and we're saddled with a level of debt unimaginable in 2008, with nothing to show for this irresponsible spending.

Illegal aliens have been shipped to all corners of this once great country by the empty suit's administration.

The southern border is a sieve, open for any and all America-hating terrorists to walk through.

There's a perpetual assault on our bill of rights.

The federal government has grown to unimaginable proportions.

The constitution has all but been abandoned.

Yet, there are still those who adore this clown.

America is dying, a slow, painful death.
You are always good for a chuckle, 85. Thanks for brightening my day.

I'm looking forward to someone starting a thread who actually wants to have a reasoned discussion without the tiresome and incessant personal attacks. Such as what are the jihadists' 10-year and 100-year strategies and what should the U.S. be doing to counter those.

Until that happens, this board will likely stay dead.

P.S. The linked piece is dated and not all that well written, but it provides a good reminder of the ridiculous depths to which some people have sunk.

Those aren't bugs, they're features

How many of the things you listed do you think the left is sincerely opposed to? They're FOR many of those things. Others, like the rise of ISIS, they'll tolerate based on "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy. This is to be expected.

America is dying, a slow, painful death.

Yep, that was the plan all along. After all, we deserve it.

Yet, there are still those who adore this clown.

When you have the news, entertainment, and education industries on your side you can get away with a lot. You can even have clueless peasants supporting you because they want to appear to be Good. Or its just flat out tribalism.
exhibit A: db.

Originally posted by db:
You are always good for a chuckle, 85. Thanks for brightening my day.

I'm looking forward to someone starting a thread who actually wants to have a reasoned discussion without the tiresome and incessant personal attacks. Such as what are the jihadists' 10-year and 100-year strategies and what should the U.S. be doing to counter those.

Until that happens, this board will likely stay dead.

P.S. The linked piece is dated and not all that well written, but it provides a good reminder of the ridiculous depths to which some people have sunk.

You make my point.

There is no plan, db. Your guy, "The One", admitted it. He has no plan. Yet you demand one of me. Or others on this forum.

The world is burning... this country is dying... and you whine about some "tiresome and incessant personal attacks", of which you've participated.

his point is that it's hard to understand whether to laugh or cry at an absolutely over the top, extreme and ridiculous listing of horribles you throw out there.

I'd go with laugh personally.
Re: lol

This time I'm crying. From my perspective, it must be tough to go through life that way.

85, I feel for ya, man. I remember when you were able and willing to talk about actual stuff.
Re: lol

Originally posted by db:
This time I'm crying. From my perspective, it must be tough to go through life that way.

85, I feel for ya, man. I remember when you were able and willing to talk about actual stuff.
It's duly noted that you and your homies don't address any of the points made.

The "Community Organizer" has exposed himself as the fraud many of us knew him to be. Yet his cheerleaders engage in an ongoing effort to prop him up.

db, long ago you gave up the illusion "you were able and willing to talk about actual stuff". You whine about making things personal, yet you and your ilk do exactly that. You libs are all for "tolerance"... until it involves tolerating a position contrary to your own.

Fact is, there's no leadership. Zero. That has to hurt, what with all the hope and change the lemmings bought into.

You play all the "I feel for ya, man" you want. You're fooling no one. Neither is the empty suit. 38% approval. And that's cooking the books.

That's "actual stuff". Man.

I get it, though. Your guy let you down. He's failed, miserably. And the worst part? He doesn't seem to care.

But, enough of all that. Enough of you spouting your superiority. I'll invite you to show me how wrong I am. Make your case. If you can. Without your personal attacks, if possible.
Re: lol

Not a chance.

When I have time I'll engage in substantive back-and-forth conversations here with people who behave in a courteous way and act like they give a sh!t. We'll talk about what Obama or any other public figure has done wrong, and what he has done right, and what America can or could or should do. We'll talk about the evidence for or against a "grand plan" behind the Islamists' activities. We might even talk about whether the particular conversation of the moment even has a whit to do with current politics.

You'll no doubt read some of those posts. From time to time you'll probably respond in an unrelated way with four or five name-call labels and some copy-and-paste anti-Obama or otherwise politicized talking points most likely unrelated to the matter at hand.

It's the Purdue85 Way. You needn't accuse me of reciprocal name-calling for pointing this out. Stand tall on your track record.

Just don't expect me to engage with you on the substance.

no one address the possibility of flying monkeys abducting all children under the age of 7 either, so I guess that threat remains unaddressed as well.
Re: well

Originally posted by qazplm:
no one address the possibility of flying monkeys abducting all children under the age of 7 either, so I guess that threat remains unaddressed as well.
Yeah, but that's because we're devoting resources to preventing the abduction of children over 7 by flying monkeys. The benefits should carry across that age boundary. So, your statement isn't exactly fair.
Re: lol

Originally posted by db:
Not a chance.

When I have time I'll engage in substantive back-and-forth conversations here with people who behave in a courteous way and act like they give a sh!t. We'll talk about what Obama or any other public figure has done wrong, and what he has done right, and what America can or could or should do. We'll talk about the evidence for or against a "grand plan" behind the Islamists' activities. We might even talk about whether the particular conversation of the moment even has a whit to do with current politics.

You'll no doubt read some of those posts. From time to time you'll probably respond in an unrelated way with four or five name-call labels and some copy-and-paste anti-Obama or otherwise politicized talking points most likely unrelated to the matter at hand.

It's the Purdue85 Way. You needn't accuse me of reciprocal name-calling for pointing this out. Stand tall on your track record.

Just don't expect me to engage with you on the substance.
In other words, you have nothing to offer.

Typical db. Whine about personal attacks while engaging in personal attacks... whine about courtesy (while using vulgarity).

You exposed yourself long ago.

All you have is your left-wing sycophants to defend you.

Meanwhile, my original points GO WITHOUT CHALLENGE.

Kudos, db.

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