The FBI raided Vigo County school offices yesterday,

but almost nothing has been put out by them or ISP. One of the recent articles mentioned possible fraud, but that's it.

Is anyone here in the know?
I have no clue about that situation. Our HS in south central IN called in the local police to talk to a couple of students a couple of years ago about a potential threat. The school had installed keyboard monitors (correct term?) that logged every key stroke. The students had typed "someone should blow this place up", and then they back spaced to delete that line out, they didn't hit enter to save the sentence or the document. But the school was of course aware of what they had typed and referred it to the police. It was determined to be a couple of knotheads blowing off steam, but I wonder if all schools have the same type of keyboard logging software to monitor any potential threats.
I don't know anything. Vigo county is great. Home of Turtle Creek. The poster child for trophy bass..... :(