The dangers of state run media - we're feeling the effects.

so one person complaining they were "silenced" by one corporate new source equals state run media and Pravda?

How many would it take?

Face it, you'll never admit that your fellow leftists in the news media are covering for this administration.

Valerie Plame was never silenced and the WH did nothing to her yet the news media insisted on making that a major news story for over a year. Nope, they're not corrupt or anything.
Re: How many would it take?

Originally posted by GMM:
Face it, you'll never admit that your fellow leftists in the news media are covering for this administration.

Valerie Plame was never silenced and the WH did nothing to her yet the news media insisted on making that a major news story for over a year. Nope, they're not corrupt or anything.
Apparently not everyone who is commenting on this thread actually watched the video. There's actually two stories of media silencing by two different people in this clip.

two things, first of all, there are a ton of news orgs out there, so which one has the "fellow leftists" covering for the admin, oh wait, all of them, every last single reporter right? Got it.

second "covering for" is not the same thing as "government controlled" which is tinfoil hatted conspiracy theory as opposed to just "lamestream media" griping.
Good post! Your link showed how CNBC would not allow on of their commentators to challenge the math behind the ACA act. Saying it was"disrespectful of the President". These people claim to be nonpartisan but they are lying. DId we see any similar reluctance the challenge George Bush? Of course not! Well, maybe the first week or two after 9/11 but certainly not since then. And we all know all of the other like minded media outlets: NCB, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN. These people are full of lies. Their first lie is that they claim they are evenhanded and unbiased. They are very biased and may as well be part of the communication wing if this administration.
If you want to learn what is really happening, you have to listen to other people like Fox who will challenge the conventional wisdom. Im really not that crazy about FOX news but they are almost the only news broadcasters to challenge this self destructive group think.