1. I didn't say that, you did. As to your claim that more people have been harmed in the name of religion, I guess that depends on what you attribute to religion. Were Stalin's purges related to religion? Only to those religious people he persecuted. He killed 25M people. Stalin wanted nothing more than to eliminate religions completely. In North Korea, the only religious figures come from the Kim family. How many people have the Kim's killed? Was Pol Pot motivated by religious means when he slaughtered people?
2. This is false. The system of laws in the Western world is based largely on Judeo-Christian principles, namely the 10 Commandments.
3. To say the Nazis were nominally Christian is laughable. During Hitler's dictatorship, thousands of Christian clergymen were imprisoned or executed. The Nazis forbade religious youth movements, parish meetings, and scout meetings. Church assets were seized, Church schools were closed, and teachers in religious schools were dismissed. Seminaries was closed, and the SA and SS desecrated churches, religious statutes and pictures. Monks and nuns were deported or forced to renounce their vows altogether.
The Nazi Reichsminister of Church Affairs described Hitler as the "herald of a new revelation". The Nazi leadership made use of indigenous Germanic pagan imagery and ancient Roman symbolism. Many Nazi leaders, including Adolf Hitler, subscribed either to a mixture of pseudoscientific theories, particularly Social Darwinism, or to mysticism and occultism, which was especially strong in the SS. Heinrich Himmler especially espoused paganism and the occult as well as other important Nazi leaders.
1. First of all, you clearly are saying that. You keep saying it. It's the logical end point of what you appear to be arguing. You realize that a lot of people have been killed by wars, by dictators for religious reasons or by religious leaders over the course of 3-4 thousand years right? Certainly over the 1500 or so years Christianity has been a dominant religion. So you cite Stalin, so now we are just going with whether a leader is religious or not religious right? Not even if they are killing for religious reasons. Stalin hated everyone. He killed you if you were religious, he killed you if you weren't, he killed you if you were disloyal, he killed you if you were supremely loyal. So he didn't kill 25M people because of religion or lack of religion. He killed because he was a sick, sociopath. You clearly suffer from a deficit of history if you think that there aren't a ton of Christian dictators who killed members of other religions or even their own throughout history. During the Crusades, one group of Crusading Christians came across 12000 Jews...they burned them alive. There's certainly plenty of Muslim killing, there's Hindu killing, there's plenty of religious killing in Africa historically. The treatment of the Jews in Europe goes well back before Hitler. The treatment of Native Americans by the Spanish in the name of Christianity. Religions have a long, long and very bloody history of death, rape, assault, and subjugation.
2. lol I don't even know how to respond to the notion that you think all of our laws are based on the 10 Commandments. The First Amendment is more or less in direct conflict with 1-4, we have almost no laws against adultery anymore and you can legally covet to your hearts desire which kicks out 7, 9 and 10. Honoring your mother and father is at best limited and completely ceases at adulthood so there goes 5. The only ones left are stealing, murder, and lying. Interestingly, rape is nowhere to be found in the 10Cs. Neither is slavery. Nothing on freedom of speech or assembly, or the right to counsel, or the proper roles for corporation, or systems of government, or easements and right of ways, or how to deal with sentencing laws, or whether we have unanimous verdicts or how to set up our appellate system or how we should do patents, or copyright laws, fair use....
So no, there's a whole lot more to our laws than "the Ten Commandments," 2/3ds of which we don't have laws on, and several we have laws that actively oppose one of them.
3. Yes, the NAZIs were nominally Christian. Most Germans were Christians. In fact, 99 percent of the population in the 1930s was Christian, 2/3ds Protestant, 1/3d Catholic. Christianity was not outlawed. Hitler tried to create a unified Protestant Church and persecuted Catholics. He certainly wanted to use religion to subjugate the people just like he used everything else, but that doesn't mean the majority of NAZIs weren't Christians. Himmler didn't allow atheists into the SS. So even if some of them weren't Christian, they were still religious, which is the whole point. Subordinating the church to the state doesn't make you not religious. It just makes you a dictator. So bottom line the VAST majority of NAZIs were religious, stayed members of their churches and paid their religious taxes.