BigTimeAt69 All-American Nov 27, 2005 15,212 14,401 113 Westfield Sep 12, 2015 #1 I'm not sure why a few of us forget this. Seems like a few on here expect 100% perfection and everything to go right. Maybe I'm off base here but with only 4 wins last 3 years, I'm going to be feeling great after every win going forward Reactions: tigerchump, Purdue4Life and NCboiler10
I'm not sure why a few of us forget this. Seems like a few on here expect 100% perfection and everything to go right. Maybe I'm off base here but with only 4 wins last 3 years, I'm going to be feeling great after every win going forward
J JWPurdue All-American Feb 18, 2006 14,037 7,207 113 Sep 12, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.