So there’s this

Every fan base has “bad apples.” The writer could have modified the tweet to read, this is what is alleged, and no further action was taken. As opposed to this is what was alleged and “thousands“ of fans chanting that “no means no” or far worse. There’s no place for bigotry in sports, but you cannot control every idiotic voice from a 16,000 person arena.
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The iPhone is a great way to document a hate crime; please send videos or photos and I will personally do whatever I can to take action against these miscreants.
Every fan base has “bad apples.” The writer could have modified the tweet to read, this is what is alleged, and no further action was taken. As opposed to this is what was alleged and “thousands“ of fans chanting that “no means no” or far worse. There’s no place for bigotry in sports, but you cannot control every idiotic voice from a 16,000 person arena.
He said that Purdue was going to file a complaint and Purdue never said they would. But Illinois AD had a great response to the racist slurs.

I am sorry that other student sections yelled that at TSJ. He didn’t deserve that and I would tell others they shouldn’t say those things.

Don’t believe Purdue student section said anything about it as he wasn’t at Mackey.
Nobody said you could. However, multiple Purdue parents asked security to remedy the situation and they did nothing. They can control how security handles fans.

[IMG alt="Abugabby"][/IMG]



Damn, talk about a fall from grace. This guy was popping up on All American lists. I was just starting to peep at Illinois as a challenge for our squad.

“Guilty until proven innocent,” was the takeaway from a long thread on the topic.