Well here are my thoughts on this situation:
Obama, not a few months ago praised the BPD as implementing best national practices and making the recomended changes from the Task Force on 21st Century policing. BPD is lead by minorities, and its government in general has been heavy, if not 100% Democrat since the late 60's. This was after Ferguson when the white police force and government being racist was the issue. The answer is more diversity. Now, of course, he is starting an investigation on civil right offenses from the BPD, his example on what/who to follow. Obama now wants America to soul search. He needs to be more direct to the communities he was an active community leader in, and tell them to soul search.
The problem is not the inner city schools. They are adequate to get a HS degree and to prepare one for college. Sure some public schools are 'better' than others-so what? I have been to Philly's and Chicago's worst through 10th grade-I turned out ok. Tested out over the 90th percentile in math and sciences and was middle of the pack in English Vocab-and that lower score was on me. I simply would not read anything outside of class work.
Do not point out that inner city schools are bad and point to the testing scores and graduation rates are so low. How can anyone say the schools are bad when a large percentage do not regularly attend? And people in the city want more money invested in after school programs-well ok, but how about going to regular school first? And guess what-it is not the Police Departments Job or the teachers job or the school admins job to make sure the students are signed up, registered, enrolled, and showing up to school.
The issue is the roughly 50% chronic truancy rate in the major urban areas. Inner city youth do not regularly go to school, do not graduate, and when not in school at that age with all that free time trust me it is easy to earn a long police record, get multiple girl pregnant, or get caught up in drugs by 18.
Sure high school was boring. I saw little point in equations and could not relate to it, hated the lack of autonomy, nor did I see the reason I would need any of it, thought I knew everything etc. Like they say youth is wasted on the young. Does not mean my MOM and DAD did not make sure I went, did my homework, talked to me about my day, etc.
So now in the cities you have a lot of people in their late teen years that did not graduate, got a GED, or barely got by with it, and there lack of basic skills is readily apparent when they attempt to fill out a job application. Companies before they move into an area, study the logistics and are well aware of the lack of skill/knowledge in an area, and often move or open up factory/offices etc somewhere else. So now with an unskilled, and lower educated population that a good percentage of it has a police record is stuck without opportunity or mobility.
And now the police, are responsible for policing the area. I think they do the best they can, are obviously far from perfect. Petty crime and/or gangs are now a way out for a lot of these people, and the police go into their neighborhoods to do their job. Disgruntled and stuck people now blame the police for interfering in their lives and racism for where they are at. People now want the police to be more integrated in communities, be involved in coaching and after school mentors-not really sure that is their job. The police are not the kids parents nor are they school teachers.
Obama said that indifference has consequences. I could not agree with that statement more, but not in how he meant it. He meant when America turns a blind eye to problem areas(inner cities), it leads to issues that we all saw in Baltimore and Ferguson. I look at it as when parents have kids, and are indifferent to what they are doing while growing up, indifferent to raising them, and their kids are indifferent to learning(either skill or academic) or following any leader/authority figure growing up-well, there are consequences. And they are not good.
And to have someone like Ray Lewis to go into to try to become a community leader is a complete joke. Very little if anything he can do. I read Obama wants to start an inner city initiative, much like Clinton's foundation for world development. More power to him, hope he makes some headway. IMO, the last thing that the inner city youth need is a bunch of millionaires telling them and preaching to them what they need to be doing. That is not their job. IIt is Mom and Dad's job though..