State of Purdue (2019 Class)

I think we’re going to see Brohm sign anywhere from 6-10 kids from the state of Indiana in 19.
Lock it down

D Bell
L Tracy
J Kiser
C Williams
B Kirtz
J Britt

Are the instate kids I really want Brohm to land.

I think we are in good position with most, if not all of those young men. Here is the one question I have been asking myself for a while now about Cameron Williams. He is a 4-star, top 20 player at a position of need. He visited recently during a trip to Purdue with his high school. We are not O$U so Purdue is not a school who can just pass on that level of talent so......why haven't we offered him yet? Everything I've read has said we have not offered him. Why not? Is there a character flaw? Grades? What is the issue? Does anyone have any insight into this?
As far as CW, and this is just speculation, it doesn't appear he is the size advertised. 6'3 might be 6'0 at best. Tall hairdo not counted. Again, it could be a length thing. Just a guess.

I will say his track speed is impressive!
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I think we are in good position with most, if not all of those young men. Here is the one question I have been asking myself for a while now about Cameron Williams. He is a 4-star, top 20 player at a position of need. He visited recently during a trip to Purdue with his high school. We are not O$U so Purdue is not a school who can just pass on that level of talent so......why haven't we offered him yet? Everything I've read has said we have not offered him. Why not? Is there a character flaw? Grades? What is the issue? Does anyone have any insight into this?
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sometimes, we forget how easy grades come for some of us. We must realize for every student who is on the honor role and getting A's and B's, there are 15-20 other students in that classroom who are doing their best trying just not to fail. I realized this as a tutor in college and junior high. For some, getting a C was their best grade ever and worth paying me as a tutor. Some even accepted a D as they would not be held back.

I knew a high school senior who had his heart set at being a part of the military or at worst , the national guard. He took the entrance test for the Army and Marines over 10 times before he finally made the minimum acceptance score. Unfortunately, while he made the minimum accepted score, the Army had not lowered their score to his level yet. I.E. He may have scored a 55, but he needed at least a 75 before the Army would accept/recruit and offer him. And this wasn't for a scholarship. this was just to join. He had several tutors, but he never made it high enough to be accepted and enlist. His is a sad story. He's a good kid, but was never smart enough to realize his dreams.
any news on that defensive lineman who was a friend of WR Moore ? from the same high school or community?