ummm...bit of a problem there
The expert who the St. Louis Examiner spoke to, then reported on (which was then picked up by everyone else) says the views and quotes attributed to her were wildly misleading in several ways:
reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called me earlier this week,
saying she had Michael Brown's official autopsy report as prepared by
the St. Louis County Medical Examiner, and asking me if I would examine
and analyze it from the perspective of a forensic pathologist with no
official involvement in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting death. I read
the report, and spent half an hour on the phone with the reporter
explaining Michael Brown's autopsy report line-by-line, and I told her
not to quote me - but that I would send her quotes she could use in an e
mail. The next morning, I found snippets of phrases from our
conversation taken out of context in her article in the Post-Dispatch.
These inaccurate and misleading quotes were picked up and disseminated
by other journals, blogs, and websites."
She then lists the actual email response she gave and then compares it to how the reporter reported what she said:
"This is how I was quoted in the
Post-Dispatch the next day:
Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist in San Francisco, said the autopsy
"supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has
gunpowder particulate material in the wound." She added, "If he has his
hand near the gun when it goes off, he's going for the officer's gun."
Sources told the Post-Dispatch that Brown's blood had been found on
Wilson's gun. Melinek also said the autopsy did not support witnesses
who have claimed Brown was shot while running away from Wilson, or with
his hands up.[/I]
the difference? There's a big difference between "The hand wound has
gunpowder particles on microscopic examination, which suggests that it
is a close-range wound. That means that Mr. Brown's hand would have been
close to the barrel of the gun" and "he's going for the gun."
was very fortunate to have the opportunity to correct this, in my own
words last night, when Lawrence O'Donnell invited me to appear as a
guest on
Mr. O'Donnell allowed me to explain the autopsy findings clearly and in
context-if not in full. The show is called "The Last Word," and
Lawrence O'Donnell makes sure he gets it. Despite the guest-badgering
and interruptions that are a signature of his television persona,
however, Mr. O'Donnell did allow me to correct the record that the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch created. I am even more grateful to Tyrmaine Lee,
whose companion article to last night's Last Word segment (linked above)
serves as an excellent corrective to the Post-Dispatch article."
actual expert's view