Someone who is a lot smarter than me crunched the numbers on officials and Purdue games...


Jun 1, 2001
UPDATE: Sorry, didn't see this in the other thread.

This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.

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This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.

Okay, which one of you stole his wife and/or girlfriend? I smell a Nate-scapade here.
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This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.

Wow, that's actually highly suspicious. Are we the only team he's an outlier for?
UPDATE: Sorry, didn't see this in the other thread.

This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.

Does anyone know if Painter or Bobinski are aware of this ?
UPDATE: Sorry, didn't see this in the other thread.

This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.


Wait, I'm confused. I thought Green was 1-15-1 ATS, but the table shows 8-20? It doesn't add up.
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Does anyone know if Painter or Bobinski are aware of this ?
It's a little conspiratorial, but the odds indeed make it somewhat suspicious.

That being said, Painter isn't going to pay any attention to numbers like the ones in this chart. He's watching the game from the sideline, and then he's dissecting and studying film from the games. If Purdue is getting screwed by Courtney Greene, he's not going to need to see our record straight up, against the spread, or p-values to know it.

As a rule, I think B1G officiating is poor and there are certain officials that I'm never happy to see working our games. However, all coaches have a mechanism for reporting grievances with officials to the league office. If there was a pattern of misconduct, where we were consistently getting hosed by the the same people time and again, I think the B1G would notice it and take corrective action. In present times, with online gambling being so pervasive, there has to be a heightened awareness of this risk by league and NCAA execs.

I don't ever want to see Courtney Greene working a Purdue game, but that's mainly because I think he's just a shitty official, and not because he's out to get us.
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It's a little conspiratorial, but the odds indeed make it somewhat suspicious.

That being said, Painter isn't going to pay any attention to numbers like the ones in this chart. He's watching the game from the sideline, and then he's dissecting and studying film from the games. If Purdue is getting screwed by Courtney Greene, he's not going to need to see our record straight up, against the spread, or p-values to know it.

As a rule, I think B1G officiating is poor and there are certain officials that I'm never happy to see working our games. However, all coaches have a mechanism for reporting grievances with officials to the league office. If there was a pattern of misconduct, where we were consistently getting hosed by the the same people time and again, I think the B1G would notice it and take corrective action. In present times, with online gambling being so pervasive, there has to be a heightened awareness of this risk by league and NCAA execs.

I don't ever want to see Courtney Greene working a Purdue game, but that's mainly because I think he's just a shitty official, and not because he's out to get us.
Serious question but is there any way we can bring it to
Does anyone know if Painter or Bobinski are aware of this ?
Serious question but is there any way we can bring it to their attention?
Serious question but is there any way we can bring it to

Serious question but is there any way we can bring it to their attention?
Send an email with the relevant email to the stats person (name escapes me). I’m pretty sure you can get that from the Purdue basketball website. I thought the same thing. Can’t hurt.
1-14 in the last 15 games with one push. 8-20 overall.

Oh, I thought it was 1-15-1 so there was a push that I didn't see in the 8-20.

Anyway, taking your numbers, that means he was 7-6 before. I think Purdue must have broken Green's heart, and since then, Green went from a reasonable 7-6 to 1-14, and he vowed to screw Purdue. Outside of the one year with Carsen and Cline, Purdue has always been post-centric.
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Oh, I thought it was 1-15-1 so there was a push that I didn't see in the 8-20.

Anyway, taking your numbers, that means he was 7-6 before. I think Purdue must have broken Green's heart, and since then, Green went from a reasonable 7-6 to 1-14, and he vowed to screw Purdue. Outside of the one year with Carsen and Cline, Purdue has always been post-centric.
I read somewhere that this was just the last 3 year's worth of data. In 2019-20, Purdue was not nearly as post-centric with Haarms and Tre as they have been the past 2 years. I don't think Green has it out for Purdue. I just believe that he doesn't know how to referee a player like Zach.
UPDATE: Sorry, didn't see this in the other thread.

This is VERY concerning. Some people called out Courtney Greene and our won/loss when he is reffing our games. What he learned is that Purdue is 1 and 14 against the spread when Green is calling our games in the last 3 seasons and 8-20 in the 28 games he called. This is waaaaay below what you would expect.

By comparison, we are 11-10 against the spread when the notorious Bo Boroski is reffing.

The rough average against the spread should be 50%.

""What's the probability I flip a coin 15 times and only get 1 heads or 1 tails?" The p-value here is 0.00098"

He compared results between officials who have called at least 20 of our games and you can see the results below. As you can see, all the other refs are within the statistical norm. Only Courtney Green is an outlier. I think this really, REALLY needs to be looked into.

1-14 is troubling, very troubling.
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Yeah, 1-14 against the spread is really troublesome. I don't think that can be chalked up to not knowing how to ref big men.

You're a professional should know how to ref any player.
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Yeah, 1-14 against the spread is really troublesome. I don't think that can be chalked up to not knowing how to ref big men.

You're a professional should know how to ref any player.
Before I'm completely sold he is crooked, I'd like to see how many of the games in question were blowouts where our walk-ons played. They have a tendency to get out scored by a lot, which could skew the results on PU not covering.
Before I'm completely sold he is crooked, I'd like to see how many of the games in question were blowouts where our walk-ons played. They have a tendency to get out scored by a lot, which could skew the results on PU not covering.
So your working theory is that maybe his officiating is so beneficial to us that we put in the walkons and that causes us to not cover? :D
So your working theory is that maybe his officiating is so beneficial to us that we put in the walkons and that causes us to not cover? :D
Sort of...our walk-ons have been bad. But it sounds like we covered in those blowouts. What's left? Crooked or just coincidence?
Sort of...our walk-ons have been bad. But it sounds like we covered in those blowouts. What's left? Crooked or just coincidence?
Shouldn’t the number of fouls he called and when also be considered? Perhaps a detailed description of said fouls or video?
He definitely needs to be attached to the losses in deeper regard than just having been there.
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