In a 60 Minutes interview scheduled to air November 22, Washington DC police chief Cathy Lanier said taking out the gunmen in a Paris-style attack is the “best option” for citizens between the time they call 911 and the moment police arrive.
Lanier said citizens basically have three options–they can “run, hide, or fight.” And she said choosing to “take the gunman out” is the best option if the citizen is in a position to do so.
According to
CBS News, Lanier said, “If you’re in a position to try and take the gunman down, to take the gunman out, it’s the best option for saving lives before police can get there.” She admitted that such advice runs “counterintuitive” to what police have been saying for decades, but she stressed that the situation has changed.
Lanier said: “We always tell people, ‘Don’t…don’t take action. Call 911. Don’t intervene in the robbery’…we’ve never told people, ‘Take action.’ [But] it’s a different…scenario.”
She also made clear that she does not want Americans to be paranoid, but she does want them to be alert and prepared.
The global government is moving into the violent phase where they are now moving their armies into the Western countries. All ISIS really is, just another name for Al Queda so that the U.S. population doesn't associate ISIS with what happened on 911. They had to change the name because the military would associate it as treason, arming the same people that UN Security Council Chairman Obama and Skull and Bones Illuminati chapter 322 member George Bush blamed for 911. Obama's plan is to move ISIS into Western nations so that ISIS can attack the local populations and with each attack keep the populations under fear so that there is no rebellion as the full mass extermination grid is uncloaked. They use the Hegel Dialect (problem / reaction / solution). If you create the problem and are in a position to offer the solution you can takeover the world. The public has a very difficult time understanding this. If you perpetrate something essentially you can become an absolute ruler. Only, these world leaders work for European dynasty families. Their end game is an absolute ruler of 10 different kingdoms around the world merged under a one world government. They call themselves the enlightened ones, the Illuminati. Look how this worked. Had 911 never happened the Middle East would have been stable and subsequently not a threat to anyone. Saudi Arabia though was setup by the English Crown. Saddam was selling cheep oil to the U.S. and around the world. Working with MI6 and the CIA Saudi Arabia along with secretive divisions of the US Delta Force bombed the world trade centers. Then Bush and his administration, as did Clinton before him with the Oklahoma City bombing, they took aggressive measures against the US public. They started attacking the former US system of government and attacking the constitution to usurp power into a centralized government and adopted national socialism as the new form of government in the United States. This was the whole point of world war 2. Now then Obama opens up the US border. He didn't reverse any of Bush's policies he added to them and created even more draconian attack on the US. The US border is insecure and open. Then Hillary arms ISIS to destabilize the Middle East further. Those secretive armies operating as a mercenary proxy army for Obama and his European controllers then invade Western Civilization to overthrow it. These are Trojan Armies being red carpeted and they are already attacking. The minute that attack happened in California Obama came out attacking Christianity and trying to disarm the US population. The shooters came in with fake documents to the US and it wasn't his open border policy coming into question. It was the natural born rights of the US citizen. The main focus of each attack is to craft ways to rid the American of his rights, and then Obama will call his political opposition the terrorists. Hitler did the same thing against the Jews. He called the Jews the terrorists and his political opposition in Europe and had them exterminated. This too is the ultimate goal of Obama's superiors. To put tens of millions of Americans on a watch list to eventually round them up for Soviet styled extermination in a death camp. Once Obama fully breaks the US system and his proxy ISIS army marches all over the United States the plan is to call for the United Nations troops to occupy the US and restore order. This will involve both converting military command of the US over to NATO and the UN as well as the developmentally phases where the US military has been being converted into a global army through the years. They will soon be trained to be UN fighting forces as they are fully converted over. This is a lengthy process, but is the ultimate plan. While Obama will leave office if they don't decide to have WW3 first, it isn't going to matter who becomes president or what political party they belong to. They are political infiltrators and members of secret societies loyal only to the European aristocracy that runs the world through proxy governments. These ISIS people are agents. They are going to run the extermination program in the US and Obama is going to use them to infiltrate the intelligence agencies. Just like in WW2 to get people to exterminate the Jews religious overtones will be used to create the sub-culture necessary to perpetrate this. By radicalizing Muslims against Christianity and putting them in power in the US, an extermination grid is likewise suddenly intact.
The 911 attack was so obvious even Hollywood Directors put clues in their damn movies about it. OBAMA IS A TRAITOR
Why is this related to this 60 minutes? Because it absolutely shows who Obama is. It is true that if Obama really cared about Americans the govt would urge them to get guns to protect themselves. Obama is protected 24 hours a day by snipers and so are all of these people telling Americans that it is the lowly scum slave American that needs to surrender their weapons. This is called conquering a nation. You are only conquered with you are disarmed. You would't disarm the US military and then send them into a war zone. Police could never protect the US form a shooting unless they were on 24 guard day and night at a specific target. It is not only impossible to predict an attack, it is even more impossible to protect a killing because this type of thing can happen in mere minutes with seconds of reaction time. As Paris shows, being a completely disarmed city, is that a disarmed city is ruled by terrorists with foreign machine-guns. So the natural response to this should you want a protected society is the arming of the citizens as was so eloquently articulated by the founding fathers in the US constitution. If you are under attack the solution then would be to arm people. His solution is to take your guns away because his Delta Forces went out and trained ISIS and armed them under Hillary Clinton. Problem/reaction/solution. Only Obama runs the problem so his solution obviously isn't going to counter the problem but merely work in the favor of the terrorist army he is sneaking into the US as I type this. Obama marches a million man army through the US borders. In our intelligence agencies, in our secret services, and they rule the country now. And that us what the former US generals are saying as well. You see here is how it works. Hillary arms ISIS. Hillary gives them guns. Obama then complains that too many Americans have guns. They attack. Then Obama says it was the fault of Americans and Americans need punished and should turn in their firearms. For your "protection" of course. Lets keep in mind that some of the highest and most famous US military Generals have come forward calling for Obama to be arrested FOR HIGH TREASON. Do you realize this? The 4 star Admiral once in charge of the entire US Pacific Fleet has come out publicly calling for Obama's arrest FOR HIGH TREASON.
It is one thing for me or some lowly citizen to say this. But when the most highly decorated Admiral probably in modern US history is saying the same damn thing then that means people damn well better listen.
BREAKING: Four-Star Admiral Makes HUGE Announcement About Obama & Muslim Brotherhood (VIDEO)
Retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons was recently at the National Press Club. And his claims are shocking.
It appears that the Obama Regime has been FULLY infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group on every level. And that pro-radical Islam group is also in every level of U.S. security agencies. Lyons went on to say that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008.” And when Obama campaigned on a platform to “fundamentally transform America,” Obama has done exactly that!
In addition Lyons made the important point that there is no meaningful line between Islam and radical Islam. “Islam is Islam,” he said.
Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis,” and is “one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”
“There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Admiral Lyons said. “With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” he proclaimed.
Admiral Lyons said that our “lead intelligence agency” is “headed by a Muslim convert,” a reference to Obama CIA head John Brennan.