People will change their tune when he breaks one... which he will. It's inevitable. Not sure why they kept kicking to Rondale tbh... I certainly wouldn't have been. Yes there's a risk for injury but you can't make personnel decisions based on the fear of potential injury. They can happen any time, not just special teams. My only real concern for Rondale would be him getting tired, but that can be managed... especially with the athletes we are recruiting. We just don't have enough playmakers right now to spare Rondale from getting 20+ touches a game. I think he can handle it. If he's tired from breaking 70+ yard TD's... well that's a good problem to have.
Punt returns are different. It takes a special kind of player that can make the right split-second decisions back there when their eyes are in the air and 11 guys are coming to take your head off. Anthrop plays it conservative with the fair catch, but that's better than muffing it or getting drilled and fumbling. The most important thing for a PR is to secure the ball, second is keeping the ball from bouncing and rolling another 20 yards. Jackson is very reliable and trustworthy, i'll take that.