Senator Sanders


Gold Member
Oct 4, 2004
San Diego, CA
Bernie continues his march toward "grumpy old man". His speech last night really made him appear self-serving and egotistical at this point. While he's not mathematically eliminated as far as pledged delegates (that is, HRC cannot win on pledged delegates alone), at this point he'd need something like 75% of superdelegates to just change their minds... it's over, and frankly it's been over for a little while. I thought maybe if he pulled out CA that he might have a bit of a leg to stand on at the convention and parsing superdelegates to create a problem (even if not win the nomination), but he got trounced.

I think a big part of what happened in CA is his constant barrage of attacks on "millionaires and billionaires". While I think most of us understand what he meant by that, taken at face value, his words also levy an attack on financially responsible folks in the middle class. Out here, net worth in the millions is not limited to hedge fund managers and trust fund babies. Plenty of hard-working folks in the middle (maybe upper-middle) class are "millionaires" by definition, and I think a lot of those folks are not marching to the same beat of "break up Wall Street" and "free college for all". Personally, I don't want Wall Street broken up because for my family the ability to invest through some of those banks is what will help secure our retirement without need of assistance from the government. I cherish that independence that so many young people seem to eschew in favor of government provision of... well, everything.

Bernie is showing the problem when you accept fringe loonies into your camp. This guy's never been a Democrat, though he's sided with them far more often than not, so his loyalty to the party is limited, bordering on non-existent. The same can be said of Trump.

I understand that he's probably sticking around to continue to push his agenda, but it's time, Bern. It's past time. Bow out gracefully before everyone else joins me in thinking you're just a cranky boy who didn't get his way, and we all start thinking that maybe that's all you ever were.

On another note, in the week leading up to our primary here, I had Sanders supporters (in-laws) posting videos about "democratic socialism" on my Facebook wall and received two "personally addressed" form text messages from Sanders volunteers asking for my support. Obviously, they were barking up the wrong tree, but that kind of personal, directed outreach was really off-putting.
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Bernie continues his march toward "grumpy old man". His speech last night really made him appear self-serving and egotistical at this point. While he's not mathematically eliminated as far as pledged delegates (that is, HRC cannot win on pledged delegates alone), at this point he'd need something like 75% of superdelegates to just change their minds... it's over, and frankly it's been over for a little while. I thought maybe if he pulled out CA that he might have a bit of a leg to stand on at the convention and parsing superdelegates to create a problem (even if not win the nomination), but he got trounced.

I think a big part of what happened in CA is his constant barrage of attacks on "millionaires and billionaires". While I think most of us understand what he meant by that, taken at face value, his words also levy an attack on financially responsible folks in the middle class. Out here, net worth in the millions is not limited to hedge fund managers and trust fund babies. Plenty of hard-working folks in the middle (maybe upper-middle) class are "millionaires" by definition, and I think a lot of those folks are not marching to the same beat of "break up Wall Street" and "free college for all". Personally, I don't want Wall Street broken up because for my family the ability to invest through some of those banks is what will help secure our retirement without need of assistance from the government. I cherish that independence that so many young people seem to eschew in favor of government provision of... well, everything.

Bernie is showing the problem when you accept fringe loonies into your camp. This guy's never been a Democrat, though he's sided with them far more often than not, so his loyalty to the party is limited, bordering on non-existent. The same can be said of Trump.

I understand that he's probably sticking around to continue to push his agenda, but it's time, Bern. It's past time. Bow out gracefully before everyone else joins me in thinking you're just a cranky boy who didn't get his way, and we all start thinking that maybe that's all you ever were.

On another note, in the week leading up to our primary here, I had Sanders supporters (in-laws) posting videos about "democratic socialism" on my Facebook wall and received two "personally addressed" form text messages from Sanders volunteers asking for my support. Obviously, they were barking up the wrong tree, but that kind of personal, directed outreach was really off-putting.
He's going to personally talk to Obama tomorrow. He's going to talk personally to Reid this week too. At some point, he's got to realize that he's not an Army of One. He needs the Dem Party whether he likes it or not. He keeps trying to crap in our collective Wheaties and he's not going to continue being invited to breakfast. The Republican party isn't a home, and there is no viable third party.

But cranky? You betcha. He holds grudges like no one's business...which is why he appears heels dug in on trying to remove Barney Frank because Barney said something not nice about him 25 years ago. Not recently (although he has) but 25 years ago.

The politico story shows that all of these decisions aren't coming from wide-eyed staffers, they are coming straight from him. All of the attacks on Hillary, bitterness, etc. I still think he comes on board eventually because to do otherwise would be political suicide and despite his flaws he's not an idiot and he's not suicidal.
The politico story shows that all of these decisions aren't coming from wide-eyed staffers, they are coming straight from him. All of the attacks on Hillary, bitterness, etc. I still think he comes on board eventually because to do otherwise would be political suicide and despite his flaws he's not an idiot and he's not suicidal.

Either way wouldn't surprise me. I'm not convinced he gives a crap about his political future considering he's eleventy billion years old anyway and immensely popular in his home state. He could probably streak naked from the northern border to the southern border screaming "FREE POT FOR EVERYONE!!!" and still win.
These kind of comments give me a chuckle. First, do you realize that a VERY LARGE amount of California's ballots were cast by mail (like 3 million or more) , so they don't even have the votes counted yet - will take a week at least

Second, Bernie like Trump, is fighting for a MAJOR change in our political processes. (People are fed up with current party leaders - time to throw the majority of the bums out !)

Third, why does he stay around ? ? Because counter to what the media has wanted people to believe since day one, the "VOTED" delegate totals are within about 300 and because he WANTS a say in the platform and probably wants the VP spot. (If I won 22 states, I would want a say too, especially when the country's "Future" is voting for him.

Those who keep saying he should just go away are those who want to lose the votes of his followers. They are independents with a capital " I ", have no party loyalty and couldn't care less about Hillary. BUT . . they could be talked into writing in Bernie this year and starting another party in the future (I personally think there is a 50/50 chance), now that they are aware of the rigged process.

Since I view the coming election as a vote between Hitler and the devil, I have told my kids I will cast my vote for whoever they want (as long as they can agree), since they will have to live with the ramifications of this election longer than I will. (I would be ashamed of either candidate)

PS Indoorsman is right, at his age, why would Bernie be afraid of ANYTHING Democratic leaders threaten him with - Didn't Hillary and others already clearly tell him he's "Not even a Democrat ?" Why should he act like one now for their purposes ?
These kind of comments give me a chuckle. First, do you realize that a VERY LARGE amount of California's ballots were cast by mail (like 3 million or more) , so they don't even have the votes counted yet - will take a week at least

Second, Bernie like Trump, is fighting for a MAJOR change in our political processes. (People are fed up with current party leaders - time to throw the majority of the bums out !)

Third, why does he stay around ? ? Because counter to what the media has wanted people to believe since day one, the "VOTED" delegate totals are within about 300 and because he WANTS a say in the platform and probably wants the VP spot. (If I won 22 states, I would want a say too, especially when the country's "Future" is voting for him.

Those who keep saying he should just go away are those who want to lose the votes of his followers. They are independents with a capital " I ", have no party loyalty and couldn't care less about Hillary. BUT . . they could be talked into writing in Bernie this year and starting another party in the future (I personally think there is a 50/50 chance), now that they are aware of the rigged process.

Since I view the coming election as a vote between Hitler and the devil, I have told my kids I will cast my vote for whoever they want (as long as they can agree), since they will have to live with the ramifications of this election longer than I will. (I would be ashamed of either candidate)

PS Indoorsman is right, at his age, why would Bernie be afraid of ANYTHING Democratic leaders threaten him with - Didn't Hillary and others already clearly tell him he's "Not even a Democrat ?" Why should he act like one now for their purposes ?

Sorry, dude, Bernie lost the CA election. While there may be a few thousand votes still outstanding, there aren't enough mail in ballots to close the 440,000 vote gap between the two. Sorry bro. Bernie's done in CA.

And Bernie's done overall. Time to for him and his followers to let go.
Sorry, dude, Bernie lost the CA election. While there may be a few thousand votes still outstanding, there aren't enough mail in ballots to close the 440,000 vote gap between the two. Sorry bro. Bernie's done in CA.

And Bernie's done overall. Time to for him and his followers to let go.
Bernie is trying to "create a revolution". He thinks millions of young, college-age students who were at the core of his support will continue his fight into upcoming elections (2020+) and that his vision will come to pass in the future - a Democratic Socialist utopia in the USA. Eugene Debs would be proud.

Bernie is socialist kook, but he's also raised some legitimate points about HRC and her crookedness during the campaign. He should have gotten out a while ago, but he has nothing better to do anyway.
Bernie is trying to "create a revolution". He thinks millions of young, college-age students who were at the core of his support will continue his fight into upcoming elections (2020+) and that his vision will come to pass in the future - a Democratic Socialist utopia in the USA. Eugene Debs would be proud.

Bernie is socialist kook, but he's also raised some legitimate points about HRC and her crookedness during the campaign. He should have gotten out a while ago, but he has nothing better to do anyway.
Yes, of course he has points about HRC, but they were nothing we didn't already know.

I agree that this "revolution" is likely to die on the vine when those voters he's counting on have families, jobs, kids, and pay their own taxes... but the guy is a pretty good orator, better than HRC or Trump.

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