Second attempted assassination on Trump not long ago

No, I'm just wondering if you are also going to pursue a career in "non-government Human trafficking hunting."

A simple yes or no will suffice.

I'm just wondering if you are going to get the courage to tell us which news sources you follow? Bob is afraid to do that, are you?
Solid job putting words in my mouth lol. You would be far more accurate if you quoted me: "Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure!" Because that's exactly what I wrote.

And the question posed was how illegal immigration affects me and am I adversely affected by the past four years. So that is the question I answered.

You seemed to have insinuated about how immigration has affected one personally. Maybe you are not like that, but many are as long as it doesn’t affect them in any way. They are all on board for the democratic platform. I consider others aside from myself when casting my vote. I am retired and very fortunate that inflation won’t wipe me out. I am concerned about immigrants and inflation having a very negative impact on many American citizens.
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I'm just wondering if you are going to get the courage to tell us which news sources you follow? Bob is afraid to do that, are you?
I already answered that - you must've missed the reply:

For straightforward: The Hill, The WSJ, my local news stations

For leaning viewpoints: Fox, CNN, Drudge, Daily Mail

For international: Reuters, BBC
I already answered that - you must've missed the reply:

For straightforward: The Hill, The WSJ, my local news stations

For leaning viewpoints: Fox, CNN, Drudge, Daily Mail

For international: Reuters, BBC
I must have. Which of your various usernames did you post that under?
I must have. Which of your various usernames did you post that under?
It was recent - in the past week or so.

I also told you multiple times, there was a user name suspended for (I guess) bad language. You have multiple user names too - I'm assuming for the same reason.
You seemed to have insinuated about how immigration has affected one personally. Maybe you are not like that, but many are as long as it doesn’t affect them in any way. They are all on board for the democratic platform. I consider others aside from myself when casting my vote. I am retired and very fortunate that inflation won’t wipe me out. I am concerned about immigrants and inflation having a very negative impact on many American citizens.
Appreciate the clarification. All good.
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Then tell us, why do you think Biden/Harris allowed 300,000 kids to go missing ? Just sheer incompetence - always believable with those two hacks.

And tell us further why you had never heard of the 300,000 despite an IG report from Biden's DHS - refusing to believe it until I linked the actual report?
It all started under your guy. So as I’ve said many times before, until you condemn that, you’re not being serious. Kick rocks, riveting.
Per your link, those are not overstays nor illegals. Seems to be expanding legal immigration to cover war-torn places like Haiti and Ukraine. Of course, no politician will deliberately demonize legal immigration from Ukraine when they could demonize legal immigrants from Haiti.

Wonder why? Hmmmmm... it's not like the leader of the free world called Haiti a "sh!thole country." Cause, dark skin ya know.
it says they are "legal" pathways "created" by Biden. That shows again no concern for the already legal citizens and the costs caused by Biden. I haven't looked, but it might be interesting to see how the "other" countries see the same situation? Ignoring the often used and totally inadequate response of "racism" it goes on to say-

"Every single ICE source/contact I’ve spoken with has told me the same thing - they do not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay these 2 year grants. As it stands now, ICE’s non-detained docket is on track to hit 8 million by the end of the year, and each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7,000 cases. The agency is already tasked with tracking down and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, gotaways, etc. They physically do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population - and there has been no government agency monitoring parole expiration, according to a recent DHS Inspector General report. The bottom line - the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay - even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S. "

Which should be concerns to ALL US Citizens...those aware and even those unaware currently
So as long as things don’t affect you personally it’s no concern. The heck with anyone else.
NOTHING happens without affecting ALL. Laws...rules do not take place in a vacuum. There are winners and losers under all scenarios with many times the numbers not being close to 50-50. We also understand for the legal US citizens, there are times that a smaller percent wins and rightfully so for those in the "REpublic". However, the current scenario doesn't begin to approach a 50-50 with almost all legal US citizens being adversely affected not just today, but for years to come. It isn't really hard to understand this. It is also easy to see that illegal entry into the US and/or overstays have went on for some time...just not the same massive dumping of so many as now.
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It was recent - in the past week or so.

I also told you multiple times, there was a user name suspended for (I guess) bad language. You have multiple user names too - I'm assuming for the same reason.
Which users names have I used other than Riveting? Name one.
"Riveting-" exists. Maybe it is someone trolling you by posting under a close replica of your name. Anyway, I'm not saying that you are trying to deceive your identity when posting. Neither am I.
Then why didn't you go with HoosierFanJM2 so people would know it is you - instead of katstench, the Orwellian 'Telling the Truth", and the offensive 'JBoiler23'?
Riveting- for one. I don't care to spend anymore time looking for others.
Now you are covering for one of your lib soulmates.

You ducked the question about knowing the 'builder' from NC who travelled to the 'democracy' of Ukraine to fight the Russians. Sounds very much like a relative or mentor of yours.
You are right about Tebow.

Those are the jobs available NOW. He has a whole organization working on this with both paid and volunteer workers. All of which you said did not exist.
I see the stories they cite about successes. Nothing in those stories states that they were responsible for victim successes. Just that their partners (i.e. the police) got the job done.
Now you are covering for one of your lib soulmates.

You ducked the question about knowing the 'builder' from NC who travelled to the 'democracy' of Ukraine to fight the Russians. Sounds very much like a relative or mentor of yours.
I am hoping Trump challenges her to a cognitive test. Aren't you, xRDU?

What is your problem lol? You're so obviously lying. Now go into your word salad or deflect to 300,000 children.

You're really calling me out because I didn't respond to your obviously ludicrous question about Routh? You troll for entertainment like a Taylor Swift teenager. My mistake for replying to you.
What is your problem lol? You're so obviously lying. Now go into your word salad or deflect to 300,000 children.

You're really calling me out because I didn't respond to your obviously ludicrous question about Routh? You troll for entertainment like a Taylor Swift teenager. My mistake for replying to you.
Taylor Swift just endorsed Kam, who says teens are stupid.

I see the stories they cite about successes. Nothing in those stories states that they were responsible for victim successes. Just that their partners (i.e. the police) got the job done.

True, as anyone would imagine how that line of work goes. They act as informative sources, and then let the police go to work. It's not like a private agency like that would have any arresting authority.
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Okay then you go with young people are pillars of wisdom.

Good lord you’re a piece of work
The simplest ideas have to be explained to you no matter what alias you are posting under. Your lib soulmate Bob called me a Taylor Swift teen. I reminded him of the inconvenient truth that Swift endorsed Harris, who said 18-24s are stupid - meaning that many of the people who will be influenced by that endorsement are stupid according to the Vice Puppet.

Try some of Kam's beloved Venn diagrams to help you unravel what to you must seem so complicated.
Conveniently ducking the proof that you were lying about using another name.

Such a childish hypocrite. You can refer to your running list of whataboutisms and choose one for a reply.
Ducking it? I started using Riveting- instead of Riveting when I did not renew Rivals, and the system would not let me post under Riveting.

I didn't think it would confuse anybody, but now I see it confused you and your lib soulmates. Was it the extra hyphen that befuddled you?
The problem with posting to you and your soulmates, Bob, is it is impossible to gage just how stupid you can be.

Riveting- (the poster previously known as Riveting)
Ducking it? I started using Riveting- instead of Riveting when I did not renew Rivals, and the system would not let me post under Riveting.

I didn't think it would confuse anybody, but now I see it confused you and your lib soulmates. Was it the extra hyphen that befuddled you?

SO YOU DO HAVE multiple posting names.

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The simplest ideas have to be explained to you no matter what alias you are posting under. Your lib soulmate Bob called me a Taylor Swift teen. I reminded him of the inconvenient truth that Swift endorsed Harris, who said 18-24s are stupid - meaning that many of the people who will be influenced by that endorsement are stupid according to the Vice Puppet.

Try some of Kam's beloved Venn diagrams to help you unravel what to you must seem so complicated.
No. This is just one of your problems. I didn't call you a TS teenager. I said you troll for entertainment LIKE a TS teenager. Big difference. But you don't care. You're about entertainment, not serious dialogue.
Well done. Not everyone can answer a post and at the same time demonstrate their complete ignorance and sciolism of economics. Just fabulous. Congrats.
No really. Explain to me how so many countries around the world saw increases in inflation and consumer prices at the same time yet the one event common to all of them wasn't the cause. Show me your sciolism of economics.
No really. Explain to me how so many countries around the world saw increases in inflation and consumer prices at the same time yet the one event common to all of them wasn't the cause. Show me your sciolism of economics.
All he will tell you is he lost $33k, or $36k, or $32k, depending on the day of the week, never explain how, but is somehow SURE this administration is entirely to blame.

SO YOU DO HAVE multiple posting names.

Multiple as in two that are the same except for a hyphen at the end. I suppose I am not totally surprised it confused you and your lib soulmates.

How does that compare with your four completely different posting names? Also hilarious?
No. This is just one of your problems. I didn't call you a TS teenager. I said you troll for entertainment LIKE a TS teenager. Big difference. But you don't care. You're about entertainment, not serious dialogue.
Gee, I see the difference. You said I am LIKE a TS teen, which somehow in your woke TDS deranged mind invalidates the humor of TS endorsing KamBam, who is on record saying that 18-24s are stupid.
Speaking of endorsements, Kam has corralled the stupid 18-24 voters (but not the smart ones) and the war criminals (Dick Cheney), but not the Teamsters. How could that be, Bob, 95 or KatJM23?