Read halfway down. Like I said, 'scholarship' is used to in recruiting literature to WP.
And yes, soldiers that stood out in basic at least at Ft Benning, after an interview with Brigade Commander(WP Grad), and grade check of hs or previous college grades, were told they would be accepted if they applied. Same thing back at Campbell. Work for or have a good relationship with a Colonel or above, WP Grad, same deal.
And if you do not think a Colonel or above, especially a WP Grad, is not politically connected enough to get a soldier he recomends for admission to get accepted not sure what to tell you. You should know how the Army works by now.
You really think that those senior officers are going to utilize their time and their subordinates officers time working on a nomination, interviewing, checking grades, call connections at Pentagon or WP, and not be able to get a soldier in with confidence? Please.