These refs are absolutely horrendous. Big ten continues to have the worst officiating in all of college basketball. Refs are +10 to michigan and colvin heidi are another +10 to them.

Playing down 20 to start the ****ing game
Welp - that was not a good last minute or so......Boilers gotta dig deep and tough this one out.

Making a big shot wouldn't hurt either.
Furst, Colvin, and Heide are just abysmal...deer in headlights. Furst throwing a fit each time he commits a doofus foul doesn't help.

We just do not have consistent scoring beyond TKR and Braden...just very stagnant.
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Michigan hasn’t even played well today. We’ve played good for 5-6 mins, followed by absolutely pitiful play for the next 5-6. They’ve been consistently mediocre and we’re still losing late with 2 separate 11 point leads
These refs are absolutely horrendous. Big ten continues to have the worst officiating in all of college basketball. Refs are +10 to michigan and colvin heidi are another +10 to them.

Playing down 20 to start the ****ing game
Relax, refs have nothing to do with our lazy play and boring offense.
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why in the world did UM go back to MTM? Glad they did but wow
Purdue hasn’t shown to be a big threat behind the arc either. Guessing May is afraid Purdue will go off if they get comfortable against it?
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So getting hit in the back of the head no foul, front foul.

Still Furst how do you not dunk that?
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lol, passing the ball to guys that can’t make a play

Story of the game

Smith just can’t play like that for 30 minutes, 4 pts is the reason they lost
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Colvin and Heide do nothing again
Loyer is either nail a shot or do nothing.
Furst is so weak with the ball
TKR fouls too much and gets no respect from refs