Pre Debate Predictions

Yeahyeahyeah. These are the two words you focus on because you think it absolves trump of any and all responsibility. He feels the same way.

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

I have words too. That were spoken at the very end of the speech. Which words did the crowd focus on? Don't know.

There would have been no J6 without trump. No smashing windows. No police assaulted. No rioters going after members of congress. Nothing. How is that not the ultimate responsibility?

I think it's great 12 defendants were released. The system is working the way it's supposed to. Appeals were filed. The cases were reviewed. Reasons were found that warranted their release.

Trump has said he will pardon the rest. Will that be an example of the system working too?
No, they are the most important words, because they are LITERALLY the only words where Trump told people what to do. You want to ignore them because they don't fit your TDS narrative.
No, I'm saying, and have said, that I'm not going to buy into the lefts character assassination attempts, which this CLEARLY is. Trumps good deeds for people of all races is WELL documented. I suggest you look them up so you can get some perspective.
Character assassination by quoting Trump’s exact words?

That’s SO unfair! Lol