Pre Debate Predictions

For crissakes. She has two parents. She "identifies" with both sides of her heritage.

When she does the following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
she identifies with her Indian/American heritage.

When she does following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
  • attending a HBCU
  • joining a traditionally black sorority
  • having her intelligence and resume questioned because of the color of her skin
  • having her racial identity questioned by her political opponent in an effort to motivate racists
she identifies with her black heritage
I never said she didn't. I said that you didn't hear about it so much until now. Especially the black side.
You didn't try to listen for it until now. When she was at Howard U, through cultural events in California and at the White House, when she attended all kinds of Alpha Kappa Alpha events regularly, it has been there for the knowing. I mean for crissakes, she was the President of the Black Law Students Association at Cal Law School! That's pretty freaking visible.

And moreover, the reason you hear about it NOW? Kamala Harris has not said a single word about Trump's race baiting, it's because DONALD TRUMP THE RACE BAITER COMMANDED HIS 'FOLLOWERS' TO BE UPSET ABOUT IT.

Good lord.
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Never understand why NTs, (never Trumpers) - then can turn, and go and vote for wacked out lib policies verses simply just not voting for Trump.

Not voting T, I understand & seems logical for NTs, but then going & actually voting K2, well seems diametrically against "supposed" conservative values NTs claim to hold. Lacks logic and borders on derangement.
People still have trouble separating Trump the policymaker from Trump the personality. Would a NT really want to vote for a dem? For what? To teach Trump a lesson? So, you're willing to pay more in taxes, etc simply because you think Trump's a a-hole?
That doesn't make any sense.
People like Bob and BNI will vote dem no matter what because they believe whatever they're told. But for people who can think and analyze issues, the policy are what matters, not the personality.
For crissakes. She has two parents. She "identifies" with both sides of her heritage.

When she does the following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
she identifies with her Indian/American heritage.

When she does following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
  • attending a HBCU
  • joining a traditionally black sorority
  • having her intelligence and resume questioned because of the color of her skin
  • having her racial identity questioned by her political opponent in an effort to motivate racists
she identifies with her black heritage
Is her dad black?
Isn't her mom 100% Indian?
You didn't try to listen for it until now. When she was at Howard U, through cultural events in California and at the White House, when she attended all kinds of Alpha Kappa Alpha events regularly, it has been there for the knowing. I mean for crissakes, she was the President of the Black Law Students Association at Cal Law School! That's pretty freaking visible.

And moreover, the reason you hear about it NOW? Kamala Harris has not said a single word about Trump's race baiting, it's because DONALD TRUMP THE RACE BAITER COMMANDED HIS 'FOLLOWERS' TO BE UPSET ABOUT IT.

Good lord.
These folks in this forum that attended Purdue or attended other university perhaps never knew that black fraternities and sororities existed, let alone attend one of their extremely entertaining step show parties.
These folks in this forum that attended Purdue or attended other university perhaps never knew that black fraternities and sororities existed, let alone attend one of their extremely entertaining step show parties.
You act like white people at Purdue should treat the black students like novelty items:. "Hey man, there's a black dude....Isn't that interesting".
Is her dad black?
Isn't her mom 100% Indian?
And yes.

Both parents are immigrants; one from Jamaica and one from India. Harris has been clear that she was overwhelmingly primarily raised by her mother. FWIW, her mom was pretty dark-skinned too and I would imagine was considered black. Neither parent was of direct African descent.
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Is her dad black?
Isn't her mom 100% Indian?
Yes, her mom is 100% Indian. Her dad is from Jamaica with African and Irish heritage. Harris has embraced both her Indian and black heritage. Harris' parents met at a black study group in college and got involved in the US civil rights movement.
These folks in this forum that attended Purdue or attended other university perhaps never knew that black fraternities and sororities existed, let alone attend one of their extremely entertaining step show parties.

You mean there are frats & sororities where skin color is a prerequisite?
Sounds a mite racist?
You mean there are frats & sororities where skin color is a prerequisite?
Sounds a mite racist?
Dude, it's because of racism from the white Greek organizations that black students had to start their own sororities and fraternities. Most did so in the early 1900s. However, if you watch the video, skin color is not a prerequisite
People still have trouble separating Trump the policymaker from Trump the personality. Would a NT really want to vote for a dem? For what? To teach Trump a lesson? So, you're willing to pay more in taxes, etc simply because you think Trump's a a-hole?
That doesn't make any sense.
People like Bob and BNI will vote dem no matter what because they believe whatever they're told. But for people who can think and analyze issues, the policy are what matters, not the personality.
This has become your mantra. The one answer that allows you to dismiss the lunacy and still embrace the man.

Are you saying his personality doesn't affect his policies? And by policies I also mean his actions and what he says he will do.
This has become your mantra. The one answer that allows you to dismiss the lunacy and still embrace the man.

Are you saying his personality doesn't affect his policies? And by policies I also mean his actions and what he says he will do.
Oh he fully knows this. He just loves all the terrible things Trump is proposing because he’s just as terrible.
Are you saying his personality doesn't affect his policies? And by policies I also mean his actions and what he says he will do.
For an intelligent answer to that question, look at his policies and actions in his four years as president. Low inflation, Abraham accords, remain-in-Mexico policy, nixing Putin's Nord Stream 2 (which Biden and the Vice Puppet quickly reversed in their appeasement program) and bankrupting Iran (also reversed in appeasement). And bombing the hell out of ISIS and terminating Soleimani.

Which of those actions do you (or 95) think were not in the best interests of this nation?
You didn't try to listen for it until now. When she was at Howard U, through cultural events in California and at the White House, when she attended all kinds of Alpha Kappa Alpha events regularly, it has been there for the knowing. I mean for crissakes, she was the President of the Black Law Students Association at Cal Law School! That's pretty freaking visible.

And moreover, the reason you hear about it NOW? Kamala Harris has not said a single word about Trump's race baiting, it's because DONALD TRUMP THE RACE BAITER COMMANDED HIS 'FOLLOWERS' TO BE UPSET ABOUT IT.

Good lord.
Look, I think Trump bringing it up is pretty stupid to be honest, but to claim he's a race baiter is just dumb. He has a LOT of things he could point at that proves he's not racist. This statement just shows he's ignorant of the whole picture, like a lot of people are.

I think he went there because it's just known that the left likes to use race as a ploy to get votes. It was a poor way for him to try to put light on that.
Look, I think Trump bringing it up is pretty stupid to be honest, but to claim he's a race baiter is just dumb. He has a LOT of things he could point at that proves he's not racist. This statement just shows he's ignorant of the whole picture, like a lot of people are.

I think he went there because it's just known that the left likes to use race as a ploy to get votes. It was a poor way for him to try to put light on that.
Agree. I wish he had extended it to say that, far more important than changing her racial identity, she is changing her previous statements about defunding the police, fracking, etc in order to win the election.
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Look, I think Trump bringing it up is pretty stupid to be honest, but to claim he's a race baiter is just dumb. He has a LOT of things he could point at that proves he's not racist. This statement just shows he's ignorant of the whole picture, like a lot of people are.

I think he went there because it's just known that the left likes to use race as a ploy to get votes. It was a poor way for him to try to put light on that.
If Trump isn’t a racist or xenophobic, he should stop hanging out all month with Laura Loomer. He should also stop having meals with Nick Fuentes.
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This has become your mantra. The one answer that allows you to dismiss the lunacy and still embrace the man.

Are you saying his personality doesn't affect his policies? And by policies I also mean his actions and what he says he will do.
No, I don't think his personality effects his actions. Yes, he's an ego maniac, but his policies are for the betterment of the country, not himself.
Look at how well the country was doing during his term. That's all the proof you need.
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No, I don't think his personality effects his actions. Yes, he's an ego maniac, but his policies are for the betterment of the country, not himself.
Look at how well the country was doing during his term. That's all the proof you need.
You called him a megalomaniac in the past and yet you think he is for the betterment of the country and not himself? Do you know the definition of megalomaniac?
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Post-debate comments by Trump. This is a troubled old man:

"Haitian immigrants have descended upon Springfield, Ohio, and are destroying their way of life.”

"A recording of 911 calls shows residents reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town's geese. They're taking the geese. You know where the geese are? In the park, in the lake. And even walking off with their pets. My dog's been taken! My dog's been stolen!"
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If Trump isn’t a racist or xenophobic, he should stop hanging out all month with Laura Loomer. He should also stop having meals with Nick Fuentes.
This is just an incredibly vacuous and idiotic statement and again in no way makes Trump out to be a racist. Try looking up all of the things he's done over his lifetime for people of other races BEFORE he ran for president. The things he has done are just incredible and shows how good of a heart the man really has. The media and Democrats have done a good job vilifying the man. He needs to learn how to stop giving them ammo to twist to their favor.
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You called him a megalomaniac and yet you think he is for the betterment of the country and not himself? Do you know the definition of megalomaniac?
He said an ego maniac, not a megalomaniac. There's a HUGE difference there. I think he's an ego maniac only in the sense that he has to exaggerate everything to make it seem much better than it was. To make him out to be the best at everything. That's the kind of ego maniac he is. He does care about others though. There's tons of proof of that out there.
Post-debate comments by Trump. This is a troubled old man:

"Haitian immigrants have descended upon Springfield, Ohio, and are destroying their way of life.”

"A recording of 911 calls shows residents reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town's geese. They're taking the geese. You know where the geese are? In the park, in the lake. And even walking off with their pets. My dog's been taken! My dog's been stolen!"
Did you not see the video where a guy went there and interviewed people that live there? These were the things they were saying. So now Trump is troubled because he's repeating the lived experiences of people in that area?
He said an ego maniac, not a megalomaniac. There's a HUGE difference there. I think he's an ego maniac only in the sense that he has to exaggerate everything to make it seem much better than it was. To make him out to be the best at everything. That's the kind of ego maniac he is. He does care about others though. There's tons of proof of that out there.
I'm referring to a previous post.
If Trump isn’t a racist or xenophobic, he should stop hanging out all month with Laura Loomer. He should also stop having meals with Nick Fuentes.
You do realize that when Nick Fuentes met with Trump, Trump had no idea he was going to be there right? Trump was meeting with Ye for dinner and Nick Fuentes showed up. Trump didn't know anything about the guy at the time.

I don't know all the details about Loomer. I'm sure she's not the most savory character, but it also wouldn't surprise me if the left was exaggerating about her escapades either, much like they do about Trump. Character assassination is the left's specialty.
You do realize that when Nick Fuentes met with Trump, Trump had no idea he was going to be there right? Trump was meeting with Ye for dinner and Nick Fuentes showed up. Trump didn't know anything about the guy at the time.

I don't know all the details about Loomer. I'm sure she's not the most savory character, but it also wouldn't surprise me if the left was exaggerating about her escapades either, much like they do about Trump. Character assassination is the left's specialty.
Ye is a virulent anti-Semite. Did he know who Ye was? And why in the hell do you think that Trump didn’t know who Fuentes was; because Trump got caught hanging out with him and then said so?

According to Trump he doesn’t know who Fuentes is, who David Duke is, didn’t know what Pepe the Frog was when he retweeted it, doesn’t know what QAnon is but regularly retweets its slogans, doesn’t know what Project 25 is. What kind of uninformed dumbass is he?

As for Loomer, she is a self-proclaimed “Proud Islamophobe” and white nationalist. It’s right there in her verified profile. All one has to do is read her Twitter feed to see a constant stream of absolutely awful stuff.

Are you saying that electing Trump would be putting an extremely uninformed guy in charge, one whose handlers don’t prepare him or who ignores preparation? That is what happened at the debate, is the best case scenario and is really troubling, especially for a narcissist who would be 82 in the next four years.
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I have been telling folks here that in the most extreme liberal states that babies are left to die after a extreme late term abortion that goes wrong.

This makes the "correction" ABC moderators (& a few here) said about abortion a flat out lie. Judging from the comments here, many believe the ABC lie as they are not educated about the topic.

According to the enclosed article... "The truth is that in Tim Walz’s Minnesota at least eight babies have been left to die after botched abortions. It is a matter of public record."

That's just 1 of the far left extremist states where it is allowed to not give the same medical care that a normal baby born would receive - to a baby needing that same care after a botched abortion. They don't give that care and the babies often die.

Clueless elites wrong about Trump-Harris debate, and now we know why
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Ye is a virulent anti-Semite. Did he know who Ye was? And why in the hell do you think that Trump didn’t know who Fuentes was; because Trump got caught hanging out with him and then said so?
Yes I know who Ye is. He's a rapper. I don't know anything else about him other than that. I don't care.
According to Trump he doesn’t know who Fuentes is, who David Duke is, didn’t know what Pepe the Frog was when he retweeted it, doesn’t know what QAnon is but regularly retweets its slogans, doesn’t know what Project 25 is. What kind of uninformed dumbass is he?
What evidence do you have to the contrary other than you just want to believe it? Fuentes came with Ye. FFS the NBC article on the meeting even suggests that Trump went into a trap unknowingly.

"But Trump may have been walking into a trap in Mar-a-Lago’s gilded halls — one that leveraged his own penchant for spectacle and showmanship against him."
As for Loomer, she is a self-proclaimed “Proud Islamophobe” and white nationalist. It’s right there in her verified profile. All one has to do is read her Twitter feed to see a constant stream of absolutely awful stuff.
Are you saying that electing Trump would be putting an extremely uninformed guy in charge, one whose handlers don’t prepare him or who ignores preparation? That is what happened at the debate, is the best case scenario and is really troubling, especially for a narcissist who would be 82 in the next four years.
FFS. You expect everyone to know everything about everyone that gets into office? Your standards are impossible.
Yes I know who Ye is. He's a rapper. I don't know anything else about him other than that. I don't care.

What evidence do you have to the contrary other than you just want to believe it? Fuentes came with Ye. FFS the NBC article on the meeting even suggests that Trump went into a trap unknowingly.

"But Trump may have been walking into a trap in Mar-a-Lago’s gilded halls — one that leveraged his own penchant for spectacle and showmanship against him."


FFS. You expect everyone to know everything about everyone that gets into office? Your standards are impossible.
Those are incredibly lazy responses. You have now consistently stated that when he has truly awful, racist, anti-Semitic people in his inner circle or as his personal guests, or personally posts incredibly offensive stuff it’s not his fault because he’s ignorant or has chosen incredibly ignorant handlers.

And FWIW, you may be the last person in America not to figure out that Kanye West is a mentally ill anti-Semite.
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Those are incredibly lazy responses. You have now consistently stated that when he has truly awful, racist, anti-Semitic people in his inner circle or as his personal guests, or personally posts incredibly offensive stuff it’s not his fault because he’s ignorant or has chosen incredibly ignorant handlers.

And FWIW, you may be the last person in America not to figure out that Kanye West is a mentally ill anti-Semite.
Never his fault. J6.........he had nothing to do with that. They just asked him to give a speech.
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I have been telling folks here that in the most extreme liberal states that babies are left to die after a extreme late term abortion that goes wrong.

This makes the "correction" ABC moderators (& a few here) said about abortion a flat out lie. Judging from the comments here, many believe the ABC lie as they are not educated about the topic.

According to the enclosed article... "The truth is that in Tim Walz’s Minnesota at least eight babies have been left to die after botched abortions. It is a matter of public record."

That's just 1 of the far left extremist states where it is allowed to not give the same medical care that a normal baby born would receive - to a baby needing that same care after a botched abortion. They don't give that care and the babies often die.

Clueless elites wrong about Trump-Harris debate, and now we know why
You should keep saying that and hammer home what a dumb shit you are. Jfc. It’s not a thing.
Those are incredibly lazy responses. You have now consistently stated that when he has truly awful, racist, anti-Semitic people in his inner circle or as his personal guests, or personally posts incredibly offensive stuff it’s not his fault because he’s ignorant or has chosen incredibly ignorant handlers.

And FWIW, you may be the last person in America not to figure out that Kanye West is a mentally ill anti-Semite.
Good lord. I said he didn't know the one guy (I can't even remember his name and don't feel like scrolling up for it. It's that unimportant) and I said I didn't know much about Loomer. I see the biggest thing they like to push about her is that she was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. I would be interested to know when it was that she started pushing that idea. You do realize that she was 8 years old when 9/11 happened. There's a lot if impressionable years in there for bad ideas to take hold.

Again, you're slurping up the character assassination attempts by the left. It's an old playbook and I've learned to just not give a sh!t because it's always over hyped.
Never his fault. J6.........he had nothing to do with that. They just asked him to give a speech.
A speech in which he said to peacefully and patriotically have your voices heard.

Oh BTW, 12 J6 defendants just had their felony convictions vacated.
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Good lord. I said he didn't know the one guy (I can't even remember his name and don't feel like scrolling up for it. It's that unimportant) and I said I didn't know much about Loomer. I see the biggest thing they like to push about her is that she was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. I would be interested to know when it was that she started pushing that idea. You do realize that she was 8 years old when 9/11 happened. There's a lot if impressionable years in there for bad ideas to take hold.

Again, you're slurping up the character assassination attempts by the left. It's an old playbook and I've learned to just not give a sh!t because it's always over hyped.
So you’re saying you have no idea what you’re talking about and don’t have the interest in finding out.


Loomer has been a 9/11 conspiracy theorist for a few years, and she now follows Trump around in his private close travel group. And he took her to the 9/11 memorial service with him this week.

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A speech in which he said to peacefully and patriotically have your voices heard.

Oh BTW, 12 J6 defendants just had their felony convictions vacated.
Yeahyeahyeah. These are the two words you focus on because you think it absolves trump of any and all responsibility. He feels the same way.

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

I have words too. That were spoken at the very end of the speech. Which words did the crowd focus on? Don't know.

There would have been no J6 without trump. No smashing windows. No police assaulted. No rioters going after members of congress. Nothing. How is that not the ultimate responsibility?

I think it's great 12 defendants were released. The system is working the way it's supposed to. Appeals were filed. The cases were reviewed. Reasons were found that warranted their release.

Trump has said he will pardon the rest. Will that be an example of the system working too?
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So you’re saying you have no idea what you’re talking about and don’t have the interest in finding out.


Loomer has been a 9/11 conspiracy theorist for a few years, and she now follows Trump around in his private close travel group. And he took her to the 9/11 memorial service with him this week.

No, I'm saying, and have said, that I'm not going to buy into the lefts character assassination attempts, which this CLEARLY is. Trumps good deeds for people of all races is WELL documented. I suggest you look them up so you can get some perspective.