Pre Debate Predictions

Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.

Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story.

With love and hope,

Taylor Swift
Childless Cat Lady
My last rebublican vote. John Kasich 2016 gop primary.

Now I'm a RINO. And will remain one as long as Trumplicans support a man over country.

Time to put this cult affair to bed once and for all in 2024.
And that’s just it. Suddenly you’re the outcast when your values haven’t changed. It’s just that your party has been hi jacked by fringe lunatics. It’s honestly scary AF. It scares me, anyway. I know that the folks who support him don’t see it that way because they finally feel seen or whatever but it’s truly some of the worst of humanity that does.

One can still love this country, still want to respect people, and be a conservative. Well, used to, anyway.
So Trump was showing us an impersonation of the shitshow.

It was just a skit. Trump was pretending to impersonate Biden tonight just to drive home his points.

12 out of the last 16 years...what does lib leadership have to show for it? Illegal immigrants by the millions, corporate bailouts by the billions, diseases, wars, anti American green agendas, overpriced insurance, inflation, falling scholastic achievement and child experimentation.

Go big orange.
This was the most unfair "debate" in history.

1. The unprecedented # of corrections to one candidate and not the other.....when both lied.
2. Specific one sided questions to make T look bad. These questions did NOT apply to both candidates, only Trump, and were used to make him look bad. Sure it worked, but the point is it was unfair.
3. Multiple low poling questions like abortion, tarrifs, race & climate change. Those were only asked as they are Dem issues, not issues that poll high.
4. ABC did not press her on her flip flopping. Sure they asked, but she never had to account for changes.

Sure Trump lost, not questioning that. Took the bait and got played. He lost.

But geez any fair minded person would have to agree, this "debate" handled by ABC was an unfair disgrace.
You're supposed to say "worst in the HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY". He says it about everything, should be easy to remember.

You did call it a disgrace, another favorite of his.

I give you credit though. You were correct. She baited him and he took it.
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12 out of the last 16 years...what does lib leadership have to show for it? Illegal immigrants by the millions, corporate bailouts by the billions, diseases, wars, anti American green agendas, overpriced insurance, inflation, falling scholastic achievement and child experimentation.

Go big orange.
And it took less than four to get you totally detached from reality.

Like I said, it has to be utterly exhausting to always be this mad at the bogeyman.
12 out of the last 16 years...what does lib leadership have to show for it? Illegal immigrants by the millions, corporate bailouts by the billions, diseases, wars, anti American green agendas, overpriced insurance, inflation, falling scholastic achievement and child experimentation.

Go big orange.

That was the one thing I agree with K2 on. "It's time for a change" her words. Yes K2, we are. It's time to fire you. We have 12 of 16 years of Anti middle class Dem leadership.

Millions of illegals
Food prices up 20-70% depending on staple.
Energy prices up.
Insurance rates skyrocket.
Fentanyl deaths
Missing children
Interest rates unaffordable.
Men in women's sports
Tax money for illegals.
Putting SS in jeopardy.

SO YES K2, we are ready for a change.
You're supposed to say "worst in the HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY". He says it about everything, should be easy to remember.

You did call it a disgrace, another favorite of his.

I give you credit though. You were correct. She baited him and he took it.

Was ABC anywhere close to fair iyo?
Just curious… when you watch sports are you a ‘blame the referee’ kind of guy?

I normally don't respond to your nonsense, but this once I will.

ABC was a prediction I made above pre-debate. Said they would be bad. But never dreamed they would be this historically unfair. Since ABC was a prediction, and the thread is titled "Pre-debate predictions" it is totally relevant to the thread. Hope that helps.
Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.

Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story.

With love and hope,

Taylor Swift
Childless Cat Lady
That did it, Harris has my vote.🤡
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And it took less than four to get you totally detached from reality.

Like I said, it has to be utterly exhausting to always be this mad at the bogeyman.
Detached? I'm married with children in the school system. Who are you? I live this liberal mess every day. I'm centered and focused. I volunteer and help my neighbors. I coach in county leagues. I own a home. So good try. Maybe next time Charlie Brown!
The moderators asked MULTIPLE questions no one cares about. They did it to play T to his weaknesses & they did it masterfully.....and Trump got played. Lol
no surprise here. They knew going in that Muir hated Trump and loved Harris. The moderators were what was expected based upon their history towards the two . Who knows if "words" carry much weight? We do have historic desires with successes and failures, but many will have no idea. It reminds me of the Bee Gee's "Words"

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say

It's only words, and words are all I have
To take your heart away

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say

It's only words, and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words, and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words, and words are all I have
To take your heart away
Like the last debate, I like to make pre Debate Predictions....

✅ First I think K2 will do fine answering moderator questions. She will have her new K2 lies well polished and deliver them with the skill of a defense attorney like K2 almost knows what will be asked.
✅ Trump is not a good debater and will continue to say generalized statements that do not sway people. Example from last debate..."You were the worst President ever(referring to Biden)" - without saying why. While that may be true, if you don't link that statement to the issues you are just blowing hot air.
✅ ABC will have 2+ questions that are NOT related to top poling issues. Examples of lower poling issues they might ask.....
*** Climate change
*** Highlighting Trump court battles
*** Civil rights and racism
*** Terrorism
*** Abortion
*** IVF
*** Access to birth control
*** Sharp rise in Antisemitism
*** Child Care
*** Endorsements
✅ ABC will skip at least one issue that polls high to Americans. Here are the top issues poling wise....let's see how many are skipped? Below are the top issues in most polls....
*** Economy
*** Prices
*** Ilegal immigration
*** Secure Border
*** Polarization of our country
*** High Price of Health Care
*** Drug addiction
*** Deficit
*** Crime and gun violence
ONE of my poll sources ...
✅ ABC will also phrase some important issues, away from the central issues of the poll. Examples instead of asking about high price of health care, they will phrase it as availability of health care. Another example, instead of phrasing it as illegal immigration, they will say immigration or newcomers. Instead of talking about high prices they will phrase it as inflation or economy. Etc.
✅ I wonder if ABC moderators will be fair -- or if they abandon all partiality and side openly with K2. I think surely not??? I expect them to NOT be fair. It won't be the first time we have seen it from our "supposed journalists".
✅ Trump should try to get K2 to talk more to non moderator questions. Let her speak impromptu, that's when it gets interesting. Trump is NOT skilled enough to do this.
✅ Most of America will NOT watch as they could care less. Sad, but true.
✅ Both candidates will declare & spin victory, but in reality America is the loser with these 2 awful, damaged candidates

Your takes.....

Looks like all 9 of my predictions came true.

Lol...looks like I did a lot better than Trump last night who took the bait more than not. He missed every opportunity to tell America of his policy first in each turn (due to taking the bait) which between the two is by far superior.
Detached? I'm married with children in the school system. Who are you? I live this liberal mess every day. I'm centered and focused. I volunteer and help my neighbors. I coach in county leagues. I own a home. So good try. Maybe next time Charlie Brown!
I’m married with children as well. I’m “centered and focused” as well (Whatever that means in your world). Volunteer as well. Own my own home as well. I’m just not afraid of people who are different than me. I don’t listen to people I don’t know when they say I should be afraid of something that when I apply even an ounce of common sense tells me is most likely a lie. So you can say nice try, Charlie Brown. And I’ll say that I’m sorry you live life feeling like you need to look over your shoulder because you’ve been told by some rich guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has no tether to reality himself to be afraid of things that aren’t true.
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I normally don't respond to your nonsense, but this once I will.

ABC was a prediction I made above pre-debate. Said they would be bad. But never dreamed they would be this historically unfair. Since ABC was a prediction, and the thread is titled "Pre-debate predictions" it is totally relevant to the thread. Hope that helps.
Historically unfair. Lmaooooo.

You need to go back and list out what he was fact checked on. I mean does it not make you wonder at all when one of the fact checks is “immigrants aren’t eating pets in Ohio?”

Oh wait, look who I’m responding to. You totally believe it.

All of these ready-made excuses and all she had to do was let your guy talk and dig his own grave and he took the bait.
This just has to be so exhausting for folks like Buck and others on here. Truly. I sincerely feel bad for him and others because they spend all of their efforts defending this one man when they didn’t need to.

The Republican Party could have started with a clean slate after Trump lost. Especially after January 6. Most high ranking republicans rightly condemned him and then inexplicably went right back like a battered wife.

So here we are today. Republicans spend so much of their time focused on being victims and saying they aren’t treated fairly and excuse after excuse but they have to be so tired of it at the same time.

I saw tonight a tired old man whose only party trick is to lash out. He is loud and boorish and a bully and that appeals to a certain segment of the population. I get that. He got far more air time than she did and spent most of it ranting and raving. She barely had to say anything and it was off to the races for him. But it’s exhausting. It’s time to move on. If the best you can do is say “I saw someone on tv” say something about immigrants eating pets, it’s time for your pudding and to be wheeled to your room.
I'm on record saying that I wanted someone other than Trump to win the primary. I wanted Haley, Scott or DeSantis. But, we got Trump, who by every measure policywise, is better than any democrat. Therefore, despite having a poor debate performance, I'll still vote for him over Harris who is flippy floppy on every issue.
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I'm on record saying that I wanted someone other than Trump to win the primary. I wanted Haley, Scott or DeSantis. But, we got Trump, who by every measure policywise, is better than any democrat. Therefore, despite having a poor debate performance, I'll still vote for him over Harris who is flippy floppy on every issue.

I said the exact thing early on & that any number of Rs would be better. It's funny to see new libs on here say differently, like we have been in the tank for Trump since the beginning. Not the case at all.

But Trump is the R choice we got. And great thing for him, policy wise between him & K2, he is by far superior. And on that it's not close.
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I’m married with children as well. I’m “centered and focused” as well (Whatever that means in your world). Volunteer as well. Own my own home as well. I’m just not afraid of people who are different than me. I don’t listen to people I don’t know when they say I should be afraid of something that when I apply even an ounce of common sense tells me is most likely a lie. So you can say nice try, Charlie Brown. And I’ll say that I’m sorry you live life feeling like you need to look over your shoulder because you’ve been told by some rich guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has no tether to reality himself to be afraid of things that aren’t true.
You called me detached, not the other way around, don't try to be the victim now. I already posted a thing you didn't know was true with a link. I'm sure you ignored that because the orangutan can never be correct.
Could have had a conservative Republican President. There were many, many solid/strong choices, any of which would have very likely won the general election.

Instead? The Republican base hitched their wagon to a 78 year old scowling, conspiracy theory espousing, insulting, liberal, horrible leader and horrible person. So blaming any group other than Republican primary voters for the abomination that is Donald Trump is disingenuous.

Would I have voted for Haley or DeSantis? Damn right I would have. But if there was ever any doubt that Trump is a weird, unprepared, incredibly offensive, too old idiot; last night erased that.

Finally; as for the "I like his policies" nonsense? How can any leader have any mandate to propose, promote, and enact policy when the vast majority of legislators from both parties think he's an abomination. That's a real part of why Biden was booted; everyone including the Democrat Party faithful realized that he was toast in the eyes of the public, of world leaders, and of Congress.

So -- after last night does Trump drop off the ticket for "health reasons?" Because if he did Haley would still have a real chance of winning.
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Could have had a conservative Republican President. There were many, many solid/strong choices, any of which would have very likely won the general election.

Instead? The Republican base hitched their wagon to a 78 year old scowling, conspiracy theory espousing, insulting, liberal, horrible leader and horrible person. So blaming any group other than Republican primary voters for the abomination that is Donald Trump is disingenuous.

Would I have voted for Haley or DeSantis? Damn right I would have. But if there was ever any doubt that Trump is a weird, unprepared, incredibly offensive, too old idiot; last night erased that.

Finally; as for the "I like his policies" nonsense? How can any leader have any mandate to propose, promote, and enact policy when the vast majority of legislators from both parties think he's an abomination. That's a real part of why Biden was booted; everyone including the Democrat Party faithful realized that he was toast in the eyes of the public, of world leaders, and of Congress.

So -- after last night does Trump drop off the ticket for "health reasons?" Because if he did Haley would still have a real chance of winning.
While this is true and I mostly feel the same, at least "the people" voted for Trump.
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Could have had a conservative Republican President. There were many, many solid/strong choices, any of which would have very likely won the general election.

Instead? The Republican base hitched their wagon to a 78 year old scowling, conspiracy theory espousing, insulting, liberal, horrible leader and horrible person. So blaming any group other than Republican primary voters for the abomination that is Donald Trump is disingenuous.

Would I have voted for Haley or DeSantis? Damn right I would have. But if there was ever any doubt that Trump is a weird, unprepared, incredibly offensive, too old idiot; last night erased that.

Finally; as for the "I like his policies" nonsense? How can any leader have any mandate to propose, promote, and enact policy when the vast majority of legislators from both parties think he's an abomination. That's a real part of why Biden was booted; everyone including the Democrat Party faithful realized that he was toast in the eyes of the public, of world leaders, and of Congress.

So -- after last night does Trump drop off the ticket for "health reasons?" Because if he did Haley would still have a real chance of winning.

Kat that was actually a good post. Don't agree with the policy paragraph at all, but your points were well made.
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While this is true and I mostly feel the same, at least "the people" voted for Trump.

Kat that was actually a good post. Don't agree with the policy paragraph at all, but your points were well made.
Appreciate the kind words guys. I get lumped in with liberals, but if you want to label me? I'm a never-Trumper Republican.

I guess I can agree that "the people" voted for Trump; for sure the Dem primary voters were hog-tied into Biden as their only option. However, the RNC stacked the deck against any Trump alternative: named Trump's daughter-in-law party chair, did not require candidates (Trump) to attend debates, and repeatedly required all candidates to state on stage that they would support Trump as nominee. Of course, Trump wasn't required to do the same for the rest of them because he wasn't there.

While I've said this before, allow me to repeat it; the President is the Chief Executive, and Trump (and Biden) are incredibly ill-equipped to be the Chief Executive for the next four years.
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Appreciate the kind words guys. I get lumped in with liberals, but if you want to label me? I'm a never-Trumper Republican.

While I've said this before, allow me to repeat it; the President is the Chief Executive, and Trump (and Biden) are incredibly ill-equipped to be the Chief Executive for the next four years.

Never understand why NTs, (never Trumpers) - then can turn, and go and vote for wacked out lib policies verses simply just not voting for Trump.

Not voting T, I understand & seems logical for NTs, but then going & actually voting K2, well seems diametrically against "supposed" conservative values NTs claim to hold. Lacks logic and borders on derangement.
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Never understand why NTs, (never Trumpers) - then can turn, and go and vote for wacked out lib policies verses simply just not voting for Trump.

Not voting T, I understand & seems logical for NTs, but then going & actually voting K2, well seems diametrically against "supposed" conservative values NTs claim to hold. Lacks logic and borders on derangement.
It’s always nice to watch everything burn knowing “your right” that the alternative was a narcissist (only to realize that the match striker is also a narcissist)
Never understand why NTs, (never Trumpers) - then can turn, and go and vote for wacked out lib policies verses simply just not voting for Trump.

Not voting T, I understand & seems logical for NTs, but then going & actually voting K2, well seems diametrically against "supposed" conservative values NTs claim to hold. Lacks logic and borders on derangement.
Because t's a binary choice between the two of them. And while leadership, character, and mental stability are not the only criteria, they are important criteria. And with some candidates they are so far over the edge that they are a bridge too far and policy is overshadowed by their other qualities.

For instance (though the incredibly flawed candidate clearly didn't have the same problems as Trump): A few decades back the Louisiana Governorship race was between crooked, fairly liberal Democrat Edwin Edwards, and the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, Republican candidate David Duke. That is so much more than a policy decision and there's no way in holy hell that I would have voted for Klansman David Duke no matter what his policies were. Trump isn't as offensive as David Duke and Harris isn't as offensive as Edwin Edwards, but the same logic applies for me.
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Because t's a binary choice between the two of them. And while leadership, character, and mental stability are not the only criteria, they are important criteria. And with some candidates they are so far over the edge that they are a bridge too far and policy is overshadowed by their other qualities.

As a Reagan conservative, I just can't abandon my principles the way you and others seem to easily have.

One can choose to not vote. That also is a choice. So it's not binary.

But thank you for your explanation.
As a Reagan conservative, I just can't abandon my principles the way you and others seem to easily have.

One can choose to not vote. That also is a choice. So it's not binary.

But thank you for your explanation.
True—one can sit this one out . For me there is always either a ‘better’ choice or a ‘less worse” choice.

I’m a major Reagan fan too. No matter who a Reagan conservative votes for this time there are going to be missing principles.

The principle of Reagan’s that I will not abandon is faith in the pillars of democracy and integrity. Harris is not perfect on that account, but Trump is the antithesis of every American value that Reagan held dear.
Because t's a binary choice between the two of them. And while leadership, character, and mental stability are not the only criteria, they are important criteria. And with some candidates they are so far over the edge that they are a bridge too far and policy is overshadowed by their other qualities.
most Americans vote with their wallet. Maybe when the economy is going well or decent, then they might consider other reasons…but for this election…it’s likely going to come down to the economy. JM2Cents. (And yes there are people who vote for or against abortion, but those individuals are typically far left or far right…or some other politically driven topic)
True—one can sit this one out . For me there is always either a ‘better’ choice or a ‘less worse” choice.

I’m a major Reagan fan too. No matter who a Reagan conservative votes for this time there are going to be missing principles.

The principle of Reagan’s that I will not abandon is faith in the pillars of democracy and integrity. Harris is not perfect on that account, but Trump is the antithesis of every American value that Reagan held dear.
Reagan also said to "Speak no ill towards your fellow Republicans".
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most Americans vote with their wallet. Maybe when the economy is going well or decent, then they might consider other reasons…but for this election…it’s likely going to come down to the economy. JM2Cents. (And yes there are people who vote for or against abortion, but those individuals are typically far left or far right…or some other politically driven topic)
I also vote for the one who can best protect this country, my children, and my grandchildren. Only one in this election can do that, and it ain't Harris.
What you did was setup ABC to fail in your eyes, said Harris is going to lie and implied she's getting the questions before the debate.

Trump won't be specific. Really going out on a limb there. Harsh criticism.

Which lies will trump choose to use tonight? That kids go to school and come home transgender? Babies are being killed after they are born? Countries all over the world are emptying their mental institutions and prisons and sending the people here? I guess he can't lie about the crowd size.
Looks like she lied her ass off, so his prediction there was true.

BTW countries ARE emptying their prisons and sending them here. DHS admitted as much a couple years ago.
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I really wish he'd go into more detail on this issue, because it's a real gripe. Not that she isn't black, but that she always used to identify as Indian until she became nationally relevant.
For crissakes. She has two parents. She "identifies" with both sides of her heritage.

When she does the following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
she identifies with her Indian/American heritage.

When she does following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
  • attending a HBCU
  • joining a traditionally black sorority
  • having her intelligence and resume questioned because of the color of her skin
  • having her racial identity questioned by her political opponent in an effort to motivate racists
she identifies with her black heritage
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For crissakes. She has two parents. She "identifies" with both sides of her heritage.

When she does the following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
she identifies with her Indian/American heritage.

When she does following things;
  • food,
  • culture,
  • traditions,
  • attending a HBCU
  • joining a traditionally black sorority
  • having her intelligence and resume questioned because of the color of her skin
  • having her racial identity questioned by her political opponent in an effort to motivate racists
she identifies with her black heritage
I never said she didn't. I said that you didn't hear about it so much until now. Especially the black side.