Post Waukesha - BLM activist indicating revolution may have started

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"But it sounds possible that the revolution has started in Wisconsin. It started with this Christmas parade."

I won't start anything but if you want a revolution, bring it on.
I won't use my AR, I'll use my 45-70. It can punch through 5 of them city rioters and still bust an engine block.
Not bragging, well I am, I once blew the head off a Turkey Buzzard at 325 yards with my 30-06.
Lucky shot sure but a torso is a much, much larger target. Anyone tries to burn down my town, kill my grandchildren at a Christmas parade, we won't be close and personal, we'll be blowing your heads off at 200 yards out. The only video will be of their heads splattering like a watermelon.
And my son and 2 nephews are better shots than I am.
Sorry this BS talk by these a-holes really pi$$es me off.
I won't start anything but if you want a revolution, bring it on.
I won't use my AR, I'll use my 45-70. It can punch through 5 of them city rioters and still bust an engine block.
Not bragging, well I am, I once blew the head off a Turkey Buzzard at 325 yards with my 30-06.
Lucky shot sure but a torso is a much, much larger target. Anyone tries to burn down my town, kill my grandchildren at a Christmas parade, we won't be close and personal, we'll be blowing your heads off at 200 yards out. The only video will be of their heads splattering like a watermelon.
And my son and 2 nephews are better shots than I am.
Sorry this BS talk by these a-holes really pi$$es me off.
Same here. I have a Desert Eagle 50 AE that is legal to carry where I live. And I can guarantee I shoot more accurately than these marxists. And that 50 will stop a speeding vehicle with one round.

I'm tired of their intimidation tactics and the murdering of innocents and people like BNI celebrating it all.

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