Originally posted by tippco333:
I'd like to ask a question.
How in the world does baking a cake for someone violate your religion? Where in the bible does it say that you can't provide a service for a "sinner"?
This was the crux of the issue correct? Genuinely curious.
Further why in the world are homosexuals singled out as a group? All sins are equal in the bible- this is an undeniable fact, so why does modern Christianity differentiate and assign severity to various sins? Being a homosexual is no different than being a habitual liar, but will you also deny them service?
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Rivals Mobile
I think you'll find that this is being blown out of proportion on the liberal side of the arguement. They have to have a focal point to get the media, and anyone else who will listen, outraged. You would think by listening to them that the bakers first denied them service and then strung them up in the front yard. We're not talking about breaking actual laws where someone is harmed, but it's hard pressed to discern that by listening to all the outrage.
I believe you'll also find that people that support this bill overwhelmingly believe that their rights as Americans should be infringed on as little as possible by the government. The country was built on securing freedoms for all Americans, not just special groups, and with capitalism as it's economic structure. The government was designed to stay out of the day to day lives of the citizens as much as possible. The current trend, is for the government to dictate as much as possible, whether it be if you want to have healthcare, or deny service to a group of people that you might not want to professionally associate with. Every time a new law is passed under the guise of "what's the big deal, why can't they just bake them a cake?", or some other seemingly innocuous premise, it chips away at the freedoms that we
all enjoy. A business owner should be able to reverently decline to provide their service to anyone. If everyone is so enlightened, they will obviously pay for their decision with less profits. That's on them. Conversely, if a gay couple is refused service, they should tell everyone they know and just not do business with that company. It's as easy as that.
Why can't homosexuals be
tolerant of people that don't agree with them? It's because "tolerance" has morphed into "acceptance" in today's world.
Forcing everyone to
accept something? That's very dangerous ground, and an extreme infringement on individual rights. What if Christianity was forced on everyone? As a Christian that would be absolutely unacceptable!
This country cannot and will not be everything to everyone. It's impossible. The next best thing is for it to be as vanilla as possible in its governing and allow people to disagree and coexist despite those disagreements. The liberal agenda is dividing this country way more than all of the "discrimination" that is being trumpeted as the downfall of our "progressive" society.
Are there idiots that hate homosexuals? Yup. Are there idiots that hate Christians? Yup. There will always be people that hate.