Police Body Cams

the cognitive disconnect running throughout that entire post, that you cannot link the second half to the first is, well it's impressive.

I suggest you try reading it slowly with an open mind in an effort to understand what someone who doesn't agree with you has to say.

My favorite joke of the day-

If you want to anger a conservative lie to him....

If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth......LOL
I suggest you try reading it slowly with an open mind in an effort to understand what someone who doesn't agree with you has to say.

My favorite joke of the day-

If you want to anger a conservative lie to him....

If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth......LOL
I love nonpartisan jokes.
I suggest you try reading it slowly with an open mind in an effort to understand what someone who doesn't agree with you has to say.

My favorite joke of the day-

If you want to anger a conservative lie to him....

If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth......LOL
Partisanship partisanship partisanship partisanship partisanship partisanship.... Blah blah blah.

Can you at least now go ahead and admit that you're just full of shit when you talk about independence and how partisanship is bad? You're one of the worst offenders of that which you complain about!
It's completely irrelevant to whether they are national stories or not. It was a basic, fundamental question tied to why are we still at a point where all cops don't have them. You've answered it (the only one so far). I agree with you that it won't solve everything, but as you say, it will at least get video evidence out there.

Slowly but surely we are starting to see the barest hints of a willingness to prosecute and even convict officers in police shootings. What is preventing it I think is that your average person/grand jury member operates under an extreme deference standard and that most of these encounters are not happening with clear video evidence, it's just one word v another.

As we get more of these, and as more of these are broadcast, one would think folks would be less prone to overdo it on the deference angle and simply apply reasonable, common sense to these incidents and some of these ridiculous shootings will stop or at least the shooters will be brought to justice.

Castile does not appear to have a criminal record, and was a licensed carrier. So all the gun rights folks should be fervently on his side yes?

Did he have a right to a gun in his possession/car? Sure, especially if his license/CC is legit and up to date.

Part of that facebook video also clearly has the officer stating he gave directions that were not followed. Unfortunately, as what seems the norm at these scenes, only partial videos are ever available so we will likely never know what was said by who in what order. So, all the gun right folks as you put it also understand that when in an encounter with LE, especially when armed, one is taught to follow orders. Period. Sad incident.
Yes, I'm beginning to understand the proper definition of "partisanship" as "a demonstration of beliefs generally held by a certain group that is in opposition to one's own personal beliefs", because if it's something you happen to agree with, it's just "fact".

This lost me. I have beliefs that are considered partisan on the right and left sides of the aisle. I would also say qaz and TOKen do as well. Not really that big of a deal-it is just an issue that gets sided with one side or the other. It becomes and issue when it kills dialogue on a topic. As for facts, there are facts that I like and support/change my viewpoints. Then there are other facts that are quite disturbing that show we have a lot of work to do as a society.
I'm struggling with the fear of these. Is there actually a belief that these videos, from every officer, will be down loaded on CopTube for the world to see? Wouldnt these videos need to be requested, therefore easily controlled? And bodycam or not, if you're doing something illegal and its in view of law enforcement, i.e. they knock on your door and you open it with a mound of heroin on your coffee table that can be seen, you've got a problem, video or not.

I heard the Aurora,CO Police Chief talk of this issue a few years back. HE was hired there from NYC police and is pretty well respected. He said what he feels the issue is is that if Cops are wearing these cams all of the time, what they go investigate and report on becomes part of public record once finished. Not sure HIPPA applies. Anyway, the example he used was responding to a domestic violence case and pictures of damage to spouse/property/children now would technically be available for all to see. Maybe one of the lawyers on the board could explain if this is correct or not-or if it is something that would need to be legislated or debated in court.

Anyway, I support use of bodycams.
This lost me. I have beliefs that are considered partisan on the right and left sides of the aisle. I would also say qaz and TOKen do as well. Not really that big of a deal-it is just an issue that gets sided with one side or the other. It becomes and issue when it kills dialogue on a topic. As for facts, there are facts that I like and support/change my viewpoints. Then there are other facts that are quite disturbing that show we have a lot of work to do as a society.
It was very much a tongue-in-cheek post directed at Bruce. In the "Red vs. Blue" thread, Bruce has said several times that he's tired of partisanship, yet he is one of the most partisan posters on this board and continues to engage in it in this an another thread. Thus, my definition of his version of partisanship is "anything that is a view largely held by the left and with which he disagrees is 'partisanship' and 'does nothing good'", but anything he happens to agree with isn't.
It was very much a tongue-in-cheek post directed at Bruce. In the "Red vs. Blue" thread, Bruce has said several times that he's tired of partisanship, yet he is one of the most partisan posters on this board and continues to engage in it in this an another thread. Thus, my definition of his version of partisanship is "anything that is a view largely held by the left and with which he disagrees is 'partisanship' and 'does nothing good'", but anything he happens to agree with isn't.

Ok. Honestly, have not been reading all of the posts in threads lately so sometimes do not catch everything.

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