Open the schools or else.

You mention an enrage machine getting people to see things from their perspective, then parroted false premises about Obamacare that the enrage machine made you believe.
LOL right. Just what exactly did I get wrong about Obamacare?

Oh sorry, ONE Republican voted for it... my bad.

I didn't need an enrage machine for me to be pissed about Obamacare. My own personal experience with it was enough.
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LOL right. Just what exactly did I get wrong about Obamacare?

Oh sorry, ONE Republican voted for it... my bad.

I didn't need an enrage machine for me to be pissed about Obamacare. My own personal experience with it was enough.
Just like you got audited because of Obama right? Maybe you should take a real step back and consider where you get your info, it’s clearly not working for you.
Just like you got audited because of Obama right? Maybe you should take a real step back and consider where you get your info, it’s clearly not working for you.
You're deflecting now. You still haven't told me what I got wrong in my post. What did I say that was incorrect about Obamacare?
You're deflecting now. You still haven't told me what I got wrong in my post. What did I say that was incorrect about Obamacare?
I don't remember him lying to us at all. As I remember it now, Obama told us that we would end up paying substantially more for our healthcare so that the stock price and profits for the major healthcare companies that wrote the bill could substantially increase. He nailed that prediction.
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In fact from 1895-1913 Federal Income taxes were deemed unconstitutional.
Yes, and as I recall it was because the taxation on investments was determined to be a direct tax without appropriate allocation to the states based upon Congressional representation. But of course, you knew that, right? Just as I am sure that you are aware that it was the 2nd income tax law, with the 1st having been lapsed following the Civil War. Of course I am sure you must be aware that the general concept of the idea of income taxation itself had been found to be Constitutional in Springer v US when the tax was implemented to pay for the Civil War.
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Getting back to the open the schools discussion. This was interesting.

That was a really good talk by both Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci. I doubt any libs will watch it though since it was posted from Blaze TV. Blaze TV had nothing to do with the hearing but that's not relevant. It must come from CNN, MSNBC or NPR to be credible.
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Yes, and as I recall it was because the taxation on investments was determined to be a direct tax without appropriate allocation to the states based upon Congressional representation. But of course, you knew that, right? Just as I am sure that you are aware that it was the 2nd income tax law, with the 1st having been lapsed following the Civil War. Of course I am sure you must be aware that the general concept of the idea of income taxation itself had been found to be Constitutional in Spring v US when the tax was implemented to pay for the Civil War.
That's besides the point. The founders wanted a limited government in which each branch of the government had limited powers.
Gotcha, so ignore all the data he presents, just call him an idiot and you can discredit him that way...

Oh I thought you were referencing the part where Rand whines that Dr Fauci isn’t being positive enough, because apparently Dr Fauci is just supposed to sugarcoat it for all of these dipshits.
That's besides the point. The founders wanted a limited government in which each branch of the government had limited powers.
The inherent problem with a limited government for progressives is that it's hard to wield power over everyone. As you know, the people living in NYC and LA know what's best for those living in flyover country.
Then Trump should stfu. He can't give orders about schools reopening anymore than he could order states to reopen.

Just like everything else with this pandemic and the president. Do what I say or I'll cut your money off but it's the governor's job and I have no responsibility.

Do the schools follow the guidelines from the CDC or the WH? I thought one worked for the other?
Trump should shut up on this one. The Department of Education should be abolished. It was formed in 1979 and has done NOTHING to improve education.
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You’re right, SD, I prefer people who don’t embarrass my country every day. Who don’t brag about acing a basic cognitive test. Who actually give a shit that we are in a pandemic and have lost 130k people and counting, and who don’t lie with every sentence that comes out of his mouth. God forbid I would want someone to clear the lowest bar possible and not still trip over it.

And you just can’t help but keep going back to the Obama/Hillary well. You just can’t help it because you truly have nothing else to go back to. It’s okay, SD. If I were that desperate I guess that’s what I’d do too.

Oh and he’s golfing today. Again. He’s spent more than a YEAR of his presidency golfing. During a pandemic. And an economic crisis. But yeah, keep whining about Hillary and Obama, SD. Tell me that Trump is doing this phenomenal job while managing to spend 25% of his presidency squeezing his fat ass into a golf shirt and freely spending your money to hit golf balls. Is that what you voted for? You’ve been scammed, dude. You’re just too dumb to see it. Don the con tells you he represents you but would no sooner screw your wife and run you over with his golf cart, and all you would do is ask for an autograph on your Made in China MAGA hat.
He’s spent more than a year of his presidency golfing? Get real.
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This interview spells it out. Devos says taking one approach (guidelines) doesn't work because different areas if the country have different problems. But the admin is taking one approach........everybody reopen.

In an administration full of incompetence, she may be the worst of all. Just a clueless, vile person who had zero qualifications for the role she’s in.
Says it all.
Was the spiel a promise? It wasn't "we need to" or I want to"? You would have to bring a quote. Even if he did, you're saying "he promised to unify our country and didn't so he's responsible for what we have"?
So many questions. How would a president unify 330 million people? Who gets to decide if we are unified? What if some people don't want to be unified? ......
America was unified after 9/11 under GW Bush for a few months. It did not last....
You raised income taxation Constitutionality, remember?
...cogency , isn't your strong point, is it?
The point I was trying to make, and apparently I wasn't clear enough, is that it's hard to have a big government when you're getting very little in income tax or not any at all.
The point I was trying to make, and apparently I wasn't clear enough, is that it's hard to have a big government when you're getting very little in income tax or not any at all.
So to make that point you cite the 1890's decision on the constitutionality of the 1894 income tax? Gotcha... I don't see how I possibly could have missed that.
This interview spells it out. Devos says taking one approach (guidelines) doesn't work because different areas if the country have different problems. But the admin is taking one approach........everybody reopen.

Her appearance was bad. When asked how providing schools with guidance on how they should re-open, she referred to blueprints from corporations and hospitals. Yes, public schools are very similar to hospitals and corporations.

She wouldn't actually say anything schools should do, or that they would be providing support.
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So to make that point you cite the 1890's decision on the constitutionality of the 1894 income tax? Gotcha... I don't see how I possibly could have missed that.
You missed it because like I said, I wasn't clear about what I was getting at. I stated that income tax was very low until WW1 and that we didn't even have any for several decades.
Her appearance was bad. When asked how providing schools with guidance on how they should re-open, she referred to blueprints from corporations and hospitals. Yes, public schools are very similar to hospitals and corporations.

She wouldn't actually say anything schools should do, or that they would be providing support.

Perhaps DeVos is unaware of the ages of the people that schools serve? Or perhaps she thinks dealing with people under 18 is exactly like dealing with adults who have, in most cases, fully developed frontal lobes? She has zero experience for her present position because she has never had any position in a school or education. Her confirmation as Secretary of Education was strongly contested. For the first and only time, there was a tie vote for Secretary of Education broken by VP.
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A few months? It lasted until Iraq, which was a terrible mistake and had nothing to do with 9/11.
My recollection was that the “honeymoon phase” work off more quickly than that. The media went back to bashing Bush as they had done pre-9/11.

Iraq was a big mistake and both Rs and Ds (globalists) supported it, including McCain, HRC and Joe Biden. In essence, GWB decided to finish what GHWB couldn’t/didn’t do in the First Gulf War, which was to take out Sadaam Hussein.
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The biggest lie I have heard in four years, " I will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it." That's a major lie in my opinion.

I can't even wrap my mind around all the lies (BIG and small) that Trump has made, but here's a few others which I would label as BIG, in hindsight.

1.) I will provide you GREAT healthcare ! - Then proceeds to do everything he can to eliminate Obamacare in the middle of a pandemic, with NO replacement plan !
2.) I know of no one who is meeting with the RUSSIANS !
3.) I didn't try to blackmail Ukraine !
4.) “verifiable and irreversible denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula, followed by PR wins for Korea and love letters !
5.) There was no quid pro quo with either the Russians, nor the Ukrainians !
6.) My tax cuts will "especially" help the middle class ! - Then why did the majority of the moeny go to the rich and the corporations and why are the middle class still falling behind? (Ie Another Trickle down approach??)
7.) The Coronavirus will just magically go away- I got this ! - Yeah, right !
8.) I will rebuild our country's infrastrusture !
9.) I will save Social Security, Medicaid "without" cutting benefits ! - Then why is he trying to cut them !
10.) We have done the best job of any country on the virus ! - Doesn't this one make you want to puke ?
11) I don't know who David Duke is and I know nothing about the KKK !
12.) I haven't done ANYTHING illegal ! - Then why are people all around him going to prison and being charged and why does he refuse to release his taxes or work with Congress on investigations? (ie Russian money laundering maybe ???)
13.) & the last one for today . . I WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ! - Oh, was that one a whopper ! ! !

To say that Trump doesn't lie about BIG issues is like saying he is a F-ing Saint.
I can't even wrap my mind around all the lies (BIG and small) that Trump has made, but here's a few others which I would label as BIG, in hindsight.

1.) I will provide you GREAT healthcare ! - Then proceeds to do everything he can to eliminate Obamacare in the middle of a pandemic, with NO replacement plan ! He hasn't done much here, but calling that a big lie vs just not getting it done due to opposition and a multitude of other reasons is a stretch.
2.) I know of no one who is meeting with the RUSSIANS ! You have proof that he had first hand knowledge?
3.) I didn't try to blackmail Ukraine ! He didn't! He withheld money until he verified that the current President wasn't corrupt. Ukraine has a huge history of corruption with BILLIONS of dollars that have gone missing over the years.
4.) “verifiable and irreversible denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula, followed by PR wins for Korea and love letters ! I can't speak to this one
5.) There was no quid pro quo with either the Russians, nor the Ukrainians ! Again, it wasn't a quid pro quo. Even if it was, that isn't illegal otherwise Biden should be in trouble as well.
6.) My tax cuts will "especially" help the middle class ! - Then why did the majority of the moeny go to the rich and the corporations and why are the middle class still falling behind? (Ie Another Trickle down approach??) The tax cuts did help the middle class. The middle class had the highest percentage cut (3%). No other group had a higher cut percentage wise. Corporate tax cuts were big, but salaries of workers have benefited from it. It's not going to create a big jump immediately, but over time will be good. The shutdown has turned a lot of that around unfortunately.

7.) The Coronavirus will just magically go away- I got this ! - Yeah, right ! That was a dumb comment. The fact that you consider something a lie that he couldn't have known for sure is telling. He's an ass for saying this. Not a liar. Lying has to have intent.
8.) I will rebuild our country's infrastrusture ! I've heard there discussions and bills are being drafted going on over this right now.
9.) I will save Social Security, Medicaid "without" cutting benefits ! - Then why is he trying to cut them ! Again, I think he believed he could do this. Not a lie. He was just wrong, and realizes that you cannot save something that is in such bad shape as SS without cuts.
10.) We have done the best job of any country on the virus ! - Doesn't this one make you want to puke ? He's lying here. We definitely aren't the best, however, we aren't in bad shape either. Our death rate isn't that bad considering what "experts" thought the death toll/rate would be. Our death rate is lower than the world average and continues to go down.
11) I don't know who David Duke is and I know nothing about the KKK ! What proof do you have that he did know about them? Knowing WHO they are is different than knowing much of anything about them.
12.) I haven't done ANYTHING illegal ! - Then why are people all around him going to prison and being charged and why does he refuse to release his taxes or work with Congress on investigations? (ie Russian money laundering maybe ???) All I can say about this is that if he did, then he'd be impeached for it. What we DO know is that what the left has attacked him for so far are manufactured. I'm sure you'll disagree, but it's only because you don't want it to be true. There is NO evidence that he did anything that they impeached him for. The Steele dossier has been proven to be full of 3rd party hearsay and fake accusations.
13.) & the last one for today . . I WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ! - Oh, was that one a whopper ! ! ! It depends on what you think that phrase means. What we saw happening before the shut down IMO was on track to doing this. Lowest unemployment ever, wages continuing to increase, tax cuts, strong defense (defense, not start wars, which he hasn't done), standing up to other world leaders and negotiating trade deals that benefit the US, incentivising investment in impoverished areas (including in minority communities), got permanent funding for all black colleges (they had to go to government every couple years to beg for funding), etc etc etc. He has done so much good in this country, but you guys only focus on the things he says that make you irate. Some of those things are even faked tweets. Found an article that showed one speifically that was fake and people went bat shit crazy over it. Who knows how many of them that you guys go nuts over are fake.

Things could always be better. However, things aren't even in the same stratosphere as being as bad as many of you make them out to be.
You missed it because like I said, I wasn't clear about what I was getting at. I stated that income tax was very low until WW1 and that we didn't even have any for several decades.
Your entire direction in this thread dealing with income taxation is incredibly shallow. To realistically talk about the Americanization of income taxation you need to included discussions on the effect of growing industrialization and decrease in agrarianism on tariffs as well as the rapid growth in the disparity of wealth that resulted. Similarly the secession by the agrarian South with its valuable cotton product coupled with the industrialization of the North and compounded by England's support of the Confederacy because of cotton were extremely important in the realization of the need for financing of the Civil War efforts by the Union in addition to the relatively limits of tariffs under the circumstances.