Only in New York


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
...well maybe Mexifornia and the current government would you see an unwritten competition for being the most idiotic place...all elected or assigned as a result of some idiots voting.

Guy Who Repeatedly Failed to Pass the NYC Teachers' Exam Gets Over $2M—for Failing to Pass the Teachers' Exam​

Herman Grim is about to retire. He’s a rich man. At 64, he’s at the age where most Americans think about retirement and contemplate what to do next. Grim is about to bank $2,055,383 and he didn’t need to work for it; in fact, he did just the opposite. All Herman needed to do was fail. He was good at that. He failed a lot. Over and over, and over and over.

Grim was one of an estimated 5,200 people who took the test to become New York City teachers and never passed. In Grim’s case, he took it multiple times and repeatedly flunked. He was tutored and still never passed. He read prep books and couldn’t pass the test. Instead of it being a “Herman Grim problem,” it was a race problem.

Maybe Grim just wasn’t cut out to be a teacher? Maybe he lacked the intellect to be a teacher. Nah. It was racism. Lawyers saw a massive payday and oh boy, did it pay off. For Grim and the lawyers. Attorneys swooped in and filed a class action lawsuit claiming the test was discriminatory. New York settled the case in the waning days of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s administration and agreed to a $1.8 billion dollar payout. Billion. With a “B.” It is the largest settlement in the city’s history, and Grim is standing on the peak of that pile of money. Herman got the largest settlement because he was the most prolific failure.

Between 1994 and 2014, thousands of applicants failed to pass the teachers’ exam. The lawsuit alleged that the test was discriminatory because a “disparate” percentage of blacks and Latinos did not pass the test.

Fifty three percent of black applicants passed the test and 50 percent of Latinos. Ninety percent of white applicants passed.
Kimba Woods, a federal court judge known as the “Love Judge” for multiple divorces and breaking up a marriage, as well as awful jurisprudence, found that requiring applicants to pass a Liberal Arts and Sciences Test to teach liberal art and science violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. snip...snip... How far this country has fallen....few mean tweets though!
...well maybe Mexifornia and the current government would you see an unwritten competition for being the most idiotic place...all elected or assigned as a result of some idiots voting.

Guy Who Repeatedly Failed to Pass the NYC Teachers' Exam Gets Over $2M—for Failing to Pass the Teachers' Exam​

Herman Grim is about to retire. He’s a rich man. At 64, he’s at the age where most Americans think about retirement and contemplate what to do next. Grim is about to bank $2,055,383 and he didn’t need to work for it; in fact, he did just the opposite. All Herman needed to do was fail. He was good at that. He failed a lot. Over and over, and over and over.

Grim was one of an estimated 5,200 people who took the test to become New York City teachers and never passed. In Grim’s case, he took it multiple times and repeatedly flunked. He was tutored and still never passed. He read prep books and couldn’t pass the test. Instead of it being a “Herman Grim problem,” it was a race problem.

Maybe Grim just wasn’t cut out to be a teacher? Maybe he lacked the intellect to be a teacher. Nah. It was racism. Lawyers saw a massive payday and oh boy, did it pay off. For Grim and the lawyers. Attorneys swooped in and filed a class action lawsuit claiming the test was discriminatory. New York settled the case in the waning days of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s administration and agreed to a $1.8 billion dollar payout. Billion. With a “B.” It is the largest settlement in the city’s history, and Grim is standing on the peak of that pile of money. Herman got the largest settlement because he was the most prolific failure.

Between 1994 and 2014, thousands of applicants failed to pass the teachers’ exam. The lawsuit alleged that the test was discriminatory because a “disparate” percentage of blacks and Latinos did not pass the test.

Fifty three percent of black applicants passed the test and 50 percent of Latinos. Ninety percent of white applicants passed. Kimba Woods, a federal court judge known as the “Love Judge” for multiple divorces and breaking up a marriage, as well as awful jurisprudence, found that requiring applicants to pass a Liberal Arts and Sciences Test to teach liberal art and science violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. snip...snip... How far this country has fallen....few mean tweets though!
This is going to be an example for some in this country to be "institutional racism". Really fukking sad.

I can imagine that the real culprit has more to do with Affirmative Action than actual racism. My guess is that many of these people probably got into school and passed due to AA, but can't perform at any kind of standard because they weren't held to any real standards until now.
This is going to be an example for some in this country to be "institutional racism". Really fukking sad.

I can imagine that the real culprit has more to do with Affirmative Action than actual racism. My guess is that many of these people probably got into school and passed due to AA, but can't perform at any kind of standard because they weren't held to any real standards until now.
you have to wonder with all that is going on the end game. What does all the idiotic things going on in the country relative to the military, other countries, money for Ukraine, the continual prosecution of Trump, the complete lack of prosecution of Biden, the lock downs knowing that the shot had nothing to do with transmission, the marxist BLM getting endorsed, the attack on the first and second admendments and the political driven government DOJ, FBI and IRS turned on the opposition and the arming of such. Add in trannys and the push for acceptance of this mentally ill position. I can think of a lot of bad things by all the previous, and so what things are good out of all the things mentioned? How can the dems not be worried about the next election unless they have for the same reason to have not been worried in the last couple...
...well maybe Mexifornia and the current government would you see an unwritten competition for being the most idiotic place...all elected or assigned as a result of some idiots voting.

Guy Who Repeatedly Failed to Pass the NYC Teachers' Exam Gets Over $2M—for Failing to Pass the Teachers' Exam​

Herman Grim is about to retire. He’s a rich man. At 64, he’s at the age where most Americans think about retirement and contemplate what to do next. Grim is about to bank $2,055,383 and he didn’t need to work for it; in fact, he did just the opposite. All Herman needed to do was fail. He was good at that. He failed a lot. Over and over, and over and over.

Grim was one of an estimated 5,200 people who took the test to become New York City teachers and never passed. In Grim’s case, he took it multiple times and repeatedly flunked. He was tutored and still never passed. He read prep books and couldn’t pass the test. Instead of it being a “Herman Grim problem,” it was a race problem.

Maybe Grim just wasn’t cut out to be a teacher? Maybe he lacked the intellect to be a teacher. Nah. It was racism. Lawyers saw a massive payday and oh boy, did it pay off. For Grim and the lawyers. Attorneys swooped in and filed a class action lawsuit claiming the test was discriminatory. New York settled the case in the waning days of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s administration and agreed to a $1.8 billion dollar payout. Billion. With a “B.” It is the largest settlement in the city’s history, and Grim is standing on the peak of that pile of money. Herman got the largest settlement because he was the most prolific failure.

Between 1994 and 2014, thousands of applicants failed to pass the teachers’ exam. The lawsuit alleged that the test was discriminatory because a “disparate” percentage of blacks and Latinos did not pass the test.

Fifty three percent of black applicants passed the test and 50 percent of Latinos. Ninety percent of white applicants passed. Kimba Woods, a federal court judge known as the “Love Judge” for multiple divorces and breaking up a marriage, as well as awful jurisprudence, found that requiring applicants to pass a Liberal Arts and Sciences Test to teach liberal art and science violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. snip...snip... How far this country has fallen....few mean tweets though!
What's the Black Eagle think about this?
What's the Black Eagle think about this?
Unfamiliar with the Black Eagle, but here is one that is on target from the military-

BUZZ CUT: The U.S. Military's Pronouns Are 'We're/Screwed'​


I am a veteran. A proud member of the United States Air Force who served 20 years as a pilot and, eventually, a commander. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a day, whether during times of war or peace. Not a day.

I was motivated to enlist when Ronald Reagan was elected to be our commander-in-chief. He inspired me to serve. I was also born into a distinguished lineage of military service. Both grandfathers served, one in WWI and the other in WWII; four uncles served. And, most importantly, my father was a combat pilot, commander, and retired as an Air Force Major General. It’s a calling that is unique and incredibly rewarding. Or used to be.

Here’s the problem: I don’t recognize today’s U.S. military, nor would my dad. Once the most revered American institution, our military is under attack by radically progressive ideologies across all services and on all fronts under the guise of “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity” and “Critical Race Theory.” The traditional, proven American military culture is being ripped to shreds.

Here’s another problem: the United States hasn’t won a war since WWII. On the current liberal Democrat glide path, we never will again. That fact, alone, should shake every American citizen to the core. It’s time to wake up.

The American military man and woman are not only fighting conflicts all over the globe but, sadly, their most challenging firefight is with the enemy within –Marxist, anti-American actors seeking to forever eliminate traditional military values, future success on the battlefield, with the ultimate aim to turn the American armed forces into a woke, progressive institution where everybody gets to play and take home a participation ribbon.

These destructive policies are being implemented by elected politicians in the White House, on Capitol Hill, and the increasingly politicized leaders in the Pentagon who have very little understanding of the purpose, culture, and necessities of the institution they are trying to change. The large majority of D.C. politicians have no military experience to reflect on nor do they have family members who can relate to them the devastating impacts their shortsighted social engineering efforts are having on the rank-and-file servicemember. What about Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and JCS Chairman Mark Milley, you ask? They’re political appointees who are working on their future consulting contracts and padding their wallets. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true.

Thomas W. Spoehr, Director of the Center for National Defense, lays it out thusly:

Woke ideology undermines cohesiveness by emphasizing differences based on race, ethnicity, and sex. It undermines leadership authority by introducing questions about whether promotion is based on merit or quota requirements. It leads to military personnel serving in specialties and areas for they are not qualified or ready. And it takes time and resources away from training activities and weapons development that contribute to readiness.
In addition to undermining the martial nature of our men and women already in uniform, simply putting boots on the ground is proving difficult. The “woke” military culture is resulting in the worst recruiting numbers across the services in decades. For example, Army recruiting numbers are abysmal; in 2022 they only met 75 percent of their recruiting goal and will fall 15,000 new soldiers short. To “improve” the candidate pool, the Army has lowered its minimum physical fitness standards for a two-mile run from 19 to 23 minutes and push-ups to a whopping 10.

The Navy has turned to a drag queen, “Harpy Daniels,” to highlight its recruiting program in efforts to be more “inclusive” and open to LGBTQ+ applicant pools.

This is detrimental to military unit cohesion and readiness. It will transfer to defeat on the battlefield and in the skies. As a career Air Force officer and pilot with three adult military-aged children, I could not currently recommend military service for my kids. I would not support my children serving the current commander in chief nor the Pentagon political appointees Austin or Milley under these current policies and conditions.

My twenty years in uniform were some of the most gratifying years of my life to date. I served with some of the smartest, most motivated, patriotic people you could ever pray to work with. Men and women from every corner of the globe: all colors, ethnicities, religious beliefs, rich, poor, educated, uneducated…literally the melting pot America is known for. We were deployed, together, to conflicts all over the world, and it worked. I never cared who was on my wing or who was in my squadron – I’m there for you, you’re there for me. The Air Force mantra was “Fly. Fight. Win.” “This we will defend,” says the Army. The Navy motto is “Always courageous.” Hearts and lives depend on these commitments to selfless service.

Radical progressives are challenged with such devotion and seek to forever alter that dynamic. Selfless service is a difficult concept for them. Patriotism is bad and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” are good, a leftist would say.

Former Secretary of State and West Point grad Mike Pompeo recently wrote:

How can we ask young men and women who have decided to risk their lives for America, even die for America, to affirm that our country is inherently racist?
How can we ask them to view their brothers and sisters in arms through the narrow prisms of race and gender? The clear and obvious answer is that we cannot – not without putting their lives at risk on the battlefield. A woke military is a weak military. Unfortunately, woke and weak are exactly what our military is becoming under Biden’s leadership.

Our military is in trouble. It’s up to us, veteran and civilian alike, to right this ship before it’s too late.