find something offensive about the name "Boilermakers".
Here's my prediction on how it will play out....Some special snowflake on Purdue's campus, could be a life long grad student TA teaching a worthless class or student who's a member of various alt-left student organizations, will try to make a connection between capitalism, racism, nationalism, worker exploitation, low wages, dangerous work conditions and white supremacy to the symbol of a muscled up guy wearing a hardhat hitting a piece of steel.
Trust me, it's coming. In today's campus environment where a mouse can't fart without someone screaming "I'M OFFENDED", some group will take full advantage of this opportunity to be supremely butthurt and make sure the media hears about the social injustices being thrust upon them in.
Here's my prediction on how it will play out....Some special snowflake on Purdue's campus, could be a life long grad student TA teaching a worthless class or student who's a member of various alt-left student organizations, will try to make a connection between capitalism, racism, nationalism, worker exploitation, low wages, dangerous work conditions and white supremacy to the symbol of a muscled up guy wearing a hardhat hitting a piece of steel.
Trust me, it's coming. In today's campus environment where a mouse can't fart without someone screaming "I'M OFFENDED", some group will take full advantage of this opportunity to be supremely butthurt and make sure the media hears about the social injustices being thrust upon them in.