According to this reporter, this story matches what Wilson's official report says. Based on what we know today, this version would be very difficult to disprove. Officer Wilson clearly thought these two were the robbery suspects; No shots in the back; Brown did have drugs in his system; Brown did have a reason to assault the policeman; Wilson has a fractured eye; police reporting a dozen or so witnesses claim that Brown was charging at Wilson; one eyewitness unknowingly being recorded stating that Brown kept coming back at Wilson even while Wilson was shooting at him.
This story is starting to sound more and more like Mr. Brown went out looking for trouble that day and didn't much care if he got killed - a suicide by cop kind of mentality. Or he was just young, stupid, and filled with enough bravado as a lot of 18 year olds are that he thought he could rob a store, assault a police officer, and come back for more without anyone doing anything to stop him.
Note to young people - no matter how big or bad you are - one shot can end your life so tread lightly through your teenage and younger 20 years.
To the people of Ferguson - move along...nothing more to see here.
This post was edited on 8/19 6:20 PM by hunkgolden
2nd hand account of Officer Wilson's Story
This story is starting to sound more and more like Mr. Brown went out looking for trouble that day and didn't much care if he got killed - a suicide by cop kind of mentality. Or he was just young, stupid, and filled with enough bravado as a lot of 18 year olds are that he thought he could rob a store, assault a police officer, and come back for more without anyone doing anything to stop him.
Note to young people - no matter how big or bad you are - one shot can end your life so tread lightly through your teenage and younger 20 years.
To the people of Ferguson - move along...nothing more to see here.
This post was edited on 8/19 6:20 PM by hunkgolden
2nd hand account of Officer Wilson's Story