Basically if all students are included it's ok. Pitino is contacting adidas right now to see if they'll pay some regular students.
The FBI has no interest in adjudicating or enforcing NCAA rules and regulations, nor should it. If the NCAA wanted to allow D1 athletes not to attend ANY classes, they could legally do so. All the NCAA has to do is find a way to navigate around its own rules to serve its own (financial) interests. The answer is for schools that value academics and in positions of power (are there any left??) to band together and condemn the NCAA.SAD The FBI or government can't help there!
Best we can hope for now is Trump tweets negatively about it to further embarrass them for knowingly cheating......
Sad world we live in today.........
Basically if all students are included it's ok. Pitino is contacting adidas right now to see if they'll pay some regular students.
Did you guys get the syllabus for the newly-created advanced aerospace engineering degree program? Passing along if not:Basically if all students are included it's ok. Pitino is contacting adidas right now to see if they'll pay some regular students.
sadly assembling that mother is probably 10x more work than they actually did in their classes. Maybe the student sections should start taking knees...I doubt any of them are on scholarship and getting to take fake classes.Did you guys get the syllabus for the newly-created advanced aerospace engineering degree program? Passing along if not:
Exactly what I expected....only factual hole I see is that if 30% of the athletes in the classes represents the same % of athletes versus the general student population which I doubt seriously is anywhere near 30%, the Athletic Department would have had to provide assistance to finding those classes not offered to the general student population ie an additional benefit...the NCAA was NOT going to come down on a blue blood school that has been doing this since the Dean days.....cheat like hell and hire good lawyers, ignore the findings of an investigation you funded and don't agree with since the NCAA does not have the powers to catch you or get the evidence they need since anyone can just say I will not comply with your investigation and talk! SAD The FBI or government can't help there!