Originally posted by BigE23:
Originally posted by gr8indoorsman:
Do you not see that the Republicans also abandon bipartisanship as it suits them? Think if they had a Republican president right now, they wouldn't repeal ACA without Democratic support? Hell, popular support? It is funny to me when supporters of either party think their party acts any differently than the other. Different ideology; similar tactics.
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that the media would be all over the Republicans if they made a partisan move like that. It would be the lead story on all the evening news channels for weeks, so I believe the Republicans would be much more hesitant to do it. They're not nearly as good at power politics as the Dems.
If you doubt that, think about this. If Newt Gingrich had stood before Congress and said, "You have to pass this (2000+ page bill), before you find out what's in it." would there have been any outcry from the mainstream media? Newt would have been staked out on an ant hill for making such a ridiculous comment. With Pelosi, it was just a ho hum moments. Nothing to see here, move along.
I'm not saying that the Republicans wouldn't like to do it, but they are afraid of the media backlash. The Dems don't worry about that, since they can rely on the networks to sit on the ugly truth.
If FOX hadn't broken the story on Jonathan Gruber, do you think that CBS would have bothered to give it the ONE whole minute of coverage that it's had there. ABC, NBC and CNN apparently aren't concerned that the Administration and the Dems in Congress lied like hell to push the ACA down our throats. The media is supposed to have an adversarial role with politicians, in essence keeping them honest, but the mainstream media is too deeply in bed with the Dems to even pretend to be objective. A relationship like that is NOT in the best interests of our country......