First thing that comes to mind, uninformed, bias, inability to focus on more than a 30 second sound biteBetter than Reagan at this point in 88 according to Gallup.
Now it may be different come the fall, things happen, things change, but what do folks attribute to this rise in approval rating for the President?
So that was different when his approval rating was underwater? People were more focused then, more informed, less bias?First thing that comes to mind, uninformed, bias, inability to focus on more than a 30 second sound bite
Certainly possible...I preferred him to Clinton in 08 and still do now, even as I am mighty fine with her as well. I most certainly prefer him to Trump. Obviously a decent chunk of people don't like either of them, and realize Obama is better.Honestly? I think people are comparing him to Trump and Clinton.
Honestly? I think people are comparing him to Trump and Clinton.
Honestly? I think people are comparing him to Trump and Clinton.
Yes, surreal is right, Clinton can't even separate from freaking Sanders to face Cruz or Trump in the GE? WTF, where are we as a nation, how did we get here, and who knew it first?Totally agree - and add Cruz to Trump and Clinton. This election campaign is surreal. Obama looks like the only adult in the room.
The nation is pissed at its elected officials. They line their pockets with special interest money, both domestic and foreign. They lie and continue to mislead the populace all the while selling current and future generations down the river for their own political and financial gain.Yes, surreal is right, Clinton can't even separate from freaking Sanders to face Cruz or Trump in the GE? WTF, where are we as a nation, how did we get here, and who knew it first?
Pinch me, because I must be dreaming that these 4 chuckleheads are the best options available to run this once great nation.
I dont think Obama is a miracle worker. He's disappointed me on a few things. But I also recognize that Mitch McConnell is not Tip O'Neill, who worked with Reagan to get compromises (you get increased military spending, we get increased social spending and tax raises). Tip didn't have a meeting at the start of Reagan's first term about ways to make him a one term it's amazing Obama has gotten anything done quite frankly.Well Obama /Reagan love them or hate them. Don't claim thru accomplished nothing.... They only accomplished nothing if you didn't agree with them. They were /are both miracle workers if you agree with that side of things
Obama hasn't gotten anything done. Obamacare is unfolding as a fiscal a train wreck and the ISIS (ISIL?) JV team is stronger than ever. The forthcoming 100,000 moslem immigrants are an achievement?I dont think Obama is a miracle worker. He's disappointed me on a few things. But I also recognize that Mitch McConnell is not Tip O'Neill, who worked with Reagan to get compromises (you get increased military spending, we get increased social spending and tax raises). Tip didn't have a meeting at the start of Reagan's first term about ways to make him a one term it's amazing Obama has gotten anything done quite frankly.
Well, I mean you can't "do nothing" and "have completely destroyed America."Obama passed legislation that, while you may not like it, has insured a further 20 million Americans between the marketplaces and Medicaid expansion. While you and I may not agree with it ideologically, that's something.
Obama gave the order that killed Osama Bin Laden in spite of it being a technically illegal action. Also something.
Open dialogue and entry-level trade with Cuba is something.
Bush had as much to do with ISIS as Obama's rapid withdrawal from Iraq did, and the Iraqis no longer wanted us there. So while I agree that Obama's response to ISIS has largely been too passive for my taste, blaming him for the rise of ISIS is at least partly incorrect.
Now, I don't agree with two of those three policy actions either, but to say he hasn't done anything is nothing but partisan. He's certainly not been a do-nothing President.
At this point, I would opt for four more years of Obama over Hillary or Trump/Cruz.
Better than Reagan at this point in 88 according to Gallup.
Now it may be different come the fall, things happen, things change, but what do folks attribute to this rise in approval rating for the President?
well no, better than Reagan actually.So, now this loser is Reagan.
All the radical leftists hated Reagan... until they think they can make the incompetent one seem more ... "Presidential"...
I dont think Obama is a miracle worker. He's disappointed me on a few things. But I also recognize that Mitch McConnell is not Tip O'Neill, who worked with Reagan to get compromises (you get increased military spending, we get increased social spending and tax raises). Tip didn't have a meeting at the start of Reagan's first term about ways to make him a one term it's amazing Obama has gotten anything done quite frankly.
Yeah, when Mitch had that meeting in Jan 09 where it was decided everything possible to make him a one term President, it was all Obama's fault. What a joke of an analysis. Reagan didn't build coalitions without WILLING partners. If Tip O'Neill had held a similar meeting, Reagan wouldn't have gotten jack squat done.Obama has nobody to blame but himself for that. His State of the Union remark where he said his major regret is not bringing R and D together is an absolute joke. He should have taken some notes from Reagan on how to build coalitions or ways to get a majority through Congress. Even Clinton or either Bush would have sufficed too. Hell, Dems had to play political games with legislation with a majority in the House and a basically a filibuster proof Senate and he still had trouble getting bills passed.
When one votes against Supreme Court Justices, votes to filibuster Justice nominations, pretty much single handedly destroys Immigration Reform in 08, lobbied hard to be the POTUS to sign SOFA/Withdraw from Iraq, talks down McCain on national tv about consequences of winning election, is the leader of the party that basically locked out Reps from negotiation on bills, is the leader of the party that compares Reps to terrorists(al-Qaeda), the list goes on, and people want to blame Republicans for the partisanship going on.
Get real. If he had a clue about leadership he would have realized and/or known that as President he would need to work with other parties, and should have been much more cognizant of burning bridges he would later need to get things done in the future. Leadership 101.
He simply did not realize that DC was not going to be like Chicago and IL in general.
Sure, Reps played politics from the beginning too. BS on their part as well. But to blame them for the game Obama played more than anyone is a display of serious projection issues.
Yeah, when Mitch had that meeting in Jan 09 where it was decided everything possible to make him a one term President, it was all Obama's fault. What a joke of an analysis. Reagan didn't build coalitions without WILLING partners. If Tip O'Neill had held a similar meeting, Reagan wouldn't have gotten jack squat done.
Republicans plotted against Obama from day one, but his own public rhetoric has done nothing to overcome that and put the pressure on Republicans otherwise. In addition, the passage of the ACA as they did also didn't help one bit.
No 97, just you...just you. The "items" you talked about before 09? lol hilarious. So, IOW, he was a democrat who held democrat dare he!Yeah Qaz, just dismiss everything one disagrees with as others do not understand or it is a joke. You are just so much smarter than others. If you would have took the time to read the post, one would have seen the majority of the items that were done by Obama were well before Jan 09.
The two things Reagan did that Obama did bot 1) Invited Tip and other top Dems to WH for dinner every Sunday when he was in DC. That let them all get to know each other as people and their families 2) Did not piss everyone off by his inauguration date
As far as ACA, that was a deal done behind closed doors, that it is now known was not really read but by a handful of people, and it needed procedure members to pass even with majorities in both houses. I am just talking about the bill passage-not going to debate the claimed 20 million people insured number.
The ACA was based on a republican idea, initially championed by the Heritage Foundation. He COULD have forced through the public option. Or you know the republicans, instead of steadfastedly deciding to do nothing but actively oppose the ACA in any form, could have tried negotiating with him.Republicans plotted against Obama from day one, but his own public rhetoric has done nothing to overcome that and put the pressure on Republicans otherwise. In addition, the passage of the ACA as they did also didn't help one bit.
Are you seriously suggesting that the guy who gave up the public option (you know a pretty dear to liberals position that he's still criticized on pretty heavily to this day) wouldn't have talked to the republicans? Of course he would have, but they were too busy trying to make sure he was a one-term President.
The ACA was based on a republican idea, initially championed by the Heritage Foundation. He COULD have forced through the public option...
No 97, just you...just you. The "items" you talked about before 09? lol hilarious. So, IOW, he was a democrat who held democrat dare he!
They absolutely were willing.That's exactly what I'm saying. Obama himself might've negotiated on the bill, but there was no interest, nor a need, for "your party" to do so, so they didn't. That, in part, is what's sown the seeds of polarization in Washington, along with about a dozen other things by BOTH parties. To pretend that Democrats were willing to talk about anything related to the ACA is pretty silly. They had a majority in both houses, they had the White House. They acted on it. Kudos to them.
Sure he could have. He had 60 votes. He COULD have cajoled/strong-armed/offered incentives to those 60 Dem Senators to get the public option. It would have been tough, it would have sucked up all of his credit so to speak, but he could have done it.No, I'm sorry, he could not have forced through the public option at the time. Had he waited and built up his Presidency, maybe late in his first or at the start of his second term he could have, but no way he, or any POTUS, could have FORCED the public option early in their first term.
ACA is here to stay and it sucks because Obama didn't have the power to manage such a large piece of legislation that early and it was handed to those who had the power, special interests representing health insurers.
Is nice that people who didn't have insurance now have access, but from my perspective, and I don't care what some talking head says or the data they throw out, the cost far exceeds what any tax would have been necessary to have a public option, and in the next few years will probably exceed what national health care would cost.
Insurers are not in business to pay claims, they are in business to take in premiums and because Obama was not prepared, or maybe he was prepared to pay off those who got him elected, who knows, we have handed out health care to a group who DO NOT want to pay a claim, they only want the premium, brilliant.
Yes, he was totally partisan, as a democratic senator, voting for democratic issues. Totally crazy. No one has ever done that before! I said nothing about republicans not being allowed to have republican positions. Your powers of reading comprehension once again fail you. There's a huge difference between holding a tough line on republican positions, and having a meeting where your entire goal is to keep the President from a second term from the start, and where even a compromise on issues is verboten because that could mean Obama gets some credit too. Obama never said, my goal is to oppose any and all republican initiatives. Take a moment, go look up his senate record, and tell me when you find that he never ever agreed on anything the republicans did, never co-sponsored or negotiated.Just goes to show that his polarization causing partisanship strategy had been intact and in operation for awhile. That is why items were listed before 09 as well as after.
Even you with this post are stating that he should be allowed Democratic positions, but that somehow is not ok for Republicans. Now when the strategy was reversed on him, he cried wolf. Go back to my first post, and you will see that is why I say do not burn bridges, especially in politics, never know when one will have to reach across the aisle.
That is also why the only Presidential Candidate worth a shot now Kasich.
And yes, I did mention I thought it was bs on part of Republicans as well.
Yes, he was totally partisan, as a democratic senator, voting for democratic issues. Totally crazy. No one has ever done that before! I said nothing about republicans not being allowed to have republican positions. Your powers of reading comprehension once again fail you. There's a huge difference between holding a tough line on republican positions, and having a meeting where your entire goal is to keep the President from a second term from the start, and where even a compromise on issues is verboten because that could mean Obama gets some credit too. Obama never said, my goal is to oppose any and all republican initiatives. Take a moment, go look up his senate record, and tell me when you find that he never ever agreed on anything the republicans did, never co-sponsored or negotiated.
When you can't find that, come on back.
you will need someone to explain to you the logical disconnect between the first half of your post, and your second half...I don't have the energy.Newsflash for you-Parties out of the power of the executive office want the other party only to be in power for one term. And in congress, where there are elections every two years, it(change of power) is always being planned as well.
My comprehension is fine, thanks for your concern. No, you did not say Republicans could not have Republican positions. But on the other hand, scolded them really well for it when dealing with Obama, but were ok with him having different view points than Republicans. That is called being a hypocrite.
His record with bipartisanship and lack thereof speaks on its own. No need to look anything up.
Sure he could have. He had 60 votes. He COULD have cajoled/strong-armed/offered incentives to those 60 Dem Senators to get the public option. It would have been tough, it would have sucked up all of his credit so to speak, but he could have done it.
And just so I'm clear...the insurance companies "got him elected??"
Fi(n)ance?No-he could not have. That just shows the inability he had to build a coalition in his own party let alone be bipartisan. Look at the procedure moves utilize just to get the train wreck, I mean ACA through. No way all of the Democrats get on board with a public option. And yes, health care/insurance/fiance industry played a large roll in getting Obama elected. Look at all the money he raised from them.
you will need someone to explain to you the logical disconnect between the first half of your post, and your second half...I don't have the energy.
lol you want to re-write that last sentence in English? And you think the way to lamely attack me is to attack all JAG attorneys, folks who work hard in service to their country? lol ok, that's one way to go.Correction: You do not have the brain power or the ability to see that you think it is ok for Obama to do something but not good when he he gets that same treatment from opposing party.
Dude, go work on your JAG skills. Going broke giving money to soldiers for private counsel that gets them out of trouble that JAG could not.
Go ahead and list for me the amount the health care/insurance industry raised for Obama v McCain in 08. Thanks.