Negroes (aka BLM) now having "Day of Rage" in 37 cities

The use of the words "Negro" and "Moslem" indicate this is a dude who hasn't left the 50s yet. But I suppose "Coloreds" and "Muhammadans" would be worse, so there's that.
How about "cracker" and "infidel"?
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Hey, the Islamic goon(s) who killed 60+ infidels in Nice today....where those moslems or Muslims?
Is that in your neighborhood or down the road from you? How does what happens in France, a former colonial empire with a far differant political relationship to Muslims than the US, impact you directly?
Speaking of racist, how do you define "Days of Rage" protests?

BGB and his friends are sick and tired of the stupid liberals playing the race card and calling him racist and hateful. They're just observing the "real" world through tiny eye holes