Be careful. You're going to tear your hemorrhoids talking out your ass like that. That has to be one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever seen on this board and I've seen some doozies.
1) romney paid what 13%.
2) Trump likely pays 0% in fed income taxes, and its unlikely the portion of his payroll taxes ever exceed 5% of his income.
3) every poor person that works pays 13% in payroll taxes even when they owe nothing in income tax.

so overall, they are paying more in total fed taxes than Romney and Trump despite working minimum wage jobs. And we haven't even started with the perks they and their business get from the government. Like I said if you are concerned about leechers, look up, not down.
I'm not watching Fox for the same reasons I don't watch MSNBC - both are far away from fair. Their coverage of just about everything isn't fair. It's catering to you and the RW audience.

You claimed to be Conservative once, but I have seen you drifting further and further Left over the years. I think qaz must have bitten you and infected you.

I'm curious, which shows did you watch on FOX, that gave you that impression and how long ago was it?

I actually watch network news and FOX. During the debates, I recorded FOX and watched on CNN. There was a lot more balance on FOX. CNN had a panel of 8 people, 2 of which were Conservative and I was impressed, that they held their own in that company. Then they would go to other groups of reporters and things went hard left, including one woman calling Trump "Hitler and Stalin". Pretty middle of the road reporting, with no bias.

The networks tend to avoid unflattering stories about Hillary, as long as they can. When they can't avoid them any longer, they'll do a bare minimum of coverage to put a check in the box. Conversely, they will chew all the flavor out of a negative Trump story, though. It is what it is.
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You claimed to be Conservative once, but I have seen you drifting further and further Left over the years. I think qaz must have bitten you and infected you.

I'm curious, which shows did you watch on FOX, that gave you that impression and how long ago was it?

I actually watch network news and FOX. During the debates, I recorded FOX and watched on CNN. There was a lot more balance on FOX. CNN had a panel of 8 people, 2 of which were Conservative and I was impressed, that they held their own in that company. Then they would go to other groups of reporters and things went hard left, including one woman calling Trump "Hitler and Stalin". Pretty middle of the road reporting, with no bias.

The networks tend to avoid unflattering stories about Hillary, as long as they can. When they can't avoid them any longer, they'll do a bare minimum of coverage to put a check in the box. Conversely, they will chew all the flavor out of a negative Trump story, though. It is what it is.
What I find interesting, and illuminating, about your story is that the woman on the CNN debate panel who was calling Trump "Stalin" or "Hitler" was most likely Anna Navarro, a Republican strategist. Yes - it's true.

So what you see as "leaning hard left" because they criticize Trump, includes people from the left and center, as well as people who were on the regular right - and even those people aren't pure enough to meet the ever hardening test of anti-liberal dogma (I don't say conservative, because the new Right isn't conservative in traditional terms - at least fiscally).

So now we are through the looking glass where people seriously want to debate whether Fox genuinely has a rightward slant, because the right edge just keeps moving farther and farther out. Making Fox' plain old rightward lean seem tame.
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You claimed to be Conservative once, but I have seen you drifting further and further Left over the years. I think qaz must have bitten you and infected you.

I'm curious, which shows did you watch on FOX, that gave you that impression and how long ago was it?

I actually watch network news and FOX. During the debates, I recorded FOX and watched on CNN. There was a lot more balance on FOX. CNN had a panel of 8 people, 2 of which were Conservative and I was impressed, that they held their own in that company. Then they would go to other groups of reporters and things went hard left, including one woman calling Trump "Hitler and Stalin". Pretty middle of the road reporting, with no bias.

The networks tend to avoid unflattering stories about Hillary, as long as they can. When they can't avoid them any longer, they'll do a bare minimum of coverage to put a check in the box. Conversely, they will chew all the flavor out of a negative Trump story, though. It is what it is.
I don't watch shows on Fox. I don't watch shows on news channels. I watch coverage of events as they happen, and Fox is intolerable. My wife and I have both mutually banned it in our house, and she is largely a social conservative, moreso than me.

I have only really ever claimed to be a fiscal conservative and that has not changed. I have become more socially liberal over time, and I am not going to apologize for that. The opinions and thoughts of other smart people whom I respect have influenced that over the years whereas my initial social leanings were largely influenced by the church and my parents. I see my parents very differently and unfortunately quite hypocritical in many of the ways I have pointed out outright hypocrisy within the conservative and neocon movements here, mostly based on issues such as immigration and other issues where they want government intervention.

Again, not apologizing for changing views as I age. The next time I vote for a Democrat for President will be the first, and it won't be 2016. I would've basically voted for any Republican candidate not named Trump or Cruz, but you and your ilk are maaaaaaaaaad and convinced they're the only ones who can "fix things". So you've surrendered votes like mine - the votes you need to, you know, win, elsewhere by pushing the platform way too far to the right.
1) romney paid what 13%.
2) Trump likely pays 0% in fed income taxes, and its unlikely the portion of his payroll taxes ever exceed 5% of his income.
3) every poor person that works pays 13% in payroll taxes even when they owe nothing in income tax.

so overall, they are paying more in total fed taxes than Romney and Trump despite working minimum wage jobs. And we haven't even started with the perks they and their business get from the government. Like I said if you are concerned about leechers, look up, not down.

As I said, that's just idiotic.

1)Romney probably pays mostly long term capital gains taxes on investments, that he paid income tax on, when he earned that money. You do know the difference between Capital Gains and Earned income don't you? Setting aside the rate, both Romney and Trump pay $millions in taxes, compared to your examples, that may pay $hundreds.

2) Trump is taking advantage of carrying a loss forward. Businesses risk capital to grow. When businesses grow, they provide jobs and stimulate the economy. Businesses don't always grow and when they face significant losses, they use these tax advantages to stay in business during tough times. If it weren't for this tax law, many businesses would fold and lay off a lot of people, which exacerbates problems to the economy

3) Are you talking about FICA? That's 7.65% for the employee and the same amount for the employer. Trump pays that for every one of his employees.

Are you really trying to make an argument, that a minimum wage employee is paying more in taxes, than Trump or Romney? Your credibility is gone.
What I find interesting, and illuminating, about your story is that the woman on the CNN debate panel who was calling Trump "Stalin" or "Hitler" was most likely Anna Navarro, a Republican strategist. Yes - it's true.

So what you see as "leaning hard left" because they criticize Trump, includes people from the left and center, as well as people who were on the regular right - and even those people aren't pure enough to meet the ever hardening test of anti-liberal dogma (I don't say conservative, because the new Right isn't conservative in traditional terms - at least fiscally).

So now we are through the looking glass where people seriously want to debate whether Fox genuinely has a rightward slant, because the right edge just keeps moving farther and farther out. Making Fox' plain old rightward lean seem tame.

It wasn't Navarro. It was a blonde and I didn't catch her name.

Hell, if criticizing Trump made you lean Left, I would be a flaming Liberal. I've told friends, I have fingerprints all over my TV screen, from wanting to reach in and strangle him, when his mouth disengaged from his brain. I have no illusions about what Donald Trump is, nor do I have any illusions about Hillary Clinton. Trump is a buffoon, but Clinton is totally corrupt and dangerous. As careless as she was about National Security, when she was SoS, I expect more of the same, if she is President. She is Nixonian in her paranoia about her privacy and she'll do anything for a buck. I know she'll damage the country and I'm not sure if Trump will. I'm hopeful, that he will listen to his advisors, so I'll hold my nose and vote for Trump. He was about my 15th favorite choice in the primary. but he's better than the alternative.

Actually, I'm a Fiscal Conservative and I'm all over the board socially. I'm strong on defense and the 2nd Amendment. Other issues are not as critical to me.
Again, not apologizing for changing views as I age. The next time I vote for a Democrat for President will be the first, and it won't be 2016. I would've basically voted for any Republican candidate not named Trump or Cruz, but you and your ilk are maaaaaaaaaad and convinced they're the only ones who can "fix things". So you've surrendered votes like mine - the votes you need to, you know, win, elsewhere by pushing the platform way too far to the right.

This may be for you:
Again, not apologizing for changing views as I age. The next time I vote for a Democrat for President will be the first, and it won't be 2016. I would've basically voted for any Republican candidate not named Trump or Cruz, but you and your ilk are maaaaaaaaaad and convinced they're the only ones who can "fix things". So you've surrendered votes like mine - the votes you need to, you know, win, elsewhere by pushing the platform way too far to the right.

You know, I was with you until you started trying to categorize me as something I'm not.

If you can be objective, you will see as much or more hypocrisy on the Left. FYI, I stopped going to church, because I got fed up with the hypocrisy, so I'm aware of some of the things you may have felt.

I suggest that you take a look at history. JFK was considered a Liberal Democrat, when he became President. Today, he would be considered Moderate to Conservative. Take your blinders off, the Dems are trying to drag this country hard Left and they keep throwing out the strawmen of the radical Right wing nutjobs. They paint the Tea party as being an offshoot of the Nazi Party, but they're just a bunch of normal people, who are fed up with high taxes and taxation without representation (hence the name). They get demonized by the Left, because lowering taxes is anathema to them.

If you're at all open minded, take the time to read "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky. You will gain a lot of insight into what's been happening in this country since the 60s. Alinsky isn't a radical Right winger. He was the mentor of Obama and Hillary. It will open your eyes, if they're still able to be opened.
You know, I was with you until you started trying to categorize me as something I'm not.

If you can be objective, you will see as much or more hypocrisy on the Left. FYI, I stopped going to church, because I got fed up with the hypocrisy, so I'm aware of some of the things you may have felt.

I suggest that you take a look at history. JFK was considered a Liberal Democrat, when he became President. Today, he would be considered Moderate to Conservative. Take your blinders off, the Dems are trying to drag this country hard Left and they keep throwing out the strawmen of the radical Right wing nutjobs. They paint the Tea party as being an offshoot of the Nazi Party, but they're just a bunch of normal people, who are fed up with high taxes and taxation without representation (hence the name). They get demonized by the Left, because lowering taxes is anathema to them.

If you're at all open minded, take the time to read "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky. You will gain a lot of insight into what's been happening in this country since the 60s. Alinsky isn't a radical Right winger. He was the mentor of Obama and Hillary. It will open your eyes, if they're still able to be opened.
I'm plenty objective. I see all kinds of hypocrisy on both sides which is why I won't vote for Hillary (along with trust issues).

I classify you as what I see you as, just like you think I'm a liberal because I happen to be to your left. I am probably about as center as it comes.
I'm plenty objective. I see all kinds of hypocrisy on both sides which is why I won't vote for Hillary (along with trust issues).

I classify you as what I see you as, just like you think I'm a liberal because I happen to be to your left. I am probably about as center as it comes.

Nope, I decided that you were a Liberal, because the only people that you took exception to, were the few relatively conservative people on the board. Even when some of their comments were fairly innocuous. I didn't see you object to anything that any of the Liberals said, no matter how ridiculous their comments were. That doesn't indicate the center. Just an observation.
Nope, I decided that you were a Liberal, because the only people that you took exception to, were the few relatively conservative people on the board. Even when some of their comments were fairly innocuous. I didn't see you object to anything that any of the Liberals said, no matter how ridiculous their comments were. That doesn't indicate the center. Just an observation.
I take exception to the few VERY conservative people on the board and anyone who is touting Donald Trump. Honestly, I've found the liberals easier to deal with and talk to this go-round because none of them were Sanders supporters. The other thing I'd point out is that this board has basically become "How many silly attacks on Hillary can we post in one day?"

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