Originally posted by BigE23:
Originally posted by lbodel:
And what media source do you trust? Fox News? They never have been caught lying and making things up!
They are the MOST credible of the options available and NBC is probably the least. The fact that FOX keeps taking more market share from the rest, should tell you something. People want to get their news from trustworthy sources, and although it may bend your ideological nose out of joint, it is perceived to be the most reliable of the sources available, by a large margin.
FYI, if FOX reports something, that is counter to your left wing beliefs, it doesn't make it a lie. If FOX reports something you haven't heard about on the mainstream media, doesn't mean they made it up. The msm has notoriously failed to report, or underreported many stories, that put the Dems in a bad light. They provide cover for their own.
If the Libs were half as smart as they think they are, they would watch both msm news AND FOX. That way you get both sides of the issues and you'll probably become aware of a lot of things, that aren't getting reported by the msm.