More Govt official's election interference

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
The FBI @ it again posting crime is way down under Biden to make Biden look good. Below you see ABC news with an article promo of the corrupt crime numbers.

Trouble is the FBI numbers don't include crime in major cities.....where crime is rampant. Additionally, alot of crime goes unreported like the Hamas rioters.

That would be like reporting Indiana crime without Indianapolis numbers.

Next we have the head of the DOJ that won't release the tapes of a Biden interview to Congress. These tapes belong to the American people, and have been properly requested by Congress. He doesn't want the tapes out as they paint Biden in a bad light. The the tapes aren't his, they are the peoples.

Just 2 more of the many reasons to get rid of corruption of the agency class. Just corrupt deep state trying to influence the election.

Hope late January 2025 alot of pink slips are issued. You're Fired!

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Uh...what? Anything to back this up?

Common knowledge. I suppose this isn't common knowledge if you only listen to lib media.

Anyway, reported on WIBC.
But if you want print....

WIBC said there are like 44 major cities who don't report or report incorrectly to the FBI.
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Common knowledge. I suppose this isn't common knowledge if you only listen to lib media.

Anyway, reported on WIBC.
But if you want print....

WIBC said there are like 44 major cities who don't report or report incorrectly to the FBI.
I deleted my response as I found some truth in your claim; I was hasty and responded without investigating. But there are also lots of cities that do report properly, so I'm not sure it's fair to say "doesn't include crime in major cities." More accurately, some areas aren't included. That doesn't mean the numbers can't be compared to the previous year, if the same areas are included in the data. I'd have to look into it more in depth to see if that's the case.

But, whether or not they report to the FBI, individual city data is also available, so it's not as if someone couldn't check it out.

Aside from all of that, even with the recent crime spike, which seems to be mitigating over last 2-3 years, and whatever localized fluctuations upward there may be in certain places, any characterization of "rampant" or "record" crime is so far from the truth it's not really worth entertaining. Nationwide, crime is nowhere close to where it was in the 80s and 90s.
Crime spiked during trump’s final year in office. Funny you guys never talk about that.

What’s not election interference with you people anymore. Has nothing to do with the election.

Congress has the transcripts of what Biden said. Since they want the tapes it shows they are not looking for any facts that are on them.

They belong to the American people? The classified material the CIA has on Iran belong to us. The Abrams tanks belong to us too. I demand they park one in my front yard………and leave the classified material in there too.
Crime spiked during trump’s final year in office. Funny you guys never talk about that.

What’s not election interference with you people anymore. Has nothing to do with the election.

Congress has the transcripts of what Biden said. Since they want the tapes it shows they are not looking for any facts that are on them.

They belong to the American people? The classified material the CIA has on Iran belong to us. The Abrams tanks belong to us too. I demand they park one in my front yard………and leave the classified material in there too.
Let’s talk about when Trump was 43 in 1990 crime was real high. It’s true look it up.
Let’s talk about when Trump was 43 in 1990 crime was real high.
Wtf are you talking about? You mean three whole years ago doesn’t matter? We don’t get to compare the records of the two presidential candidates? Is that election interference too? You upset one of your favorite narratives to repeat isn’t true?
Sure, let's do. Do you think Biden's open border policies have caused human trafficking and drug smuggling to go up or down during his term?
It’s not an open border and yes his policies and lack of new laws by congress has caused those problems to get worse.

If you want to change the subject I can ask if you think trumps Covid policies caused unemployment and supply chain issues which contributed to inflation. Did his economic policies cause the debt to increase by 8 trillion dollars?
Crime spiked during trump’s final year in office. Funny you guys never talk about that.

What’s not election interference with you people anymore. Has nothing to do with the election.

Congress has the transcripts of what Biden said. Since they want the tapes it shows they are not looking for any facts that are on them.

They belong to the American people? The classified material the CIA has on Iran belong to us. The Abrams tanks belong to us too. I demand they park one in my front yard………and leave the classified material in there too.
The tapes should be released for one reason.
The Special Counsel investigating the Biden Classified Documents Case, which they determined the documents were obtained and held illegally, stated in summary, Biden was to incompetent to stand trial.
The public should be allowed full access to the tapes to make their own determination if he is also to incompetent to be POTUS.
Don't you think?
The tapes should be released for one reason.
The Special Counsel investigating the Biden Classified Documents Case, which they determined the documents were obtained and held illegally, stated in summary, Biden was to incompetent to stand trial.
The public should be allowed full access to the tapes to make their own determination if he is also to incompetent to be POTUS.
Don't you think?
You get your news from Facebook?

Give me the quote from Hur that says Biden is too incompetent to stand trial.

Even if Hur said that, which he didn’t, does he have the authority or the expertise to make that determination?
You get your news from Facebook?

Give me the quote from Hur that says Biden is too incompetent to stand trial.

Even if Hur said that, which he didn’t, does he have the authority or the expertise to make that determination?
I didn't say he said it, I didn't say it was in the report, I said the summary of the report reflected that determination.
I didn't say he said it, I didn't say it was in the report, I said the summary of the report reflected that determination.
Ok. Well saying “It reflected that determination “ is not the same as saying Biden was too incompetent to stand trial……as you said was “stated in the summary”. We can play word games all you want but the report doesn’t say he is too incompetent to stand trial nor is it up to a lawyer to determine that.
Ok. Well saying “It reflected that determination “ is not the same as saying Biden was too incompetent to stand trial……as you said was “stated in the summary”. We can play word games all you want but the report doesn’t say he is too incompetent to stand trial nor is it up to a lawyer to determine that.
Here is some evidence from earlier this week.

It’s not an open border and yes his policies and lack of new laws by congress has caused those problems to get worse.
Those problems involve crime, which was the topic. An open border is one that anybody can cross if they really want to, with little fear they will be tracked down and removed once they make it to sanctuary cities run by idiot dems. That is the open border we have. How do you define it?
If you want to change the subject I can ask if you think trumps Covid policies caused unemployment and supply chain issues which contributed to inflation. Did his economic policies cause the debt to increase by 8 trillion dollars?
Go ahead and ask, since I am sure you see no hope in trying to defend Crow's main policy on crime - which has been to let in any criminal and terrorist in the world who can make it to the southern border and on to a dem sanctuary city.
Those problems involve crime, which was the topic. An open border is one that anybody can cross if they really want to, with little fear they will be tracked down and removed once they make it to sanctuary cities run by idiot dems. That is the open border we have. How do you define it?

Go ahead and ask, since I am sure you see no hope in trying to defend Crow's main policy on crime - which has been to let in any criminal and terrorist in the world who can make it to the southern border and on to a dem sanctuary city.

“Main policy on crime” lol. Just move the discussion away from whatever you’re not comfortable talking about.

You jump in, take pieces out of posts and still change the topic.

Piss off. You’re not in charge here.
“Main policy on crime” lol. Just move the discussion away from whatever you’re not comfortable talking about.

You jump in, take pieces out of posts and still change the topic.

Piss off. You’re not in charge here.
Crow may not intend it as his main policy on crime, but it is. Do you think he has a different policy on crime?