This should create lots of safe spaces on campus.
Stupid black people amirite?This should create lots of safe spaces on campus.
Actually I fault the spineless president and chancellor. Why cave in to this childish nonsense? Both have resigned.Stupid black people amirite?
Actually I fault the spineless president and chancellor. Why cave in to this childish nonsense? Both have resigned.
When Mitch Daniels was presented with a list of "demands" from a group of black students, he made a joke about it. At the same time, the new Purdue Poly Tech High School in inner city Indy is the greatest outreach program that any university in the nation has ever made, so Mitch didn't have much to be defensive about.
And he said “Most people, and you I’m sure will be the same, respond far better with suggestions, recommendations or constructive proposals (rather) than what they are told are demands; just a modest suggestion.”You realize that Mitch met with that group, right?
And he said “Most people, and you I’m sure will be the same, respond far better with suggestions, recommendations or constructive proposals (rather) than what they are told are demands; just a modest suggestion.”
Instead of saying "...a joke..." I should have more accurately described Mitch's response as whimsical. But the core of the issue here is that these black campus activists are "lookin' for a fight" and will leave no stone unturned to find or fabricate any hint of racism (kinda like qaz) and thereby elevate themselves from victims of discrimination to champions of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Bogus racial discrimination is the McCarthyism of the new millennium.You seem to have confused humor with smug condescension.