Mercy rule


Nov 19, 2004
I would be ok with some sort of running clock in college football to reduce the risk of injury. Of course, tv and advertisers might not but I seriously think it would be better for the student athletes.
I would be ok with some sort of running clock in college football to reduce the risk of injury. Of course, tv and advertisers might not but I seriously think it would be better for the student athletes.
I’d have thrown in the towel at 21-0.

No heart.
I would be ok with some sort of running clock in college football to reduce the risk of injury. Of course, tv and advertisers might not but I seriously think it would be better for the student athletes.
This kids practice and work (and are now paid) to play four, fifteen- minute quarters…

Purdue doesn’t look like they’re trying anyway…
I would be ok with some sort of running clock in college football to reduce the risk of injury. Of course, tv and advertisers might not but I seriously think it would be better for the student athletes.
Well considering ND could have put 100 on this team if they wanted, we sorta got a mercy rule.

I fully expect there to be less and less people going to the games and will be shocked if we get more than 2 more wins. CRW is in over his head.
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That's self defeating. Walters should be canned and honestly everyone that had a hand in his hire be held accountable. You can't screw up a hire this bad.
I was suggesting that in jest....although they continue to do their best to convert me to believe it.

Bobinski was hired to correct the Hazell mistake. He got the no brainer hire in brohm correct but I believe the Walters hire was a big mistake and Bobinski should not be allowed to choose the next football coach, whenever that is, just as Burke lost that privilege by giving us Hazell.

There's a blue print for hiring successful football coaches at Purdue and neither Burke nor Bobinski were able to follow up their good hires with another. And that's why we are where we are. We know Hazell was a disaster and I'm not sure how much better Walters will end up looking when all is said and done.

Having said that, lets learn from the past. Next coach needs to be someone with extensive head coaching experience who has demonstrated a high level passing attack in his coaching career. Also they should have an eye for being able to find hidden gems in recruiting because we will never have the pockets most of our opponents have when it comes to acquiring talent.
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