Media .... no longer a free press.

Journalists aren't supposed to be influenced by how a President treats them. If they want to be political activists, they shouldn't pretend to be neutral journalists.

NBC said they were going to hall a town hall with Trump and voters. Guthrie asked 43 questions.....the audience asked 10. That isn't journalism, its political activism.
Media has always been liberal/left leaning. This is not new.

Most conservative/republicans have found a way to get their messages across without making it an all out war.

Trump has fed you 4+ years of whining about how they are all out to get him and he’s a victim. If you want to buy that ... it’s your right to do so.

I choose not to (and I’m a life long republican).
Journalists aren't supposed to be influenced by how a President treats them. If they want to be political activists, they shouldn't pretend to be neutral journalists.

NBC said they were going to hall a town hall with Trump and voters. Guthrie asked 43 questions.....the audience asked 10. That isn't journalism, its political activism.
Fox News would like MANY words with you.
Those are lies. He founded a venture capital company and investment company back in 2009. "No prospects". He already had business interests when he got out of the army.

He took advantage of his name. It's certainly swampy, but not influence peddling. That would require, at minimum, for Joe to have made an overt act to get Hunter hired at Burisma. Another lie.

There's no evidence Biden was bought by China.......let alone Russia? Link the evidence. For that matter, link the evidence that Hunter was bought by China. Trump says it over and over and you then accept it as fact.

But since you believe it, how can you attack it when Ivanka is tied to the Chinese up to her skirt? Why is Hunter bad but Ivanka good? What's the difference?

He was in the Navy, not the Army. The rest of it, just because you don't WANT to believe it, doesn't make it a lie. TDS
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What a CROCK. They are totally Left biased. They have had no trouble allowing any Left Wing conspiracy theories, like Russia Collusion from perpetuating on their sites, but they censor anything from the Right. They censored the NY Post article from even being discussed on twitter & Facebook. They are supposed to be objective conduits of information, unless it is harmful to nation security, but I don't believe that an article harmful to their candidate of choice should qualify under those criteria.

You are just so blinded by hate for Trump, it's amazing that you can even function. TDS
You manage to be completely wrong, but that’s not new.

What a CROCK. They are totally Left biased. They have had no trouble allowing any Left Wing conspiracy theories, like Russia Collusion from perpetuating on their sites, but they censor anything from the Right. They censored the NY Post article from even being discussed on twitter & Facebook. They are supposed to be objective conduits of information, unless it is harmful to nation security, but I don't believe that an article harmful to their candidate of choice should qualify under those criteria.

You are just so blinded by hate for Trump, it's amazing that you can even function. TDS
There has not been a president in my lifetime whose actions and words are as controversial, hateful, conspiratorial, questionable, and divisive as Trump. That demands attention and exposure. Only someone up trump's ass would think otherwise.

You people act like all his controversial actions and words should just be ignored. His lies ignored. His false accusations ignored. His flaunting of the law ignored. His indicted associates ignored. His love of dictators ignored. His ignorance ignored. His promotion of false conspiracies ignored. His conflicts of interest ignored. His demand for loyalty over qualifications ignored. On and on.

Infections are going up and yet we're rounding the corner. Ignore it.

There are reasons why he gets so much media attention. It's not because half the media is partial to the left. It's because of Trump himself.
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That's your fallback position when you have no answers...... Everytime.

No point in answering your delusions. When you arbitrarily decide to not believe things, just because you don't want to, it's pointless to have a discussion. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you to reason.
He did a 180 after his advisors told him it was monumentally stupid to call a halt to more Covid relief a few weeks before the election.

Great decision maker. Great policymaker. He says whatever pops into his head and then has to backtrack. That's what happens when you have no plan or policy.

You mean like Biden, who plagiarized Trump's Covid policy, when he told us what he would do, if he were President in June?

"Biden's been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 40 years." Quote by Robert Gates, Obama's Defense Secretary
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No point in answering your delusions. When you arbitrarily decide to not believe things, just because you don't want to, it's pointless to have a discussion. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you to reason.
Your first term president is likely to lose. I guess all the people like me have tds as well.

I don't believe you because you're a liar. You promote falsehoods every time you show up here. Then you run away for back up and repeat the same stuff. You could at least retreat to policy, like others here, and use that as an excuse to still support Trump. But you're all in, lies and all. If Trump lived next door to wouldn't have anything to do with him and you know it. But he's fine as your president.
You mean like Biden, who plagiarized Trump's Covid policy, when he told us what he would do, if he were President in June?

"Biden's been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 40 years." Quote by Robert Gates, Obama's Defense Secretary
No, I mean like the PRESIDENT, who did this last week.

Are you so afraid to be shown wrong that you have to deflect? Why do you people have to deflect to Biden everytime you have no answer?
You manage to be completely wrong, but that’s not new.

I'm not on Facebook, so what does "Top performing" even mean? I assume it has something to do with popularity, which makes sense, because the Conservative messages are usually more popular. It does not negate that Facebook censors a lot more Conservative content that they do Liberal content (which most thinking people don't care about).
There has not been a president in my lifetime whose actions and words are as controversial, hateful, conspiratorial, questionable, and divisive as Trump. That demands attention and exposure. Only someone up trump's ass would think otherwise.

You people act like all his controversial actions and words should just be ignored. His lies ignored. His false accusations ignored. His flaunting of the law ignored. His indicted associates ignored. His love of dictators ignored. His ignorance ignored. His promotion of false conspiracies ignored. His conflicts of interest ignored. His demand for loyalty over qualifications ignored. On and on.

Infections are going up and yet we're rounding the corner. Ignore it.

There are reasons why he gets so much media attention. It's not because half the media is partial to the left. It's because of Trump himself.

I've said many times that of the 17 candidates in 2016, Trump was about my 16th choice, so I have no delusions about Trump. I had no problem voting for Trump, because HRC is one of the most corrupt people on the planet. Despite your TDS, which will not allow you any level of objectivity, Trump did a good job in his first term. He accomplished a lot of good things, but you can't get past his personality to recognize that.

Liberals are all about symbolism, which is why you loved Obama and HATE Trump. Obama was photogenic, articulate and soft spoken. Trump is a bull in a China Shop in US politics, which I believe desperately needed to be shaken up. The establishment had us marching down the road to Globalism, where we were to take a position as citizens of the world. That is not the road we want to be on and Trump realized that and appealed to our Nationalism.

For some reason, people seem to be enthralled with the idea of being a part of the Global Community run by a World Government. Hint: the form of government that such an entity would employ is not something that Americans would enjoy. It would invariably be some form of
Totalitarian Government and we would lose a lot of the rights that we hold dear. The UK left the EU, because they grew tired of having to consult with Brussels about things that should have been national decisions.

Conservatives are more about substance, than they are about style. Trump provides lots of substance with an annoying style. I'll readily admit that he annoys the Hell out of me. I'm not a blind fan boy. I like his policies and the results he's getting have been good for the entire country. That's all I really care about.

It's funny that the Left blames Trump for all the division in the country. All you have to do is watch CNN or MSNBC for a little while and it's easy to see why we're so divided. That's all they do all day long is throw gas on any flame they can find. Everything Trump says or does is embellished and projected in the most negative light possible with all the emotion they can muster. Tell me how that brings us together?

Most of the rest of your rantings were TDS related, so I won't waste my time on them. I will say that although infections are up (more testing does that), hospitalizations & deaths are decreasing.

BTW, you're delusional, if you think half the media is Liberal. It's actually about 90%.
There has not been a president in my lifetime whose actions and words are as controversial, hateful, conspiratorial, questionable, and divisive as Trump. That demands attention and exposure. Only someone up trump's ass would think otherwise.

You people act like all his controversial actions and words should just be ignored. His lies ignored. His false accusations ignored. His flaunting of the law ignored. His indicted associates ignored. His love of dictators ignored. His ignorance ignored. His promotion of false conspiracies ignored. His conflicts of interest ignored. His demand for loyalty over qualifications ignored. On and on.

Infections are going up and yet we're rounding the corner. Ignore it.

There are reasons why he gets so much media attention. It's not because half the media is partial to the left. It's because of Trump himself.
There has not been in a time in our life where words have melted so many fragile people in our country. Different meanings for the same words years ago and now they have a racist overtone.
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Your first term president is likely to lose. I guess all the people like me have tds as well.

I don't believe you because you're a liar. You promote falsehoods every time you show up here. Then you run away for back up and repeat the same stuff. You could at least retreat to policy, like others here, and use that as an excuse to still support Trump. But you're all in, lies and all. If Trump lived next door to wouldn't have anything to do with him and you know it. But he's fine as your president.

Sorry, if I don't camp out on this site for 24/7 like you do. I pop in for a while, respond to a few posts and leave, which is what I do on KHC, as well. I have other things to do, besides dealing with your TDS.

In your mind, I'm a liar, because I tell you things you DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE. Sometimes, you have to pull your head from your rectum and see what the light of day looks like. You constantly bitch about Trump lying, but I don't recall you ever complaining about Obama's lies, which were much more substantial.
Indoctrinated and delusional. Great combination to go with your TDS.
I've said many times that of the 17 candidates in 2016, Trump was about my 16th choice, so I have no delusions about Trump. I had no problem voting for Trump, because HRC is one of the most corrupt people on the planet. Despite your TDS, which will not allow you any level of objectivity, Trump did a good job in his first term. He accomplished a lot of good things, but you can't get past his personality to recognize that.

Liberals are all about symbolism, which is why you loved Obama and HATE Trump. Obama was photogenic, articulate and soft spoken. Trump is a bull in a China Shop in US politics, which I believe desperately needed to be shaken up. The establishment had us marching down the road to Globalism, where we were to take a position as citizens of the world. That is not the road we want to be on and Trump realized that and appealed to our Nationalism.

For some reason, people seem to be enthralled with the idea of being a part of the Global Community run by a World Government. Hint: the form of government that such an entity would employ is not something that Americans would enjoy. It would invariably be some form of
Totalitarian Government and we would lose a lot of the rights that we hold dear. The UK left the EU, because they grew tired of having to consult with Brussels about things that should have been national decisions.

Conservatives are more about substance, than they are about style. Trump provides lots of substance with an annoying style. I'll readily admit that he annoys the Hell out of me. I'm not a blind fan boy. I like his policies and the results he's getting have been good for the entire country. That's all I really care about.

It's funny that the Left blames Trump for all the division in the country. All you have to do is watch CNN or MSNBC for a little while and it's easy to see why we're so divided. That's all they do all day long is throw gas on any flame they can find. Everything Trump says or does is embellished and projected in the most negative light possible with all the emotion they can muster. Tell me how that brings us together?

Most of the rest of your rantings were TDS related, so I won't waste my time on them. I will say that although infections are up (more testing does that), hospitalizations & deaths are decreasing.

BTW, you're delusional, if you think half the media is Liberal. It's actually about 90%.

Lol. I'll just give one example.

When Trump called Harris a monster following the debate with Pence, how was that embellished? You don't think that's devisive in the extreme? Does that make women and blacks want to come together with Trump or his supporters? What constituency is he targeting?

Lol. Trump needs no embellishment.......and you know that. Really?

But here's some projection for you. When Trump says he doesn't know anything about Q.........when there have been supporters at his rallies wearing Q shirts and carrying Q signs, and his own FBI director testified before congress and said Q was a threat to national security, and he's been asked about them several times does he still not know about them? My projection is he does know who they are but because he is a totally transactional person, he will not criticize ANYONE who likes him. If you don't agree, then explain how he doesnt know who they are. The only answers are he has a failing memory or he is going blind or he is not paying attention to domestic terror threats.
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Uhh Sean Hannity is the worst!! And guys like Rush Limbaugh are a danger to America! Places like CNN and NYT are the only places to get UNBIASED news. Especially George Stephanopoulos, he worked for Bill Clinton but he isn't one sided.
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No, I mean like the PRESIDENT, who did this last week.

Are you so afraid to be shown wrong that you have to deflect? Why do you people have to deflect to Biden everytime you have no answer?

Why do you refuse to look at Biden objectively and acknowledge what a mess he really is? You keep relentlessly attacking Trump and I doubt you've taken two seconds to consider the corrupt, empty suit that you want to replace him.

All you do is throw out the same tired rants about Trump in the vast majority of your posts. How many times must people answer your delusions, before it's enough? Get over your TDS and take an objective look at Biden/Harris and think about what putting them in office will mean.

They don't believe that the voters are entitled to know, if they plan to stack the Supreme Court. They were for fracking, before they were against fracking, before they were for fracking. They have also flip flopped on the Green New Deal. Pro 2nd Amendment, but they're going to confiscate assault weapons, however they define them this week. Do you really know where they stand on any issue or are they just telling each group what they think they want to hear?

Sometimes the Devil you know is significantly better than the incompetent, corrupt Devil that you want to replace him.
Lol. I'll just give one example.

When Trump called Harris a monster following the debate with Pence, how was that embellished? You don't think that's devisive in the extreme? Does that make women and blacks want to come together with Trump or his supporters? What constituency is he targeting?

Lol. Trump needs no embellishment.......and you know that. Really?

But here's some projection for you. When Trump says he doesn't know anything about Q.........when there have been supporters at his rallies wearing Q shirts and carrying Q signs, and his own FBI director testified before congress and said Q was a threat to national security, and he's been asked about them several times does he still not know about them? My projection is he does know who they are but because he is a totally transactional person, he will not criticize ANYONE who likes him. If you don't agree, then explain how he doesnt know who they are. The only answers are he has a failing memory or he is going blind or he is not paying attention to domestic terror threats.

Typical, Trump calls her a monster and in your mind it has to be a racist. sexist thing. It's just Trump being Trump. He doesn't discriminate based on race. sex or anything else. He's an equal opportunity name caller. Sorry, I'm not PC, so that just doesn't trigger me, like it apparently does you. Do I wish he would think before speaking or tweeting? Oh Hell yes, but he's a Billionaire that grew up around construction sites. He is what he is.

He's been good for the economy, the military. the VA, getting NATO nations to pay their dues, helping minorities and he's done a credible job handling the Pandemic, as well. The vast majority of the criticism he's received on the Pandemic is from the Dems & MSM (essentially the same thing), none of whom had a better plan in real time, than what Trump did. The criticism has just been a lot of sniping because it's an election year. Prime example: Governors Newsom, Cuomo and Murphy all gave Trump effusive praise for his handling of the Pandemic, until after they had flattened the curve. Then things went back to politics as usual, with Cuomo being the worst backstabber.

The whole Qanon thing seems to be the MSM finding some obscure Right Wing group to use as a gotcha to counterbalance Antifa and BLM. I have no more idea why Trump says what he says, than you do about why Biden says what he says.

Former Obama speechwriter asks question at Biden Town hall. At least ABC identified him as a Democrat.....unlike the Biden - NBC townhall where they called these types "undecided voters". (DWS)

Media fairness at its finest. How in the heck can you have a speechwriter from Obama/Biden administration pose as a regular voter in town hall?

Former Obama speechwriter asks question at Biden Town hall. At least ABC identified him as a Democrat.....unlike the Biden - NBC townhall where they called these types "undecided voters". (DWS)

Media fairness at its finest. How in the heck can you have a speechwriter from Obama/Biden administration pose as a regular voter in town hall?
Any comment on the Trump supporter in all the shots from trump's town hall last night nodding like a bobblehead and throwing the thumbs up? Don't pretend both peacocks aren't pruning their feathers.
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That demands attention and exposure. Only someone up trump's ass would think otherwise.

You people act like all his controversial actions and words should just be ignored. His lies ignored. His false accusations ignored. His flaunting of the law ignored. His indicted associates ignored. His love of dictators ignored. His ignorance ignored. His promotion of false conspiracies ignored. His conflicts of interest ignored. His demand for loyalty over qualifications ignored. On and on.

Infections are going up and yet we're rounding the corner. Ignore it.

There are reasons why he gets so much media attention. It's not because half the media is partial to the left. It's because of Trump himself.

There hasn’t been a President in your lifetime that has triggered the level of vitriol from the left and MSM as Trump. What would you expect his response to be. His base thinks his response to the hate waged is warranted. Maybe if the press had less hate, maybe Trump would have less. But MSM has their agenda and so it goes on.
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Any comment on the Trump supporter in all the shots from trump's town hall last night nodding like a bobblehead and throwing the thumbs up? Don't pretend both peacocks aren't pruning their feathers.
A Trump supporter got into the audience last night, I am sure an NBC security guard will likely lose his job for that crime.(dws). In order to be comparable Guthrie would've had to call on her to ask a question, and tell the tv audience that she was an "undecided voter". That's what NBC did in the Lester Holt- Biden Town hall.
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Uhh Sean Hannity is the worst!! And guys like Rush Limbaugh are a danger to America! Places like CNN and NYT are the only places to get UNBIASED news. Especially George Stephanopoulos, he worked for Bill Clinton but he isn't one sided.
I agree Hannity is extremely biased. He's one I never watch, but CNN and NYT are unbiased? Umm... WHAT are you smoking?!
Lol at the faux pearl clutching because he was asked legitimate questions that he couldn’t answer and because it wasn’t Fox News , who would cradle his nuts on live tv. Y’all are so used to him just lashing out for no reason that it’s jarring to see someone like Biden answer questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. Your brains have become so rotted with this idea that everyone is out to get trump when all people are trying to do is get him to answer a damned question.

Does it not strike you as odd at all that she has to ask why he’s retweeting qanon conspiracy theories and then he claims he doesn’t know anything about qanon and THEN in the same breath says he knows they’re against pedophilia? That’s totally normal to you and doesn’t necessitate any follow up? You guys, come on.
WTF are you talking about? The first debate was with a Fox person, and I definitely wouldn't say he "cradled his nuts on live TV".
I've said many times that of the 17 candidates in 2016, Trump was about my 16th choice, so I have no delusions about Trump. I had no problem voting for Trump, because HRC is one of the most corrupt people on the planet. Despite your TDS, which will not allow you any level of objectivity, Trump did a good job in his first term. He accomplished a lot of good things, but you can't get past his personality to recognize that.

Liberals are all about symbolism, which is why you loved Obama and HATE Trump. Obama was photogenic, articulate and soft spoken. Trump is a bull in a China Shop in US politics, which I believe desperately needed to be shaken up. The establishment had us marching down the road to Globalism, where we were to take a position as citizens of the world. That is not the road we want to be on and Trump realized that and appealed to our Nationalism.

For some reason, people seem to be enthralled with the idea of being a part of the Global Community run by a World Government. Hint: the form of government that such an entity would employ is not something that Americans would enjoy. It would invariably be some form of
Totalitarian Government and we would lose a lot of the rights that we hold dear. The UK left the EU, because they grew tired of having to consult with Brussels about things that should have been national decisions.

Conservatives are more about substance, than they are about style. Trump provides lots of substance with an annoying style. I'll readily admit that he annoys the Hell out of me. I'm not a blind fan boy. I like his policies and the results he's getting have been good for the entire country. That's all I really care about.

It's funny that the Left blames Trump for all the division in the country. All you have to do is watch CNN or MSNBC for a little while and it's easy to see why we're so divided. That's all they do all day long is throw gas on any flame they can find. Everything Trump says or does is embellished and projected in the most negative light possible with all the emotion they can muster. Tell me how that brings us together?

Most of the rest of your rantings were TDS related, so I won't waste my time on them. I will say that although infections are up (more testing does that), hospitalizations & deaths are decreasing.

BTW, you're delusional, if you think half the media is Liberal. It's actually about 90%.
Great commentary! Well done. Problem is Indy, BBob, etc aren’t capable of reading the complete article. It’s more than 30 words. Have you watched the Social Dilemma yet? Anyone still having a FB, Twitter, or Google account should see it two or three times.
There has not been a president in my lifetime whose actions and words are as controversial, hateful, conspiratorial, questionable, and divisive as Trump. That demands attention and exposure. Only someone up trump's ass would think otherwise.

You people act like all his controversial actions and words should just be ignored. His lies ignored. His false accusations ignored. His flaunting of the law ignored. His indicted associates ignored. His love of dictators ignored. His ignorance ignored. His promotion of false conspiracies ignored. His conflicts of interest ignored. His demand for loyalty over qualifications ignored. On and on.

Infections are going up and yet we're rounding the corner. Ignore it.

There are reasons why he gets so much media attention. It's not because half the media is partial to the left. It's because of Trump himself.
"It's not because half the media is partial to the left. " ??

Wherever did you get that stat, Bob? Are you another lib on this board getting 'data' from internet memes?

Can you back it up, because the stats I have heard are substantially different - for example:

I've said many times that of the 17 candidates in 2016, Trump was about my 16th choice, so I have no delusions about Trump. I had no problem voting for Trump, because HRC is one of the most corrupt people on the planet. Despite your TDS, which will not allow you any level of objectivity, Trump did a good job in his first term. He accomplished a lot of good things, but you can't get past his personality to recognize that.

Liberals are all about symbolism, which is why you loved Obama and HATE Trump. Obama was photogenic, articulate and soft spoken. Trump is a bull in a China Shop in US politics, which I believe desperately needed to be shaken up. The establishment had us marching down the road to Globalism, where we were to take a position as citizens of the world. That is not the road we want to be on and Trump realized that and appealed to our Nationalism.

For some reason, people seem to be enthralled with the idea of being a part of the Global Community run by a World Government. Hint: the form of government that such an entity would employ is not something that Americans would enjoy. It would invariably be some form of
Totalitarian Government and we would lose a lot of the rights that we hold dear. The UK left the EU, because they grew tired of having to consult with Brussels about things that should have been national decisions.

Conservatives are more about substance, than they are about style. Trump provides lots of substance with an annoying style. I'll readily admit that he annoys the Hell out of me. I'm not a blind fan boy. I like his policies and the results he's getting have been good for the entire country. That's all I really care about.

It's funny that the Left blames Trump for all the division in the country. All you have to do is watch CNN or MSNBC for a little while and it's easy to see why we're so divided. That's all they do all day long is throw gas on any flame they can find. Everything Trump says or does is embellished and projected in the most negative light possible with all the emotion they can muster. Tell me how that brings us together?

Most of the rest of your rantings were TDS related, so I won't waste my time on them. I will say that although infections are up (more testing does that), hospitalizations & deaths are decreasing.

BTW, you're delusional, if you think half the media is Liberal. It's actually about 90%.
Very very well said!
I've said many times that of the 17 candidates in 2016, Trump was about my 16th choice, so I have no delusions about Trump. I had no problem voting for Trump, because HRC is one of the most corrupt people on the planet. Despite your TDS, which will not allow you any level of objectivity, Trump did a good job in his first term. He accomplished a lot of good things, but you can't get past his personality to recognize that.

Liberals are all about symbolism, which is why you loved Obama and HATE Trump. Obama was photogenic, articulate and soft spoken. Trump is a bull in a China Shop in US politics, which I believe desperately needed to be shaken up. The establishment had us marching down the road to Globalism, where we were to take a position as citizens of the world. That is not the road we want to be on and Trump realized that and appealed to our Nationalism.

For some reason, people seem to be enthralled with the idea of being a part of the Global Community run by a World Government. Hint: the form of government that such an entity would employ is not something that Americans would enjoy. It would invariably be some form of
Totalitarian Government and we would lose a lot of the rights that we hold dear. The UK left the EU, because they grew tired of having to consult with Brussels about things that should have been national decisions.

Conservatives are more about substance, than they are about style. Trump provides lots of substance with an annoying style. I'll readily admit that he annoys the Hell out of me. I'm not a blind fan boy. I like his policies and the results he's getting have been good for the entire country. That's all I really care about.

It's funny that the Left blames Trump for all the division in the country. All you have to do is watch CNN or MSNBC for a little while and it's easy to see why we're so divided. That's all they do all day long is throw gas on any flame they can find. Everything Trump says or does is embellished and projected in the most negative light possible with all the emotion they can muster. Tell me how that brings us together?

Most of the rest of your rantings were TDS related, so I won't waste my time on them. I will say that although infections are up (more testing does that), hospitalizations & deaths are decreasing.

BTW, you're delusional, if you think half the media is Liberal. It's actually about 90%.
I think i can summarize in a lot less words ...

You like a lot of Trump’s policies and you will live with the crazy shit that comes with Trump.

It’s your right to do so ... but it’s also other people’s right to say that’s too much cra cra and I’d like a president who actually acts like a president.
I think i can summarize in a lot less words ...

You like a lot of Trump’s policies and you will live with the crazy shit that comes with Trump.

It’s your right to do so ... but it’s also other people’s right to say that’s too much cra cra and I’d like a president who actually acts like a president.
Like it was said before. Republicans care about what you do, not what you say. What you do matters more. Dems seem to care more about saying the right things vs doing the right things.
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Like it was said before. Republicans care about what you do, not what you say. What you do matters more. Dems seem to care more about saying the right things vs doing the right things.
As a Republican i would love to agree with you ... but who are we kidding. Pretty much all politicians will say or do whatever they can to get elected. They are two sides of the same coin.
Like it was said before. Republicans care about what you do, not what you say. What you do matters more. Dems seem to care more about saying the right things vs doing the right things.
Are we allowed to dislike him for what he does, or has he only done objectively the right things? Sure, many don’t like the way he carries himself, but I’m hearing very strongly, a lot of people are saying, that they don’t like what he’s done, either.
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There hasn’t been a President in your lifetime that has triggered the level of vitriol from the left and MSM as Trump. What would you expect his response to be. His base thinks his response to the hate waged is warranted. Maybe if the press had less hate, maybe Trump would have less. But MSM has their agenda and so it goes on.
Lol. His response to ANY criticism is to attack and play the victim. It doesn't matter who it comes from. Have you noticed him railing against......of all entities, FOX NEWS in the last several months when they simply post a poll that shows he is down? Ben Sasse is just the latest pub he has gone after.

What that proves is that unless the media, or anybody else, kisses his ass and says only good things about them, he will go after them.

In a perfect world, all media would report the facts and be non partisan. Guess what spanky ..........., in that world Trump would STILL hate the media. They would be reporting FACTS he doesn't agree with and fact checking his lies and pointing out his mistakes. If anybody doesn't agree with the world according to Trump, they are to be vilified.
How’s Joe handling the Hunter situation? Attack and play the victim (it’s a smear campaign). Have you noticed him railing against......of all entities, CBS News? The same group that runs 60 Minutes and their continuous liberal infomercials ..........
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As a Republican i would love to agree with you ... but who are we kidding. Pretty much all politicians will say or do whatever they can to get elected. They are two sides of the same coin.
Very subtle and clever on your part, but you just agreed with 03, right?
Why did Trump choose NBC for this thing ... could have easily gone to Fox and had a friendlier setup?

Also, you can’t tweet something like this before the session and then complain they were mean to you.
all according to the trump team plan.

it allows them to continue the storyline of us vs them/media*

[media: excluding fox/oan/sinclair/rush/savage/etc etc]
Very subtle and clever on your part, but you just agreed with 03, right?
Meet the press Chuck Todd on addressing the Hunter e mails.
How soon will the FBI investigate this propaganda spread by the Russian disinformation hoax against the Biden campaign.
You can’t make this shut up.
And the next moderator is, Kristen Walker.
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all according to the trump team plan.

it allows them to continue the storyline of us vs them/media*

[media: excluding fox/oan/sinclair/rush/savage/etc etc]
Trump is not afraid of interviews by any news org, fake or otherwise.

Despite his Cornpop rep, Joe is afraid of Fox, obviously, but is ok with a profane, women-denigrating rap singer who would disgust parents of teens (and any other decent people) if they knew about her.
and the response was that is why team trump chose nbc vs say fox. it helps continue that storyline.
You think it is a fake storyline? You must have see the same stat as Bob, the one about half the media being partial to the left.

Since Bob hasn't found it yet, can you link to it?