Left slams Chiefs kicker who had the audacity to honor Homemakers, his wife and traditional Christian values

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
The self hating left is @ it again. Harrison Butler, Chiefs kicker gave a commencement faith based speech honoring his wife and her vocation as a homemaker.

He as a Catholic stood up for the Bible and stood for Biblical values when talking to his Catholic college.

Imagine that! A Catholic talking to Catholics promoting the Bible. Who would have thunk?

The left goes nuts, and the cowardly NFL tries to distance itself from him. Guess they are too busy dealing with the wife beaters, DUIs and outright criminals in the NFL. Does not distance themselves from any of them.....but a Catholic, ohhh the horror!

Meanwhile on the top selling jersey since the speech....#7 Harrison Butler. Lol. The NFL doesn't understand it's base.....never has.

More on this from the leftist NPR ..
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He has the right to his views and others have the right to disagree and say so publicly.

You know, some people don’t like a man standing up and telling women they should stay and home and have babies.
Sure, he “honored his wife”. He also said that the women getting their degrees are probably more exited about being a wife and having kids.

You can agree with him all you want………and people who disagree should just stfu. That about cover it?

Shouldn’t you be turning the other cheek? Read that somewhere.
The self hating left is @ it again. Harrison Butler, Chiefs kicker gave a commencement faith based speech honoring his wife and her vocation as a homemaker.

He as a Catholic stood up for the Bible and stood for Biblical values when talking to his Catholic college.

Imagine that! A Catholic talking to Catholics promoting the Bible. Who would have thunk?

The left goes nuts, and the cowardly NFL tries to distance itself from him. Guess they are too busy dealing with the wife beaters, DUIs and outright criminals in the NFL. Does not distance themselves from any of them.....but a Catholic, ohhh the horror!

Meanwhile on the top selling jersey since the speech....#7 Harrison Butler. Lol. The NFL doesn't understand it's base.....never has.

More on this from the leftist NPR ..
The NFL is too busy trying to eradicate racism and make sure they have all the DEI talking points in place.
He has the right to his views and others have the right to disagree and say so publicly.

You know, some people don’t like a man standing up and telling women they should stay and home and have babies.
Sure, he “honored his wife”. He also said that the women getting their degrees are probably more exited about being a wife and having kids.

You can agree with him all you want………and people who disagree should just stfu. That about cover it?

Shouldn’t you be turning the other cheek? Read that somewhere.
No....lefty libs should just STFU in general.
To me, this is a “gotcha” moment. Butker is a Catholic invited to a small Catholic liberal arts college to deliver a commencement address to a predominantly Catholic audience. He wasn’t addressing “the women of the world.” He was, in essence, “preaching to the choir.” He didn’t publicize his speech. Someone else did to create a controversy. Moreover, taken in context, he was urging the graduates to live their Catholic faith in the world. Don’t call yourself Catholic and support ideologies in opposition to your faith. The point about women was don’t believe it when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home. And, he related this to his wife’s experience.
Finally, even Whoopi Goldberg had the sense to recognize the setting and that everyone in attendance was free to agree or disagree with his advice.
To me, this is a “gotcha” moment. Butker is a Catholic invited to a small Catholic liberal arts college to deliver a commencement address to a predominantly Catholic audience. He wasn’t addressing “the women of the world.” He was, in essence, “preaching to the choir.” He didn’t publicize his speech. Someone else did to create a controversy. Moreover, taken in context, he was urging the graduates to live their Catholic faith in the world. Don’t call yourself Catholic and support ideologies in opposition to your faith. The point about women was don’t believe it when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home. And, he related this to his wife’s experience.
Finally, even Whoopi Goldberg had the sense to recognize the setting and that everyone in attendance was free to agree or disagree with his advice.

Well put.
To me, this is a “gotcha” moment. Butker is a Catholic invited to a small Catholic liberal arts college to deliver a commencement address to a predominantly Catholic audience. He wasn’t addressing “the women of the world.” He was, in essence, “preaching to the choir.” He didn’t publicize his speech. Someone else did to create a controversy. Moreover, taken in context, he was urging the graduates to live their Catholic faith in the world. Don’t call yourself Catholic and support ideologies in opposition to your faith. The point about women was don’t believe it when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home. And, he related this to his wife’s experience.
Finally, even Whoopi Goldberg had the sense to recognize the setting and that everyone in attendance was free to agree or disagree with his advice.
“when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home.”

Is this happening? Or is this how society is changing as it relates to how women live their lives? I don’t know how the “world tells” women what you claim. Harrison is telling them something too, it’s just very different.

I’m sure Harrison is a good husband and father. His wife depends on him for all things that cost money. What about the men that aren’t……..the ones that divorce their wives? What does she do now…….. get a job at Target and depend on child support? Divorce rates have been coming down since the 80s, a good thing, but it was a significant reason women went out into the work force and started getting an education. To be CLEAR, before the nitpickers come out, not all husbands are responsible for divorce.

In Harrison’s world, women are dependent on their husbands financially. History has shown that doesn’t always work out well for the woman. Not every family is like the Cleavers.
“when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home.”

Is this happening? Or is this how society is changing as it relates to how women live their lives? I don’t know how the “world tells” women what you claim. Harrison is telling them something too, it’s just very different.

I’m sure Harrison is a good husband and father. His wife depends on him for all things that cost money. What about the men that aren’t……..the ones that divorce their wives? What does she do now…….. get a job at Target and depend on child support? Divorce rates have been coming down since the 80s, a good thing, but it was a significant reason women went out into the work force and started getting an education. To be CLEAR, before the nitpickers come out, not all husbands are responsible for divorce.

In Harrison’s world, women are dependent on their husbands financially. History has shown that doesn’t always work out well for the woman. Not every family is like the Cleavers.
Bob, can you define a woman?
The self hating left is @ it again. Harrison Butler, Chiefs kicker gave a commencement faith based speech honoring his wife and her vocation as a homemaker.

He as a Catholic stood up for the Bible and stood for Biblical values when talking to his Catholic college.

Imagine that! A Catholic talking to Catholics promoting the Bible. Who would have thunk?

The left goes nuts, and the cowardly NFL tries to distance itself from him. Guess they are too busy dealing with the wife beaters, DUIs and outright criminals in the NFL. Does not distance themselves from any of them.....but a Catholic, ohhh the horror!

Meanwhile on the top selling jersey since the speech....#7 Harrison Butler. Lol. The NFL doesn't understand it's base.....never has.

More on this from the leftist NPR ..
As someone who has both right and left leaning views (Joe Rogan nuanced politics, imagine that) is baffles the mind. Religious person gives religious speech at religious event. Simple as that. People need to just mind their own business. I am sick of both sides and their identity politics.
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“when the world tells you that your worth depends on bringing home a paycheck and being successful in a career outside the home.”

Is this happening? Or is this how society is changing as it relates to how women live their lives? I don’t know how the “world tells” women what you claim. Harrison is telling them something too, it’s just very different.

I’m sure Harrison is a good husband and father. His wife depends on him for all things that cost money. What about the men that aren’t……..the ones that divorce their wives? What does she do now…….. get a job at Target and depend on child support? Divorce rates have been coming down since the 80s, a good thing, but it was a significant reason women went out into the work force and started getting an education. To be CLEAR, before the nitpickers come out, not all husbands are responsible for divorce.

In Harrison’s world, women are dependent on their husbands financially. History has shown that doesn’t always work out well for the woman. Not every family is like the Cleavers.
He didn’t tell anyone they had to be a stay at home mom. He said don’t let anyone convince you that homemakers aren’t major contributors to society and that the job is both important and fulfilling. And, remember, he was speaking to college graduates, not every woman in the world. Which every one of his critics seems to ignore so they can be outraged and offended at a Catholic Christian standing up for his faith.
He didn’t tell anyone they had to be a stay at home mom. He said don’t let anyone convince you that homemakers aren’t major contributors to society and that the job is both important and fulfilling. And, remember, he was speaking to college graduates, not every woman in the world. Which every one of his critics seems to ignore so they can be outraged and offended at a Catholic Christian standing up for his faith.
Of course he didn’t. That would be stupid.

You seem to be taking liberties with the content of his speech. He said” I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.” You don’t have to get married and have kids if you don’t want to. You can have your own career. Diabolical.

You mean he didn’t intend his words to be heard by anyone else? He only thinks his speech should apply to the graduating women in attendance, not women in general? Lol. He’s telling you how he thinks the world should work. He has the right to feel that way……..but don’t act like it’s not his preferred arrangement. Come on.

I see you’ve adopted the victim mentality too. It’s not about a catholic nan standing up for what he believes. He can do that whenever he wants. But if he’s gonna say women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, he should expect some pushback, as should you.

I noticed you completely ignored any discussion about divorced women. I guess it doesn’t work too well with your vision of how things should be. It’s not 1960 anymore.
Of course he didn’t. That would be stupid.

You seem to be taking liberties with the content of his speech. He said” I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.” You don’t have to get married and have kids if you don’t want to. You can have your own career. Diabolical.

You mean he didn’t intend his words to be heard by anyone else? He only thinks his speech should apply to the graduating women in attendance, not women in general? Lol. He’s telling you how he thinks the world should work. He has the right to feel that way……..but don’t act like it’s not his preferred arrangement. Come on.

I see you’ve adopted the victim mentality too. It’s not about a catholic nan standing up for what he believes. He can do that whenever he wants. But if he’s gonna say women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, he should expect some pushback, as should you.

I noticed you completely ignored any discussion about divorced women. I guess it doesn’t work too well with your vision of how things should be. It’s not 1960 anymore.
If you are a commencement speaker at a small, Catholic, liberal arts college in Atchison, KS with a graduating class of under 500 students, no, I don’t think you expect the AP to be in attendance. As for a single woman, single mom, divorced woman or divorced mom, I feel confident that he wasn’t suggesting they resort to begging on street corners. Context matters…it’s not a difficult concept.
No, I don’t GAF about this particular issue. None of my business. Though I do question the motivations of those are obsessed with it and panicked by it, like you.

Slow Friday?
It’s hilarious that you refuse to cross the lefty lib line in the sand and say that you can define a woman.

I suppose it’s the same with Israel? You won’t say you support them either ?
It’s hilarious that you refuse to cross the lefty lib line in the sand and say that you can define a woman.

I suppose it’s the same with Israel? You won’t say you support them either ?
When did I say I don’t support Israel? Why do you people make this shit up?

I have said it before. Bookmark this do I don’t have to keep saying it. I unequivocally support Israel and it’s right to defend it self and retaliate against the terrorists who seek to destroy it.

I don’t support murdering thousands of civilians by making Gaza a parking lot and setting the Middle East on fire…… you do.

I don’t support the Bibi’s policy of continuing to build settlements while refusing to seek a two state solution. Terrorist groups like Hamas will NEVER go away until there is a peace plan accepted by the Arab states. Only by the Arab states withdrawing support of the terrorists will they be defeated.

You suppositions suck.
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