Keady and Knight Article

Years ago, Knight said "when I die, I hope that they bury me face down so that my critics can kiss my ass [sic]".

I bet not one IU fan figured that it could ultimately be for them.
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I was wondering why that hadn't been posted yet. I saw it on Sunday at breakfast and expected it to be up here, or that other Rivals site, by the time I got home. I just saw it by happenstance as I don't pay to read Doyle / IU Star anymore. I guess most of us don't.

Very ironic article and B.K. is one bitter dude.
It bothers me that Knight hates iu fans more than I do...

[edit]I need to up my game
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Nice article. Obviously, both Knight and IU have burned bridges. It happens, and I guess I don't think less of IU or Knight individually because of it. However, I do think the university should have treated Knight with more respect and could have handled the issues with far more dicresioin and with far more respect for their coach. If you think about it, it is a sad way to end for both the man who won those championships, and the university he worked for.

If you remember the 70s when he Knight had those great IU teams, he would yank his players by the jerseys and publicly berate them. He threw a chair against us. He got away with it then because he won. IU fans then looked past his behavior in order to win. Then came a new President at IU and the start of political correctness (not called it then) started to set in. Knight could no longer be the campus bully and get away with it. He wanted politics out of the game but couldn't prevent it. Yeah, he's bitter.
I played under Coach Knight when he ran a basketball camp. He was the coach of Army back then and his team captain assisted him. I never could pronounce his name, but I am sure you all know him as Coach K. Another assistant was the PG for St. Bonaventure and his best friend came to watch. I had lunch with Bob Lanier.

You are right, Coach Knight was about honor, discipline, respect for others and passion. This is what Keady, Knight and what a good College Coach needs to teach. They say Paterno hated being called Coach and liked the term teacher better. This is why I love Purdue Basketball win or lose. We all need to realize the character of the kids we have on the team. While I do occasionally get frustrated with Coach Painter, I do very much appreciate that he is developing kids on and off the court.
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Knight is a hard guy to know what he will do , seems like his temper and the idea what he wanted to happen over rode logic , like the choking incident on the player. I am not a Knight fan.
I have met coach Knight and he is a great man.

Yes it sucked he was at IU and we all hate everything IU......

But as a man, he is a great person to take the time and talk to.....much like Gene Keady....once you get past the mean brow.....they are amazing men as well as coaches.

I am a fan of BK, GK and MP...all good coaches and developers of young men.

Boiler Up!
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The truth is he's a genius but a PR disaster.

It's also true that he had a horrible temper and no way I'd want him representing my university.

And if he was your coach, you'd have to decide how much BS is worth those wins.

But I like him doing play by play. And the enemy of an enemy is a friend, right?
It is not truth, if you did not know him or play for him. It is your opinion.
If you did not know him or play for him but experienced one of his bullying, temper tantrum tirades against an innocent desk clerk would you still call it opinion?
I don't like to judge others negatively, until I know the facts. From meeting Coach Knight, playing under him in a limited degree, and from what I read and heard about him I would support him fully, if Purdue ever hired him. There is the well known case where a former player transferred out and gave evidence that Knight was a bully towards him. There was another case where a student told everyone Knight bullied him and that is why Indiana fired him. In this case, the research showed this kid was being highly disrespectful to Coach Knight.

My favorite coaches in my lifetime were Joe Paterno at football and Coach Wooden at basketball. When reporters and the judicial system spent 3 years trying to find dirt on Joe, they found many players who hated him when they were players, but matured and grew to love him. They may have hated him, but I am confident Joe recruited more legacies than any other coach. The former players, who hated him, wanted their sons to play for Joe. I remember Beau Bridges thinking Coach Wooden was crazy as he spent a day on how to wear your socks and sneakers. Beau then quit the team. Bill Walton in a tribute told everyone how Coach Wooden spent the first practice explaining how to put on your sneakers and socks.

Why did Coach Knight bully that player? Why are most of Coach Knight's players so loyal to him?

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